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 These attacks had to be the work of rebels。 Obviously。 More and more of them turned against Muad'Dib's religion。
 〃And what's wrong with that?〃 the derisive voice asked within her。
 Alia shook her head savagely。 Namri had failed her。 She'd been a fool to trust such a dangerous double instrument。 Her aides whispered that Stilgar was to blame; that he was a secret rebel。 And what had bee of Halleck? Gone to ground among his smuggler friends? Possibly。
 She picked up one of the report spools。 And Muriz! The man was hysterical。 That was the only possible explanation。 Otherwise she'd have to believe in miracles。 No human; let alone a child (even a child such as Leto) could leap from the butte at Shuloch and survive to flee across the desert in leaps that took him from dunecrest to dunecrest。
 Alia felt the coldness of the shigawire under her hand。
 Where was Leto; then? Ghanima refused to believe him other than dead。 A Truthsayer had confirmed her story: Leto slain by a Laza tiger。 Then who was the child reported by Namri and Muriz? 
 She shuddered。
 Forty qanats had been breached; their waters loosed into the sand。 The loyal Fremen and even the rebels; superstitious louts; all! Her reports were flooded with stories of mysterious occurrences。 Sandtrout leaped into qanats and shattered to bee hosts of small replicas。 Worms deliberately drowned themselves。 Blood dripped from Second Moon and fell to Arrakis; where it stirred up great storms。 And the storm frequency was increasing!
 She thought of Duncan inmunicado at Tabr; fretting under the restraints she'd exacted from Stilgar。 He and Irulan talked of little else than the real meaning behind these omens。 Fools! Even her spies betrayed the influence of these outrageous stories! 
 Why did Ghanima insist on her story of the Laza tiger?
 Alia sighed。 Only one of the reports on the shigawire spools reassured her。 Farad'n had sent a contingent of his household guard 〃to help you in troubles and to prepare the way for the Official Rite of Betrothal。〃 Alia smiled to herself and shared the chuckle which rumbled in her skull。 That plan; at least; remained intact。 Logical explanations would be found to dispel all of this other superstitious nonsense。
 Meanwhile she'd use Farad'n's men to help close down Shuloch and to arrest the known dissidents; especially among the Naibs。 She debated moving against Stilgar; but the inner voice cautioned against this。 
 〃Not yet。〃
 〃My mother and the Sisterhood still have some plan of their own;〃 Alia whispered。 〃Why is she training Farad'n?〃 
 〃Perhaps he excites her;〃 the Old Baron said。 
 〃Not that cold one。〃 
 〃You're not thinking of asking Farad'n to return her?〃
 〃I know the dangers in that!〃
 〃Good。 Meanwhile; that young aide Zia recently brought in。 I believe his name's Agarves  Buer Agarves。 If you'd invite him here tonight。。。〃 
 〃It's almost dawn; you insatiable old fool! There's a Military Council meeting this morning; the Priests will have 〃 
 〃Don't trust them; darling Alia。〃 
 〃Of course not!〃 
 〃Very well。 Now; this Buer Agarves。。。〃 
 〃I said no!〃
 The Old Baron remained silent within her; but she began to feel a headache。 A slow pain crept upward from her left cheek into her skull。 Once he'd sent her raging down the corridors with this trick。 Now; she resolved to resist him。
 〃If you persist; I'll take a sedative;〃 she said。 
 He could see she meant it。 The headache began to recede。 
 〃Very well。〃 Petulant。 〃Another time; then。〃 
 〃Another time;〃 she agreed。
 Thou didst divide the sand by thy strength; Thou breakest the heads of the dragons in the desert。 Yea; I behold thee as a beast ing up from the dunes; thou hast the two horns of the lamb; but thou speakest as the dragon。
 …Revised Orange Catholic Bible Arran 11:4
 It was the immutable prophecy; the threads bee rope; a thing Leto now seemed to have known all of his life。 He looked out across the evening shadows on the Tanzerouft。 One hundred and seventy kilometers due north lay Old Gap; the deep and twisting crevasse through the Shield Wall by which the first Fremen had migrated into the desert。
 No doubts remained in Leto。 He knew why he stood here alone in the desert; yet filled with a sense that he owned this entire land; that it must do his bidding。 He felt the chord which connected him with all of humankind and that profound need for a universe of experiences which made logical sense; a universe of recognizable regularities within its perpetual changes。 
 I know this universe。
 The worm which had brought him here had e to the stamping of his foot and; rising up in front of him; had stopped like an obedient beast。 He'd leaped atop it and; with only his membrane…amplified hands; had exposed the leading lip of the worm's rings to keep it on the surface。 The worm had exhausted itself in the nightlong dash northward。 Its silicon…sulfur internal 〃factory〃 had worked at capacity; exhaling lavish gusts of oxygen which a following wind had sent in enveloping eddies around Leto。 At times the warm gusts had made him dizzy; filled his mind with strange perceptions。 The reflexive and circular subjectivity of his visions had turned inward upon his ancestry; forcing him to relive portions of his Terranic past; then paring those portions with his changing self。
 Already he could feel how far he'd drifted from something recognizably human。 Seduced by the spice which he gulped from every trace he found; the membrane which covered him no longer was sandtrout; just as he was no longer human。 Cilia had crept into his flesh; forming a new creature which would seek its own metamorphosis in the eons ahead。
 You saw this; father; and rejected it; he thought。 It was a thing too terrible to face。
 Leto knew what was believed of his father; and why。 
 Muad'Dib died of prescience。
 But Paul Atreides had passed from the universe of reality into the alam al…mythal while still alive; fleeing from this thing which his son had dared。
 Now there was only The Preacher。
 Leto squatted on the sand and kept his attention northward。 The worm would e from that direction; and on its back would ride two people: a young Fremen and a blind man。
 A flight of pallid bats passed over Leto's head; bending their course southeast。 They were random specks in the darkening sky; and a knowledgeable Fremen eye could mark their back…course to learn where shelter lay that way。 The Preacher would avoid that shelter; though。 His destination was Shuloch; where no wild bats were permitted lest they guide strangers to a secret place。
 The worm appeared first as a dark movement between the desert and the northern sky。 Matar; the rain of sand dropped from high altitudes by a dying stormwind; obscured the view for a few minutes; then it returned clearer and closer。
 The cold…line at the base of the dune where Leto crouched began to produce its nightly moisture。 He tasted the fragile dampness in his nostrils; adjusted the bubble cap of the membrane over his mouth。 There no longer was any need for him to find soaks and sip…wells。 From his mother's genes he had that longer; larger Fremen large intestine to take back water from e
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