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 〃What is your fascination with the stillsuit?〃 Tyekanik asked。 
 〃So you've noticed; eh?〃 
 〃How could we not notice?〃 Wensicia asked。
 Farad'n sent an irritated glance at his mother。 Why did she interrupt like that? He returned his attention to Tyekanik。
 〃The stillsuit is the key to that planet's character; Tyek。 It's the hallmark of Dune。 People tend to focus on the physical characteristics: the stillsuit conserves body moisture; recycles it; and makes it possible to exist on such a planet。 You know; the Fremen custom was to have one stillsuit for each member of a family; except for food gatherers。 They had spares。 But please note; both of you 〃 He moved to include his mother in this。 〃 how garments which appear to be stillsuits; but really aren't; have bee high fashion throughout the Empire。 It's such a dominant characteristic for humans to copy the conqueror!〃
 〃Do you really find such information valuable?〃 Tyekanik asked; his tone puzzled。
 〃Tyek; Tyek  without such information; one cannot govern。 I said the stillsuit was the key to their character and it is! It's a conservative thing。 The mistakes they make will be conservative mistakes。〃
 Tyekanik glanced at Wensicia; who was staring at her son with a worried frown。 This characteristic of Farad'n's both attracted and worried the Bashar。 It was so unlike old Shaddam。 Now; there had been an essential Sardaukar: a military killer with few inhibitions。 But Shaddam had fallen to the Atreides under that damnable Paul。 Indeed; what he read of Paul Atreides revealed just such characteristics as Farad'n now displayed。 It was possible that Farad'n might hesitate less than the Atreides over brutal necessities; but that was his Sardaukar training。
 〃Many have governed without using this kind of information;〃 Tyekanik said。
 Farad'n merely stared at him for a moment。 Then: 〃Governed and failed。〃
 Tyekanik's mouth drew into a stiff line at this obvious allusion to Shaddam's failure。 That had been a Sardaukar failure; too; and no Sardaukar could recall it easily。
 Having made his point; Farad'n said: 〃You see; Tyek; the influence of a planet upon the mass unconscious of its inhabitants has never been fully appreciated。 To defeat the Atreides; we must understand not only Caladan but Arrakis: one planet soft and the other a training ground for hard decisions。 That was a unique event; that marriage of Atreides and Fremen。 We must know how it worked or we won't be able to match it; let alone defeat it。〃
 〃What does this have to do with Idaho's offer?〃 Wensicia demanded。
 Farad'n glanced pityingly down at his mother。 〃We begin their defeat by the kinds of stress we introduce into their society。 That's a very powerful tool: stress。 And the lack of it is important; too。 Did you not mark how the Atreides helped things grow soft and easy here?〃
 Tyekanik allowed himself a curt nod of agreement。 That was a good point。 The Sardaukar could not be permitted to grow too soft。 This offer from Idaho still bothered him; though。 He said: 〃Perhaps it'd be best to reject the offer。〃
 〃Not yet;〃 Wensicia said。 〃We've a spectrum of choices open to us。 Our task is to identify as much of the spectrum as we can。 My son is right: we need more information。〃
 Farad'n stared at her; measuring her intent as well as the surface meaning of her words。 〃But will we know when we've passed the point of no alternate choice?〃 he asked。
 A sour chuckle came from Tyekanik。 〃If you ask me; we're long past the point of no return。〃
 Farad'n tipped his head back to laugh aloud。 〃But we still have alternate choices; Tyek! When we e to the end of our rope; that's an important place to recognize!〃
 In this age when the means of human transport include devices which can span the deeps of space in transtime; and other devices which can carry men swiftly over virtually impassable planetary surfaces; it seems odd to think of attempting long journeys afoot。 Yet this remains a primary means of travel on Arrakis; a fact attributed partly to preference and partly to the brutal treatment which this planet reserves for anything mechanical。 In the strictures of Arrakis; human flesh remains the most durable and reliable resource for the Hajj。 Perhaps it is the implicit awareness of this fact which makes Arrakis the ultimate mirror of the soul。
 …Handbook of the Hajj
 Slowly; cautiously; Ghanima made her way back to Tabr; holding herself to the deepest shadows of the dunes; crouching in stillness as the search party passed to the south of her。 Terrible awareness gripped her: the worm which had taken the tigers and Leto's body; the dangers ahead。 He was gone; her twin was gone。 She put aside all tears and nurtured her rage。 In this; she was pure Fremen。 And she knew this; reveling in it。
 She understood what was said about Fremen。 They were not supposed to have a conscience; having lost it in a burning for revenge against those who had driven them from planet to planet in the long wandering。 That was foolishness; of course。 Only the rawest primitive had no conscience。 Fremen possessed a highly evolved conscience which centered on their own welfare as a people。 It was only to outsiders that they seemed brutish  just as outsiders appeared brutish to Fremen。 Every Fremen knew very well that he could do a brutal thing and feel no guilt。 Fremen did not feel guilt for the same things that aroused such feelings in others。 Their rituals provided a freedom from guilts which might otherwise have destroyed them。 They knew in their deepest awareness that any transgression could be ascribed; at least in part; to well recognized extenuating circumstances: 〃the failure of authority;〃 or 〃a natural bad tendency〃 shared by all humans; or to 〃bad luck;〃 which any sentient creature should be able to identify as a collision between mortal flesh and the outer chaos of the universe。
 In this context Ghanima felt herself to be the pure Fremen; a carefully prepared extension of tribal brutality。 She needed only a target  and that; obviously; was House Corrino。 She longed to see Farad'n's blood spilled on the ground at her feet。
 No enemy awaited her at the qanat。 Even the search parties had gone elsewhere。 She crossed the water on an earth bridge; crept through tall grass toward the covert exit of the sietch。 Abruptly light flared ahead of her and Ghanima threw herself flat on the ground。 She peered out through stalks of giant alfalfa。 A woman had entered the covert passage from the outside; and someone had remembered to prepare that passage in the way any sietch entrance should be prepared。 In troubled times; one greeted anyone entering the sietch with bright light; temporarily blinding the newer and giving guards time to decide。 But such a greeting was never meant to be broadcast out over the desert。 The light visible here meant the outer seals had been left aside。
 Ghanima felt a tug of bitterness at this betrayal of sietch security: this flowing light。 The ways of the lace…shirt Fremen were to be found everywhere!
 The light continued to throw its fan over the ground at the cliff base。 A young girl ran out of the orchard's darkness into the light; something fearful about her movements。 Ghanima cou
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