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 〃I'm sure you've studied the reports about us;〃 she said。 〃Is there anywhere a report that we fail to deliver on a direct promise?〃 
 〃No reports; but。。。〃
 〃We survive in part by the plete confidence which people can have in our truthfulness。 That has not changed。〃 
 〃I find this reasonable;〃 he said。 〃I'm anxious to begin。〃 
 〃I'm surprised you've never asked the Bene Gesserit for a teacher;〃 she said。 〃They would've leaped at the opportunity to put you in their debt。〃
 〃My mother would never listen to me when I urged her to do this;〃 he said。 〃But now。。。〃 He shrugged; an eloquent ment on Wensicia's banishment。 〃Shall we start?〃
 〃It would've been better to begin this when you were much younger;〃 Jessica said。 〃It'll be harder for you now; and it'll take much longer。 You'll have to begin by learning patience; extreme patience。 I pray you'll not find it too high a price。〃 
 〃Not for the reward you offer。〃
 She heard the sincerity; the pressure of expectations; and the touch of awe in his voice。 These formed a place to begin。 She said: 〃The art of patience; then  starting with some elementary prana…bindu exercises for the legs and arms; for your breathing。 We'll leave the hands and fingers for later。 Are you ready?〃 
 She seated herself on a stool facing him。
 Farad'n nodded; holding an expectant expression on his face to conceal the sudden onset of fear。 Tyekanik had warned him that there must be a trick in the Lady Jessica's offer; something brewed by the Sisterhood。 〃You cannot believe that she has abandoned them again or that they have abandoned her。〃 Farad'n had stopped the argument with an angry outburst for which he'd been immediately sorry。 His emotional reaction had made him agree more quickly with Tyekanik's precautions。 Farad'n glanced at the corners of the room; the subtle gleam of jems in the coving。 All that glittered was not jems: everything in this room would be recorded and good minds would review every nuance; every word; every movement。
 Jessica smiled; noting the direction of his gaze; but not revealing that she knew where his attention had wandered。 She said: 〃To learn patience in the Bene Gesserit Way; you must begin by recognizing the essential; raw instability of our universe。 We call nature  meaning this totality in all of its manifestations  the Ultimate Non…Absolute。 To free your vision and permit you to recognize this conditional nature's changing ways; you will hold your two hands at arm's length in front of you。 Stare at your extended hands; first the palms and then the backs。 Examine the fingers; front and back。 Do it。〃
 Farad'n plied; but he felt foolish。 These were his own hands。 He knew them。
 〃Imagine your hands aging;〃 Jessica said。 〃They must grow very old in your eyes。 Very; very old。 Notice how dry the skin。。。〃 
 〃My hands don't change;〃 he said。 He already could feel the muscles of his upper arms trembling。
 〃Continue to stare at your hands。 Make them old; as old as you can imagine。 It may take time。 But when you see them age; reverse the process。 Make your hands young again  as young as you can make them。 Strive to take them from infancy to great age at will; back and forth; back and forth。〃 
 〃They don't change!〃 he protested。 His shoulders ached。
 〃If you demand it of your senses; your hands will change;〃 she said。 〃Concentrate upon visualizing the flow of time which you desire: infancy to age; age to infancy。 It may take you hours; days; months。 But it can be achieved。 Reversing that change…flow will teach you to see every system as something spinning in relative stability。。。only relative。〃
 〃I thought I was learning patience。〃 She heard anger in his voice; an edge of frustration。
 〃And relative stability;〃 she said。 〃This is the perspective which you create with your own belief; and beliefs can be manipulated by imagination。 You've learned only a limited way of looking at the universe。 Now you must make the universe your own creation。 This will permit you to harness any relative stability to your own uses; to whatever uses you are capable of imagining。〃 
 〃How long did you say it takes?〃 
 〃Patience;〃 she reminded him。
 A spontaneous grin touched his lips。 His eyes wavered toward her。
 〃Look at your hands!〃 she snapped。
 The grin vanished。 His gaze jerked back to a fixated concentration upon his extended hands。
 〃What do I do when my arms get tired?〃 he asked。
 〃Stop talking and concentrate;〃 she said。 〃If you bee too tired; stop。 Return to it after a few minutes of relaxation and exercise。 You must persist in this until you succeed。 At your present stage; this is more important than you could possibly realize。 Learn this lesson or the others will not e。〃
 Farad'n inhaled a deep breath; chewed his lips; stared at his hands。 He turned them slowly: front; back; front; back。。。His shoulders trembled with fatigue。 Front; back。。。Nothing changed。
 Jessica arose; crossed to the only door。
 He spoke without removing his attention from his hands。 〃Where are you going?〃
 〃You'll work better on this if you're alone。 I'll return in about an hour。 Patience。〃 
 〃I know!〃
 She studied him a moment。 How intent he looked。 He reminded her with a heart…tugging abruptness of her own lost son。 She permitted herself a sigh; said: 〃When I return I'll give you the exercise lessons to relieve your muscles。 Give it time。 You'll be astonished at what you can make your body and your senses do。〃 
 She let herself out。
 The omnipresent guards took up station three paces behind her as she strode down the hall。 Their awe and fear were obvious。 They were Sardaukar; thrice…warned of her prowess; raised on the stories of their defeat by the Fremen of Arrakis。 This witch was a Fremen Reverend Mother; a Bene Gesserit and an Atreides。
 Jessica; glancing back; saw their stern faces as a milepost in her design。 She turned away as she came to the stairs; went down them and through a short passage into the garden below her windows。
 Now if only Duncan and Gurney can do their parts; she thought as she felt the gravel of a pathway beneath her feet; saw the golden light filtered by greenery。
 You will learn the integrated munication methods as you plete the next step in your mentat education。 This is a gestalten function which will overlay data paths in your awareness; resolving plexities and masses of input from the mentat index…catalogue techniques which you already have mastered。 Your initial problem will be the breaking tensions arising from the divergent assembly of minutiae/data on specialized subjects。 Be warned。 Without mentat overlay integration; you can be immersed in the Babel Problem; which is the label we give to the omnipresent dangers of achieving wrong binations from accurate information。
 …The Mentat Handbook
 The sound of fabrics rubbing together sent sparks of awareness through Leto。 He was surprised that he had turned his sensitivity to the point where he automatically identified the fabrics from their sound: the bination came from a Fremen robe rubbing against the coarse hangings of a door curtain。 He turned toward the sound。 It came from the passage where Namri had gone minutes before。 As Leto turned; he saw his capt
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