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said Wellington saw the Dahlia and the other girlie in November! We can still…〃
Ellis Loew shouted back: 〃We can't do that! Wellington admitted making the movie to Tierney! He's the supervising officer; and we can't go over his head!〃
I opened the door and saw Loew; Vogel and Koenig huddled in chairs; all of them holding eight…star Herald's obviously hot off the presses。 The framing session fell silent; Koenig gawked; Loew and Vogel muttered; 〃Bleichert;〃 simultaneously。
I said; 〃Fuck the fucking Dahlia。 Lee's down here; Bobby De Witt's here and it's got to go bad。 You…〃
Loew said; 〃Fuck Blanchard; he's suspended〃; I beelined for him。 Koenig and Vogel formed a wedge between us; trying to move through them was like bucking a brick wall。 The DA backed off to the other side of the room; Koenig grabbed my arms; Vogel put his hands on my chest and pushed me outside。 Loew evil…eyed me from the doorway; then Fritzie chucked my chin。 〃I've got a soft spot for light heavyweights。 If you promise not to hit Billy; I'll help you find your partner。〃
I nodded; and Koenig let me go。 Fritzie said; 〃We'll take my car。 You don't look fit to drive。〃
* * *
Fritzie drove; I eyeballed。 He kept up a stream of chatter on the Short case and the lieutenancy it was going to get him; I watched beggars swarm turistas; hookers dispense front seat blow jobs and zoot suit youths prowl for drunks to roll。 After four fruitless hours the streets became too car…choked to manuever in; and we got out and walked。
On foot; the squalor was worse。 The kiddie beggars got right up in your face; jabbering; shoving crucifixes at you。 Fritzie swatted and kicked them away; but their hunger…ridden faces got to me; so I changed a flyer into pesos and tossed handfuls of coins into the gutter whenever they converged。 It spawned scratching; biting and gouging free…for…alls; but it was better than looking into sunken eyes and seeing nada。
An hour of prowling two abreast got us no Lee; no Lee's '40 Ford and no gringos resembling Bobby De Witt。 Then a Rurale in black shirt and jackboots; lounging in a doorway; caught my eye。 He said; 〃Policia?〃 and I stopped and flashed my badge in answer。
The cop dug in his pockets and pulled out a teletype photo strip。 The picture was too blurred to identify; but the 〃Robert Richard De Witt〃 was plain as day。 Fritzie patted the cop's epaulets。 〃Where; Admiral?〃
The Mex clicked his heels and barked; 〃Estación; vamanos!〃 He marched ahead of us; turning into an alley lined with VD clinics; pointing to a cinderblock hut fenced in with barbed wire。 Fritzie handed him a dollar; the Mex saluted like Mussolini and about…faced away。 I strode for the station; forcing myself not to run。
Rurales holding tommy guns flanked the doorway。 I showed my badge; they heel clicked and let me in。 Fritzie caught up with me inside; dollar bill in hand; he went straight for the front desk。 The desk cop grabbed the buck and Fritzie said; 〃Fugitivo? Americano? De Witt?〃
The deskman smiled and hit a switch beside his chair; barred doors in the side wall clicked open。 Fritzie said; 〃Precisely what is it we want this scum to tell us?〃
I said; 〃Lee's down here; probably chasing smut leads on his own。 De Witt came here directly from Quentin。〃
〃Without checking in with his PO?〃
〃And De Witt has a hard…on for Blanchard from the Boulevard…Citizens job?〃
〃Enough said。〃
We walked down a corridor lined with cells。 De Witt was alone in the last lock…up; sitting on the floor。 The door buzzed open; Kay Lake's defiler stood up。 The years in stir had not been kind to him: the hatchet…faced tough of the '39 newspaper pictures was now a well…used piece of work; bloated in the body; grizzled in the face; his pachuco haircut as outdated as his Salvation Army suit。
Fritzie and I walked in。 De Witt's greeting was con bravado tinged with just the right amount of subservience。 〃Cops; huh? Well; at least you're Americans。 Never thought I'd be glad to see you guys。〃
Fritzie said; 〃Why start now?〃 and kicked De Witt in the balls。 He doubled over; Fritzie grabbed his duck's ass scruff and gave him a hard backhand。 De Witt started to foam at the mouth; Fritzie let go of his neck and wiped pomade on his sleeve。 De Witt hit the floor; then crawled over to the mode and vomited into it。 When he tried to get himself upright; Fritzie pushed his head back into the bowl and held it there with a big spit…shined wing…tip brogue。 The ex…bank…robber…pimp drank piss water and puke。
Vogel said; 〃Lee Blanchard's here in TJ; and you came here flush out of Big Q。 That's a goddamned strange coincidence; and I don't like it。 I don't like you; I don't like the syphilitic whore you were born out of; I don't like being down here in a rat…infested foreign country when I could be at home with my family。 I do like inflicting pain on criminals; so you had better answer my questions truthfully; or I'll hurt you bad。〃
Fritzie released his foot; De Witt came up gasping for air。 I picked a soiled skivvy shirt up off the floor; and was about to hand it to him when I remembered the lash scars on Kay's legs。 The image made me throw the shirt at De Witt; then grab a chair from the catwalk and reach for my handcuffs。 Fritzie swabbed the ex…con's face; I shoved him into the seat and cuffed his wrists to the back slats。
De Witt looked up at us; his trouser legs darkened as his bladder went。 Fritzie said; 〃Did you know that Sergeant Blanchard is here in Tijuana?〃
De Witt shook his head back and forth; spraying off the remnants of his toilet dip。 〃I ain't seen Blanchard since my fucking trial!〃
Fritzie shot him a little backhand; his Masonic ring severing a cheek vein。 〃Don't use profanity with me; and address me as sir。 Now; did you know that Sergeant Blanchard is here in Tijuana?〃
De Witt blubbered; 〃No〃; Fritzie said; 〃No; sir;〃 and slapped him。 De Witt hung his head; lolling his chin on his chest。 Fritzie prodded it up with one finger。 〃No; what?〃
De Witt screeched; 〃No; sir!〃
Even through my hate haze I could tell he was ing clean。 I said; 〃Blanchard's afraid of you。 Why?〃
Twisting in the chair; greasy pompadour wilted over his forehead; De Witt laughed。 Wild laughter; the kind that cuts through pain; then makes it worse。 Livid; Fritzie balled a fist to punish him; I said; 〃Let him be。〃 Vogel relented; De Witt's loony chuckles trailed off。
Sucking in breath; De Witt said; 〃Man o Manieschewitz; what a laugh。 Lee beauty gotta be scared of me 'cause of how I flapped my trap at the trial; but all I know is what I read in the papers; and I gotta tell you that little reefer roust put the fear of God into me; if I'm lyin'; I'm flyin'。 Maybe I was thinkin' revenge up to then; maybe I was talkin' trash to my cellies; but when Lee beauty killed them niggers and…〃
Vogel right hooked De Witt; toppling him; chair and all; to the floor。 Spitting blood and teeth; the aging lounge lizard moaned and laughed at the same time; Fritzie knelt beside him and pinched his carotid artery; shutting off the blood to his brain。 〃Bobby boy; I do not like Sergeant Blanchard