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 what I did with the Vogels; but considered me useless as a patrol cop…I had earned the enmity of rank and file blues; and my presence in a uniformed division would only create grief。 Since my year of junior college showed straight A's in chemistry and math; he assigned me to the Scientific Investigation Detail as an evidence technician。
  The job was quasi…plainclothes…smocks in the lab and gray suits in the field。 I typed blood; dusted for latent prints and wrote ballistics reports; scraped ooze off the walls at crime scenes and examined it under a microscope; letting the Homicide dicks take it from there。 It was test tubes and beakers and clinical gore…an intimacy with death that I never became inured to; a constant reminder that I wasn't a detective; that I couldn't be trusted to follow up on my own findings。
  From various distances I followed the friends and enemies the Dahlia case had given me。
  Russ and Harry kept the El Nido file room intact; continuing to work overtime hours on the Short investigation。 I had a key to the door; but didn't use it…per my promise to Kay to bury 〃that dead girl。〃 Sometimes I met the padre for lunch and asked him how it was going; he always said; 〃Slowly;〃 and I knew that he would never find the killer and never quit trying。
  In June of '47; Ben Siegel was shot to death in his girlfriend's Beverly Hills living room。 Bill Koenig; assigned to 77th Street dicks after Fritz Vogel's suicide; caught a shotgun blast in the face on a Watts street corner early in '48。 Both killings went unsolved。 Ellis Loew was soundly trounced in the June '48 Republican primary; and I celebrated by cooking up beakers of moonshine on my Bunsen burner; getting everyone in the crime lab fried。
  The '48 general election brought me news of the Spragues。 A slate of reform Democrats were running for seats on the LA City Council and Board of Supervisors; 〃City Planning〃 their basic campaign theme。 They asserted that there were faultily designed; unsafe dwellings all over Los Angeles; and were calling for a grand jury probe on the contractors who built the structures back during the '20s real estate boom。 The scandal tabloids took up the hue and cry; running articles on the 〃boom barons〃…Mack Sennett and Emmett Sprague among them… and their 〃gangster ties。〃 Confidential magazine ran a series on Sennett's Hollywoodland tract and how the Hollywood Chamber of merce wanted to lop the L…A…N…D off the giant Hollywoodland sign on Mount Lee; and there were photographs of the Keystone Kops director standing beside a stocky man with a cute little girl in tow。 I couldn't quite tell if it was Emmett and Madeleine; but I clipped the pictures anyway。
  My enemies;
  My friends;
  My wife。
  I processed evidence and Kay taught school; and for a while we reveled in the novelty of living a squarejohn life。 With the house paid off in full and two salaries; there was plenty of money to spend; and we used it to pamper ourselves away from Lee Blanchard and the winter of '47。 We took weekend trips to the desert and the mountains; we ate in restaurants three and four nights a week。 We checked into hotels pretending to be illicit lovers; and it took me well over a year to realize that we did those things because it got us out of the pad the Boulevard…Citizens bank job paid for。 And I was so heedless in my pursuit of pampering that it required a live…wire shock to spell it out。
  A floorboard in the hallway came loose; and I pulled it all the way off so I could reglue it。 Looking in the hole; I found a cash roll; two thousand dollars in C…notes secured by a rubber band。 I didn't feel joyous or shocked; my brain went tick; tick; tick; and came up with the questions my rush into normal life had quashed:
  If Lee had this money; plus the dough he was spending in Mexico; why didn't he pay off Baxter Fitch?
  If he had the money; why did he go to Ben Siegel to try to borrow ten grand to meet Fitch's blackmail demand?
  How could Lee have bought and furnished this house; put Kay through college and still have had a substantial sum left when his cut from the aborted heist couldn't have amounted to more than fifty grand or so?
  Of course I told Kay; of course she couldn't answer the questions; of course she loathed me for dredging up the past。 I told her we could sell the house and get an apartment like other normal squarejohns…and of course she wouldn't have it。 It was fort; style…a link to her old life that she would not give up。
  I burned the money in Lee Blanchard's Deco…streamline fireplace。 Kay never asked me what I did with it。 The simple act gave me back some smothered part of myself; cost me most of what I had with my wife…and returned me to my ghosts。
  Kay and I made love less and less。 When we did it was perfunctory reassurance for her and a dull explosion for me。 I came to see Kay Lake Bleichert as wasted by the obscenity in her old life; just short of thirty and already going chaste。 I brought the gutter to our bed then; the faces of hookers I saw downtown attached to Kay's body in the darkness。 It worked the first few times; until I saw where I really wanted to go。 When I finally made the move and came gasping; Kay stroked me with mothering hands; and I sensed that she knew I'd broken my marriage vow…with her right there。
  1948 became 1949。 I turned the garage into a boxing gym; plete with speed bag and heavy bag; jump ropes and barbells。 I got back into fighting trim; and decorated the garage walls with fight stills of young Bucky Bleichert; circa '40…'41。 My own image glimpsed through sweat…streaked eyes brought me closer to her; and I scoured used book stores for Sunday supplements and news magazines。 I found sepia candids in Colliers; some family snapshots reproduced in old issues of the Boston Globe。 I kept them out of sight in the garage; and the stack grew; then vanished one afternoon。 I heard Kay sobbing inside the house that evening; and when I went to talk to her the bedroom door was locked。
  The phone rang。 I reached for the bedside extension; then snapped that I'd been a couch sleeper for the past month and flailed at the coffee table。 〃Yeah?〃
  〃You still sleeping?〃
  It was the voice of Ray Pinker; my supervisor at SID。 〃I was sleeping。〃
  〃Past tense is right。 Are you listening?〃
  〃Keep going。〃
  〃We've got a gunshot suicide from yesterday。 514 South June Street; Hancock Park。 Body removed; looks open and shut。 Do a plete work…up and drop the report off with Lieutenant Reddin at Wilshire dicks。 Got it?〃
  I yawned。 〃Yeah。 Premises sealed?〃
  〃The stiff's wife will show you around。 Be courteous; this is filthy rich we're dealing with。〃
  I hung up and groaned。 Then it hit me that the Sprague mansion was a block from the June Street address。 Suddenly the assignment was fascinating。
  *  *  *
  I rang the bell of the pillared colonial manse an hour later。 A handsome gray…haired woman of about fifty opened the door; dressed in dusty work togs。 I said; 〃I'm Officer Bleichert; LAPD。 May I express my condolences; Mrs。…〃
  Ray Pinker hadn't given me a name。 The woman said; 〃Condolences accept
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