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 〃I don't believe it!〃
 〃Within one hundred years;〃 Ghanima said; 〃there'll be fewer than fifty worms; and those will be sick ones kept in a carefully managed reservation。 Their spice will be for the Spacing Guild only; and the price。。。〃 She shook her head。 〃I've seen Leto's figures。 He's been all over the planet。 He knows。〃 
 〃Is this another trick to keep the Fremen as your vassals?〃 
 〃When were you ever my vassal?〃 Ghanima asked。
 Stilgar scowled。 No matter what he said or did; these twins always made it his fault!
 〃Last night he told me about this Golden Path;〃 Stilgar blurted。 〃I don't like it!〃
 〃That's odd;〃 Ghanima said; glancing at her grandmother。 〃Most of the Empire will wele it。〃 
 〃Destruction of us all;〃 Stilgar muttered。
 〃But everyone longs for the Golden Age;〃 Ghanima said。 〃Isn't that so; grandmother?〃 
 〃Everyone;〃 Jessica agreed。
 〃They long for the Pharaonic Empire which Leto will give them;〃 Ghanima said。 〃They long for a rich peace with abundant harvests; plentiful trade; a leveling of all except the Golden Ruler。〃 
 〃It'll be the death of the Fremen!〃 Stilgar protested。
 〃How can you say that? Will we not need soldiers and brave men to remove the occasional dissatisfaction? Why; Stil; you and Tyek's brave panions will be hard pressed to do the job。〃 
 Stilgar looked at the Sardaukar officer and a strange light of understanding passed between them。
 〃And Leto will control the spice;〃 Jessica reminded them。 
 〃He'll control it absolutely;〃 Ghanima said。
 Farad'n; listening with the new awareness which Jessica had taught him; heard a set piece; a prepared performance between Ghanima and her grandmother。
 〃Peace will endure and endure and endure;〃 Ghanima said。 〃Memory of war will all but vanish。 Leto will lead humankind through that garden for at least four thousand years。〃 
 Tyekanik glanced questioningly at Farad'n; cleared his throat。 
 〃Yes; Tyek?〃 Farad'n said。
 〃I'd speak privately with you; My Prince。〃
 Farad'n smiled; knowing the question in Tyekanik's military mind; knowing that at least two others present also recognized this question。 〃I'll not sell the Sardaukar;〃 Farad'n said。 
 〃No need;〃 Ghanima said。
 〃Do you listen to this child?〃 Tyekanik demanded。 He was outraged。 The old Naib there understood the problems being raised by all of this plotting; but nobody else knew a damned thing about the situation!
 Ghanima smiled grimly; said: 〃Tell him; Farad'n。〃 
 Farad'n sighed。 It was easy to forget the strangeness of this child who was not a child。 He could imagine a lifetime married to her; the hidden reservations on every intimacy。 It was not a totally pleasant prospect; but he was beginning to recognize its inevitability。 Absolute control of dwindling spice supplies! Nothing would move in the universe without the spice。 
 〃Later; Tyek;〃 Farad'n said。 
 〃But 〃
 〃Later; I said!〃 For the first time; he used Voice on Tyekanik; saw the man blink with surprise and remain silent。 
 A tight smile touched Jessica's mouth。
 〃He talks of peace and death in the same breath;〃 Stilgar muttered。 〃Golden Age!〃
 Ghanima said: 〃He'll lead humans through the cult of death into the free air of exuberant life! He speaks of death because that's necessary; Stil。 It's a tension by which the living know they're alive。 When his Empire falls。。。Oh; yes; it'll fall。 You think this is Kralizec now; but Kralizec is yet to e。 And when it es; humans will have renewed their memory of what it's like to be alive。 The memory will persist as long as there's a single human living。 We'll go through the crucible once more; Stil。 And we'll e out of it。 We always arise from our own ashes。 Always。〃 
 Farad'n; hearing her words; understood now what she'd meant in telling him about Leto running。 He'll not be human。
 Stilgar was not yet convinced。 〃No more worms;〃 he growled。
 〃Oh; the worms will e back;〃 Ghanima assured him。 〃All will be dead within two hundred years; but they'll e back。〃 
 〃How。。。〃 Stilgar broke off。
 Farad'n felt his mind awash in revelation。 He knew what Ghanima would say before she spoke。
 〃The Guild will barely make it through the lean years; and only then because of its stockpiles and ours;〃 Ghanima said。 〃But there'll be abundance after Kralizec。 The worms will return after my brother goes into the sand。〃
 As with so many other religions; Muad'Dib's Golden Elixir of Life degenerated into external wizardry。 Its mystical signs became mere symbols for deeper psychological processes; and those processes; of course; ran wild。 What they needed was a living god; and they didn't have one; a situation which Muad'Dib's son has corrected。
 …Saying attributed to Lu Tung…pin; (Lu; The Guest of the Cavern)
 Leto sat on the Lion Throne to accept the homage of the tribes。 Ghanima stood beside him; one step down。 The ceremony in the Great Hall went on for hours。 Tribe after Fremen tribe passed before him through their delegates and their Naibs。 Each group bore gifts fitting for a god of terrifying powers; a god of vengeance who promised them peace。
 He'd cowed them into submission the previous week; performing for the assembled arifa of all the tribes。 The Judges had seen him walk through a pit of fire; emerging unscathed to demonstrate that his skin bore no marks by asking them to study him closely。 He'd ordered them to strike him with knives; and the impenetrable skin had sealed his face while they struck at him to no avail。 Acids ran off him with only the lightest mist of smoke。 He'd eaten their poisons and laughed at them。
 At the end he'd summoned a worm and stood facing them at its mouth。 He'd moved from that to the landing field at Arrakeen; where he'd brazenly toppled a Guild frigate by lifting one of its landing fins。
 The arifa had reported all of this with a fearful awe; and now the tribal delegates had e to seal their submission。
 The vaulted space of the Great Hall with its acoustical dampening systems tended to absorb sharp noises; but a constant rustling of moving feet insinuated itself into the senses; riding on dust and the flint odors brought in from the open。
 Jessica; who'd refused to attend; watched from a high spy hole behind the throne。 Her attention was caught by Farad'n and the realization that both she and Farad'n had been outmaneuvered。 Of course Leto and Ghanima had anticipated the Sisterhood! The twins could consult within themselves a host of Bene Gesserits greater than all now living in the Empire。
 She was particularly bitter at the way the Sisterhood's mythology had trapped Alia。 Fear built on fear! The habits of generations had imprinted the fate of Abomination upon her。 Alia had known no hope。 Of course she'd succumbed。 Her fate made the acplishment of Leto and Ghanima even more difficult to face。 Not one way out of the trap; but two。 Ghanima's victory over the inner lives and her insistence that Alia deserved only pity were the bitterest things of all。 Hypnotic suppression under stress linked to the wooing of a benign ancestor had saved Ghanima。 They might have saved Alia。 But without hope; nothing had been attempted until it was too late。 Alia's water had been poured upon the san
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