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officer sitting next to me whispered; 〃Lieutenenat Millard。 Number two in Homicide; but the real boss。 A real piece of velvet。〃 I nodded and listened to the lieutenant speak in a velvet…smooth voice:
  〃。 。 。 and the coroner ruled the Russo…Nickerson job murder…suicide。 The Bureau is handling the hit…and…run on Pico and Figueroa on 11/10; and we located the vehicle; a '39 La Salle sedan; abandoned。 It's registered to a male Mexican named Luis Cruz; age 42; of 1349 Alta Loma Vista in South Pasadena。 Cruz is a two…time loser with a Folsom jacket…both falls Robbery One。 He's long gone; and his wife claims the La Salle was stolen in September。 She says it was snatched by Cruz's cousin Armando Villareal; age 39; who's also missing。 Harry Sears and I took the initial squeal on this one; and eyeball witnesses said there were two male Mexicans in the car。 Have you got anything else; Harry?〃
  A squat; disheveled man stood up; turned around and faced the room。 He swallowed a few times; then stammered; 〃C…C…C…Cruz's wife is sc…screwing the c…c…c…cousin。 The c…c…c…car was never reported st…stolen; and the neighbors s…say the wife wants the c…cousin's parole violated so C…C…Cruz won't find out about them。〃
  Harry Sears sat down abruptly。 Millard smiled at him and said; 〃Thanks; partner。 Gentlemen; Cruz and Villareal are now state parole absconders and priority fugitives。 APBs and absconder warrants have been issued。 And here's the punch line: both of these guys are boozehounds; with over a hundred plain drunks between them。 Hit…and…run drunks are a damn menace; so let's get them。 Captain?〃
  Tierney stood up and shouted; 〃Dismissed!〃 Cops swarmed me; offering hands and back slaps and chucks under the chin。 I soaked it in until the muster room cleared and Ellis Loew approached; fiddling with the Phi Beta Kappa key dangling from his vest。
  〃You shouldn't have slugged with him;〃 he said; twirling the key。 〃You were ahead on all three cards。〃
  I held the DA's stare。 〃Proposition 5 passed; Mr。 Loew。〃
  〃Yes; it did。 But some patrons of yours lost money。 Play it smarter here; Officer。 Don't blow this opportunity like you did the fight。〃
  〃You ready; canvasback?〃
  Blanchard's voice saved me。 I went with him before I did something to blow it then and there。
  *  *  *
  We headed south in Blanchard's civilian car; a '40 Ford coupe with a contraband two…way under the dashboard。 Lee rambled on about the job while I looked out at the downtown LA street scene。
  〃。 。 。 mostly we go after priority warrantees; but sometimes we chase down material witnesses for Loew。 Not too often… he's usually got Fritzie Vogel running his errands; with Bill Koenig along for muscle。 Shitbirds; both of them。 Anyway; we get slack periods sometimes; and we're supposed to go by the other station houses and check the squadrooms for their priority stuff…warrants filed in the regional courts。 Every LAPD station has two men working Warrants; but they spend most of their time catching squeals; so we're supposed to help out。 Sometimes; like today; you hear something at the felony summary or get something hot off the bulletin board。 If it's really slow; you can serve papers for the Department 92 shysters。 Three bucks a throw; chump change。 The real moolah's in repos。 I've got delinquent lists from H。J。 Caruso Dodge and Yeakel Brothers Olds; all the nigger stiffs the credit agents are too pansy to move on。 Any questions; partner?〃
  I resisted the urge to ask; 〃Why aren't you screwing Kay Lake?〃 and 〃While we're on the subject; what's the story on her?〃
  〃Yeah。 Why'd you quit fighting and join the Department? And don't tell me it was because your kid sister disappeared and catching criminals gives you a sense of order。 I've heard that one twice; and I don't buy it。〃
  Lee kept his eyes on traffic。 〃You got any sisters? Kid relatives you really care about?〃
  I shook my head。 〃My family's dead。〃
  〃So's Laurie。 I figured it out when I was fifteen。 Mom and Dad kept spending money on handbills and detectives; but I knew she was a snuff job。 I kept picturing her growing up。 Prom queen; straight A's; her own family。 It used to hurt like a bastard; so I pictured her growing up wrong。 You know; like a floozy。 It was actually forting; but it felt like I was shitting on her。〃
  I said; 〃Look; I'm sorry。〃
  Lee gave me a gentle elbow。 〃Don't be; because you're right。 I quit fighting and joined the cops because Benny Siegel was putting the heat on me。 He bought out my contract and scared off my manager; and he promised me a shot at Joe Louis if I took two dives for him。 I said no and joined the Department because the Jew syndicate boys have got a rule against killing cops。 I was scared shitless that he'd kill me anyway; so when I heard that the Boulevard…Citizens heisters took some of Benny's money along with the bank's; I shook down stoolies until I got Bobby De Witt on a platter。 I gave Benny first crack at him。 His number two man talked him out of a snuff; so I took the dope to Hollywood dicks。 Benny's my pal now。 Gives me tips on the ponies all the time。 Next question?〃
  I decided not to push for information on Kay。 Checking out the street; I saw that downtown had given way to blocks of small; unkempt houses。 The Bugsy Siegel story stayed with me; I was running with it when Lee slowed the car and pulled to the curb。
  I blurted; 〃What the hell〃; Lee said; 〃This one's for my own personal satisfaction。 You remember the baby raper on the felony sheet?〃
  〃Tierney said there's four sodomy unsolveds in Highland Park; right?〃
  〃And he mentioned that there was a memo on the rape…o's KAs?〃
  〃Sure。 What…〃
  〃Bucky; I read that memo and recognized the name of a fence…Bruno Albanese。 He works out of a Mex restaurant in Highland Park。 I called Highland Park dicks and got the addresses on the assaults; and two of them were within a half mile of the joint where the fence hangs out。 This is his house; and R&I says he's got a shitload of unpaid traffic tickets; bench warrants issued。 You want a diagram of the rest of it?〃
  I got out of the car and walked across a weedy front yard strewn with dog turds。 Lee caught up with me at the porch and rang the bell; furious barks issued from inside the house。
  The door opened; held to the frame by a chain。 The barks grew to a crescendo; through the crack I glimpsed a slatternly woman。 I shouted; 〃Police officers!〃 Lee wedged his foot into the space between the doorjamb and runner; I reached inside and twisted the chain off。 Lee pushed the door open; and the woman ran out onto the porch。 I stepped inside the house; wondering about the dog。 I was eyeballing a seedy living room when a big brown mastiff leaped at me; his jaws wide open。 I fumbled for my piece…and the beast started licking my face。
  We stood there; the dog's front paws resting on my shoulders like we were doing the Lindy Hop。 A big tongue lapped at me; and the woman yelped; 〃Be nice; Hacksaw! Be nice!〃
  I grabbed the dog's legs and lowered him to the floor; he promptly turned his attention to my crotch。 Lee was talking to the slattern; showing her a mug shot strip。 She w
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