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u of it; because he knows what it means to you。 So he is hopingwe are both hopingthat you will accept it as a present when we are married。 We really shan't want it; you know。 We are going to live in London。 So you will take it; won't youto please us?〃
 We all of us; even the greatest of us; have our moments of weakness。 Let us then not express any surprise at the sudden collapse of one of the world's greatest female thinkers。 As the meaning of this speech smote on Mrs。 Horace Hignett's understanding; she sank weeping into a chair。 The ever…present fear that had haunted her had been exorcised。 Windles was hers in perpetuity。 The relief was too great。 She sat in her chair and gulped: and Eustace; greatly encouraged; emerged slowly from the bedclothes like a worm after a thunderstorm。
 How long this poignant scene would have lasted; one cannot say。 It is a pity that it was cut short; for I should have liked to dwell upon it。 But at this moment; from the regions downstairs; there suddenly burst upon the silent night such a whirlwind of sound as effectually dissipated the tense emotion in the room。 Somebody had touched off the orchestrion in the drawing…room; and that willing instrument had begun again in the middle of a bar at the point where it had been switched off。 Its wailing lament for the passing of Summer filled the whole house。
 〃That's too bad!〃 said Jane; a little annoyed。 〃At this time of night!〃
 〃It's the burglars!〃 quavered Mrs。 Hignett。 In the stress of recent events she had pletely forgotten the existence of those enemies of society。 〃They were dancing in the hall when I arrived; and now they're playing the orchestrion!〃
 〃Light…hearted chaps!〃 said Eustace; admiring the sang…froid of the criminal world。 〃Full of spirits!〃
 〃This won't do;〃 said Jane Hubbard; shaking her head。 〃We can't have this sort of thing。 I'll go and fetch my gun。〃
 〃They'll murder you; dear!〃 panted Mrs。 Hignett; clinging to her arm。
 Jane Hubbard laughed。
 〃Murder  me !〃 she said; amusedly。 〃I'd like to catch them at it!〃
 Mrs。 Hignett stood staring at the door as Jane closed it safely behind her。
 〃Eustace;〃 she said; solemnly; 〃that is a wonderful girl!〃
 〃Yes! She once killed a pantheror a puma; I forget whichwith a hat…pin!〃 said Eustace with enthusiasm。
 〃I could wish you no better wife!〃 said Mrs。 Hignett。
 She broke off with a sharp wail。。。。 Out in the passage something like a battery of artillery had roared。
 The door opened and Jane Hubbard appeared; slipping a fresh cartridge into the elephant…gun。
 〃One of them was popping about outside here;〃 she announced。 〃I took a shot at him; but I'm afraid I missed。 The visibility was bad。 At any rate he went away。〃
 In this last statement she was perfectly accurate。 Bream Mortimer; who had been aroused by the orchestrion and who had e out to see what was the matter; had gone away at the rate of fifty miles an hour。 He had been creeping down the passage when he found himself suddenly confronted by a dim figure which; without a word; had attempted to slay him with an enormous gun。 The shot had whistled past his ears and gone singing down the corridor。 This was enough for Bream。 He had returned to his room in three strides; and was now under the bed。 The burglars might take everything in the house and wele; so that they did not molest his privacy。 That was the way Bream looked at it。 And very sensible of him; too; I consider。
 〃We'd better go downstairs;〃 said Jane。 〃Bring the candle。 Not you; Eustace; darling。 Don't you stir out of bed!〃
 〃I won't;〃 said Eustace obediently。
 Of all the leisured pursuits; there are few less attractive to the thinking man than sitting in a dark cupboard waiting for a house…party to go to bed: and Sam; who had established himself in the one behind the piano at a quarter to eight; soon began to feel as if he had been there for an eternity。 He could dimly remember a previous existence in which he had not been sitting in his present position; but it seemed so long ago that it was shadowy and unreal to him。 The ordeal of spending the evening in this retreat had not appeared formidable when he had contemplated it that afternoon in the lane: but; now that he was actually undergoing it; it was extraordinary how many disadvantages it had。
 Cupboards; as a class; are badly ventilated; and this one seemed to contain no air at all: and the warmth of the night; bined with the cupboard's natural stuffiness; had soon begun to reduce Sam to a condition of pulp。 He seemed to himself to be sagging like an ice…cream in front of a fire。 The darkness; too; weighed upon him。 He was abominably thirsty。 Also he wanted to smoke。 In addition to this; the small of his back tickled; and he more than suspected the cupboard of harboring mice。 Not once nor twice but many hundred times he wished that the ingenious Webster had thought of something simpler。
 His was a position which would just have suited one of those Indian mystics who sit perfectly still for twenty years; contemplating the Infinite; but it reduced Sam to an almost imbecile state of boredom。 He tried counting sheep。 He tried going over his past life in his mind from the earliest moment he could recollect; and thought he had never encountered a duller series of episodes。 He found a temporary solace by playing a succession of mental golf…games over all the courses he could remember; and he was just teeing up for the sixteenth at Muirfield; after playing Hoylake; St。 Andrews; Westward Ho; Hanger Hill; Mid…Surrey; Walton Heath; Garden City; and the Engineers' Club at Roslyn; L。 I。; when the light ceased to shine through the crack under the door; and he awoke with a sense of dull incredulity to the realisation that the occupants of the drawing…room had called it a day and that his vigil was over。
 But was it? Once more alert; Sam became cautious。 True; the light seemed to be off; but did that mean anything in a country…house; where people had the habit of going and strolling about the garden at all hours? Probably they were still popping about all over the place。 At any rate; it was not worth risking ing out of his lair。 He remembered that Webster had promised to e and knock an all…clear signal on the door。 It would be safer to wait for that。
 But the moments went by; and there was no knock。 Sam began to grow impatient。 The last few minutes of waiting in a cupboard are always the hardest。 Time seemed to stretch out again interminably。 Once he thought he heard foot…steps; but that led to nothing。 Eventually; having strained his ears and finding everything still; he decided to take a chance。 He fished in his pocket for the key; cautiously unlocked the door; opened it by slow inches; and peered out。
 The room was in blackness。 The house was still。 All was well。 With the feeling of a life…prisoner emerging from the Bastille; he began to crawl stiffly forward: and it was just then that the first of the disturbing events occurred which were to make this night memorable to him。 Something like a rattlesnake suddenly went off with a whirr; and his head; jerking up; collided with the piano。 It was only the cuckoo…clock; which now; having cleared its throat as was its custom before striking;
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