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er of J。 Rufus Bennett; of Bennett; Mandelbaum and Co。 And within five minutes of digesting this information; she was at her desk writing out telegrams cancelling all her engagements。 Iron…souled as this woman was; her fingers trembled as she wrote。 She had a vision of Eustace and the daughter of J。 Rufus Bennett strolling together on moonlit decks; leaning over rails damp with sea…spray; and; in short; generally starting the whole trouble over again。
 In the height of the tourist season it is not always possible for one who wishes to leave America to spring on to the next boat。 A long morning's telephoning to the offices of the Cunard and the White Star brought Mrs。 Hignett the depressing information that it would be a full week before she could sail for England。 That meant that the inflammable Eustace would have over two weeks to conduct an uninterrupted wooing; and Mrs。 Hignett's heart sank; till suddenly she remembered that so poor a sailor as her son was not likely to have had leisure for any strolling on the deck during the voyage of the  Atlantic 。
 Having realised this; she became calmer and went about her preparations for departure with an easier mind。 The danger was still great; but there was a good chance that she might be in time to intervene。 She wound up her affairs in New York and; on the following Wednesday; boarded the  Nuronia  bound for Southampton。
 The  Nuronia  is one of the slowest of the Cunard boats。 It was built at a time when delirious crowds used to swoon on the dock if an ocean liner broke the record by getting across in nine days。 It rolled over to Cherbourg; dallied at that picturesque port for some hours; then sauntered across the Channel and strolled into Southampton Water in the evening of the day on which Samuel Marlowe had sat in the lane plotting with Webster; the valet。 At almost the exact moment when Sam; sidling through the windows of the drawing…room; slid into the cupboard behind the piano; Mrs。 Hignett was standing at the Customs barrier telling the officials that she had nothing to declare。
 Mrs。 Hignett was a general who believed in forced marches。 A lesser woman might have taken the boat…train to London and proceeded to Windles at her ease on the following afternoon。 Mrs。 Hignett was made of sterner stuff。 Having fortified herself with a late dinner; she hired an automobile and set out on the cross…country journey。 It was only when the car; a genuine antique; had broken down three times in the first ten miles; that it became evident to her that it would be much too late to go to Windles that night; and she directed the driver to take her instead to the 〃Blue Boar〃 in Windlehurst; where she arrived; tired but thankful to have reached it at all; at about eleven o'clock。
 At this point many; indeed most; women; having had a tiring journey; would have gone to bed: but the familiar Hampshire air and the knowledge that half an hour's walking would take her to her beloved home acted on Mrs。 Hignett like a restorative。 One glimpse of Windles she felt that she must have before she retired for the night; if only to assure herself that it was still there。 She had a cup of coffee and a sandwich brought to her by the night…porter; whom she had roused from sleep; for bedtime is early in Windlehurst; and then informed him that she was going for a short walk and would ring when she returned。
 Her heart leaped joyfully as she turned in at the drive gates of her home and felt the well…remembered gravel crunching under her feet。 The silhouette of the ruined castle against the summer sky gave her the feeling which all returning wanderers know。 And; when she stepped on to the lawn and looked at the black bulk of the house; indistinct and shadowy with its backing of trees; tears came into her eyes。 She experienced a rush of emotion which made her feel quite faint; and which lasted until; on tiptoeing nearer to the house in order to gloat more adequately upon it; she perceived that the French windows of the drawing…room were standing ajar。 Sam had left them like this in order to facilitate departure; if a hurried departure should by any mischance be rendered necessary; and drawn curtains had kept the household from noticing the fact。
 All the proprietor in Mrs。 Hignett was roused。 This; she felt indignantly; was the sort of thing she had been afraid would happen the moment her back was turned。 Evidently laxityone might almost say anarchyhad set in directly she had removed the eye of authority。 She marched to the window and pushed it open。 She had now pletely abandoned her kindly scheme of refraining from rousing the sleeping house and spending the night at the inn。 She stepped into the drawing…room with the single…minded purpose of rousing Eustace out of his sleep and giving him a good talking to for having failed to maintain her own standard of efficiency among the domestic staff。 If there was one thing on which Mrs。 Horace Hignett had always insisted it was that every window in the house must be closed at lights…out。
 She pushed the curtains apart with a rattle and; at the same moment; from the direction of the door there came a low but distinct gasp which made her resolute heart jump and flutter。 It was too dark to see anything distinctly; but; in the instant before it turned and fled; she caught sight of a shadowy male figure; and knew that her worst fears had been realised。 The figure was too tall to be Eustace; and Eustace; she knew; was the only man in the house。 Male figures; therefore; that went flitting about Windles; must be the figures of burglars。
 Mrs。 Hignett; bold woman though she was; stood for an instant spellbound; and for one moment of not unpardonable panic; tried to tell herself that she had been mistaken。 Almost immediately; however; there came from the direction of the hall a dull chunky sound as though something soft had been kicked; followed by a low gurgle and the noise of staggering feet。 Unless he was dancing a  pas seul  out of sheer lightness of heart; the nocturnal visitor must have tripped over something。
 The latter theory was the correct one。 Montagu Webster was a man who at many a subscription ball had shaken a wicked dancing…pump; and nothing in the proper circumstances pleased him better than to exercise the skill which had bee his as the result of twelve private lessons at half…a…crown a visit: but he recognized the truth of the scriptural adage that there is a time for dancing; and that this was not it。 His only desire when; stealing into the drawing…room he had been confronted through the curtains by a female figure; was to get back to his bedroom undetected。 He supposed that one of the feminine members of the house…party must have been taking a stroll in the grounds; and he did not wish to stay and be pelled to make laborious explanations of his presence there in the dark。 He decided to postpone the knocking on the cupboard door; which had been the signal arranged between himself and Sam; until a more suitable occasion。 In the meantime he bounded silently out into the hall; and instantaneously tripped over the portly form of Smith; the bulldog; who; roused from a light sleep to the knowledge that something was going on; and being a dog who always 
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