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was one of dull but distinct gratitude。 The four winds of heaven blew chilly upon his raw and unprotected soul; and he wanted to wrap it up in a mantle of sympathy; careless of the source from which he borrowed that mantle。 If Webster; the valet; felt disposed; as he seemed to indicate; to fort him; let the thing go on。 At that moment Sam would have accepted condolences from a coal…heaver。
 〃I was reading a storyone of the Nosegay Novelettes; I do not know if you are familiar with the series; sir?in which much the same situation occurred。 It was entitled 'Cupid or Mammon!' The heroine; Lady Blanche Trefusis; forced by her parents to wed a wealthy suitor; despatches a note to her humble lover; informing him it cannot be。 I believe it often happens like that; sir。〃
 〃You're all wrong;〃 said Sam。 〃It's not that at all。〃
 〃Indeed; sir? I supposed it was。〃
 〃Nothing like it! II〃
 Sam's dignity; on its death…bed; made a last effort to assert itself。
 〃I don't know what it's got to do with you!〃
 〃Precisely; sir!〃 said Webster; with dignity。 〃Just as you say! Good afternoon; sir!〃
 He swayed gracefully; conveying a suggestion of departure without moving his feet。 The action was enough for Sam。 Dignity gave an expiring gurgle; and passed away; regretted by all。
 〃Don't go!〃 he cried。
 The idea of being alone in this infernal lane; without human support; overpowered him。 Moreover; Webster had personality。 He exuded it。 Already Sam had begun to cling to him in spirit; and rely on his support。
 〃Don't go!〃
 〃Certainly not; if you do not wish it; sir。〃
 Webster coughed gently; to show his appreciation of the delicate nature of the conversation。 He was consumed with curiosity; and his threatened departure had been but a pretence。 A team of horses could not have moved Webster at that moment。
 〃Might I ask; then what。。。?〃
 〃There's been a misunderstanding;〃 said Sam。 〃At least; there was; but now there isn't; if you see what I mean。〃
 〃I fear I have not quite grasped your meaning; sir。〃
 〃Well; IIplayed a sort ofyou might almost call it a sort of trick on Miss Bennett。 With the best motives; of course!〃
 〃Of course; sir!〃
 〃And she's found out。 I don't know how she's found out; but she has。 So there you are!〃
 〃Of what nature would the trick be; sir? A species of ruse; sir;some kind of innocent deception?〃
 〃Well; it was like this。〃
 It was a plicated story to tell; and Sam; a prey to conflicting emotions; told it badly; but such was the almost superhuman intelligence of Webster; that he succeeded in grasping the salient points。 Indeed; he said that it reminded him of something of much the same kind in the Nosegay Novelette; 〃All for Her;〃 where the hero; anxious to win the esteem of the lady of his heart; had bribed a tramp to simulate an attack upon her in a lonely road。
 〃The principle's the same;〃 said Webster。
 〃Well what did he do when she found out?〃
 〃She did not find out; sir。 All ended happily; and never had the wedding…bells in the old village church rung out a blither peal than they did at the subsequent union。〃
 Sam was thoughtful。
 〃Bribed a tramp to attack her; did he?〃
 〃Yes; sir。 She had never thought much of him till that moment; sir。 Very cold and haughty she had been; his social status being considerably inferior to her own。 But; when she cried for help; and he dashed out from behind a hedge; well; it made all the difference。〃
 〃I wonder where I could get a good tramp;〃 said Sam; meditatively。
 Webster shook his head。
 〃I really would hardly remend such a procedure; sir。〃
 〃No; it would be difficult to make a tramp understand what you wanted。〃
 Sam brightened。
 〃I've got it!  You  pretend to attack her; and I'll。。。。〃
 〃I couldn't; sir! I couldn't really! I should jeopardise my situation。〃
 〃Oh; e! Be a man!〃
 〃No; sir; I fear not。 There's a difference between handing in your resignationI was pelled to do that only recently; owing to a few words I had with the guv'nor; though subsequently prevailed upon to withdraw itI say there's a difference between handing in your resignation and being given the sack; and that's what would happenwithout a character; what's more; and lucky if it didn't mean a prison cell。 No; sir; I could not contemplate such a thing。〃
 〃Then I don't see that there's anything to be done;〃 said Sam morosely。
 〃Oh; I shouldn't say that; sir;〃 said Webster; encouragingly。 〃It's simply a matter of finding the way。 The problem confronting usyou; I should say。。。。〃
 〃Us;〃 said Sam。 〃Most decidedly us。〃
 〃Thank you very much; sir。 I would not have presumed; but if you say soThe problem confronting us; as I envisage it; resolves itself into this。 You have offended our Miss B。 and she has expressed a disinclination ever to see you again。 How; then; is it possible; in spite of her attitude; to recapture her esteem?〃
 〃Exactly;〃 said Sam。
 〃There are several methods which occur to one。。。。〃
 〃They don't occur to  me! 〃
 〃Well; for example; you might rescue her from a burning building as in 'True As Steel'。。。。〃
 〃Set fire to the house; eh?〃 said Sam; reflectively。 〃Yes; there might be something in that。〃
 〃I would hardly advise such a thing;〃 said Webster; a little hastilyflattered at the readiness with which his disciple was taking his advice; yet acutely alive to the fact that he slept at the top of the house himself。
 〃A little drastic; if I may say so。 It might be better to save her from drowning; as in 'The Earl's Secret'。〃
 〃Ah; but where could she drown?〃
 〃Well; there is a lake in the grounds。。。。〃
 〃Excellent!〃 said Sam。 〃Terrific! I knew I could rely on you。 Say no more! The whole thing's settled。 You take her out rowing on the lake; and upset the boat。 I plunge in 。。。 I suppose you can swim?〃
 〃No; sir。〃
 〃Oh? Well; never mind。 You'll manage somehow; I expect。 Cling to the upturned boat or something; I shouldn't wonder。 There's always a way。 Yes; that's the plan。 When is the earliest you could arrange this?〃
 〃I fear such a course must be considered out of the question; sir。 It really wouldn't do。〃
 〃I can't see a flaw in it。〃
 〃Well; in the first place; it would certainly jeopardise my situation。。。。〃
 〃Oh; hang your situation! You talk as if you were Prime Minister or something。 You can easily get another situation。 A valuable man like you;〃 said Sam; ingratiatingly。
 〃No; sir;〃 said Webster firmly。 〃From boyhood up I've always had a regular horror of the water。 I can't so much as go paddling without an uneasy feeling。〃
 The image of Webster paddling was arresting enough to occupy Sam's thoughts for a moment。 It was an inspiring picture; and for an instant uplifted his spirits。 Then they fell again。
 〃Well; I don't see what there  is  to be done;〃 he said; gloomily。 〃It's no good making suggestions; if you have some frivolous objection to all of them。〃
 〃My idea;〃 said Webster; 〃would be something which did not involve my own personal and active co…operation; sir。 If it is all the same to you; I should prefer to limit my assistance to advice。 I am anxious to help; but I am a man of regular habits; which I do not wish to disturb。 Did you ever read 'Footpaths of Fate;' in the Nosegay series; s
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