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n my pocket。 Never saw anything like it。 I might have been the missing heir。 I think America's the greatest invention on record。〃
 〃And what brought you to America?〃 said Mrs。 Hignett; unmoved by this rhapsody。
 〃Oh; I came over to play golf。 In a tournament; you know。〃
 〃Surely at your age;〃 said Mrs。 Hignett; disapprovingly; 〃you could be better occupied。 Do you spend your whole time playing golf?〃
 〃Oh; no。 I hunt a bit and shoot a bit and I swim a good lot; and I still play football occasionally。〃
 〃I wonder your father does not insist on your doing some useful work。〃
 〃He is beginning to harp on the subject rather。 I suppose I shall take a stab at it sooner or later。 Father says I ought to get married; too。〃
 〃He is perfectly right。〃
 〃I suppose old Eustace will be getting hitched up one of these days?〃 said Sam。
 Mrs。 Hignett started violently。
 〃Why do you say that?〃
 〃What makes you say that?〃
 〃Oh; well; he's a romantic sort of fellow。 Writes poetry and all that。〃
 〃There is no likelihood at all of Eustace marrying。 He is of a shy and retiring temperament and sees few women。 He is almost a recluse。〃
 Sam was aware of this and had frequently regretted it。 He had always been fond of his cousin and in that half…amused and rather patronising way in which men of thews and sinews are fond of the weaker brethren who run more to pallor and intellect; and he had always felt that if Eustace had not had to retire to Windles to spend his life with a woman whom from his earliest years he had always considered the Empress of the Wash…outs much might have been made of him。 Both at school and at Oxford; Eustace had beenif not a sportat least a decidedly cheery old bean。 Sam remembered Eustace at school breaking gas globes with a slipper in a positively rollicking manner。 He remembered him at Oxford playing up to him manfully at the piano on the occasion when he had done that imitation of Frank Tinney which had been such a hit at the Trinity smoker。 Yes; Eustace had had the makings of a pretty sound egg; and it was too bad that he had allowed his mother to coop him up down in the country miles away from anywhere。
 〃Eustace is returning to England on Saturday;〃 said Mrs。 Hignett。 She spoke a little wistfully。 She had not been parted from her son since he had e down from Oxford; and she would have liked to keep him with her till the end of her lecturing tour。 That; however; was out of the question。 It was imperative that; while she was away; he should be at Windles。 Nothing would have induced her to leave the place at the mercy of servants who might trample over the flower…beds; scratch the polished floors; and forget to cover up the canary at night。 〃He sails on the  Atlantic 。〃
 〃That's splendid;〃 said Sam。 〃I'm sailing on the  Atlantic  myself。 I'll go down to the office and see if we can't have a state…room together。 But where is he going to live when he gets to England?〃
 〃Where is he going to live? Why; at Windles; of course。 Where else?〃
 〃But I thought you were letting Windles for the summer?〃
 Mrs。 Hignett stared。
 〃Letting Windles!〃 She spoke as one might address a lunatic。 〃What put that extraordinary idea into your head?〃
 〃I thought father said something about your letting the place to some American。〃
 〃Nothing of the kind!〃
 It seemed to Sam that his aunt spoke somewhat vehemently; even snappishly; in correcting what was a perfectly natural mistake。 He could not know that the subject of letting Windles for the summer was one which had long since begun to infuriate Mrs。 Hignett。 People had certainly asked her to let Windles。 In fact people had pestered her。 There was a rich fat man; an American named Bennett; whom she had met just before sailing at her brother's house in London。 Invited down to Windles for the day; Mr。 Bennett had fallen in love with the place and had begged her to name her own price。 Not content with this; he had pursued her with his pleadings by means of the wireless telegraph while she was on the ocean; and had not given up the struggle even when she reached New York。 He had egged on a friend of his; a Mr。 Mortimer; to continue the persecution in that city。 And; this very morning; among the letters on Mrs。 Hignett's table; the buff envelope of a cable from Mr。 Bennett had peeped out; nearly spoiling her breakfast。 No wonder; then; that Sam's allusion to the affair had caused the authoress of 〃The Spreading Light〃 momentarily to lose her customary calm。
 〃Nothing will induce me ever to let Windles;〃 she said with finality; and rose significantly。 Sam; perceiving that the audience was at an endand glad of italso got up。
 〃Well; I think I'll be going down and seeing about that state…room;〃 he said。
 〃Certainly。 I am a little busy just now; preparing notes for my next lecture。〃
 〃Of course; yes。 Mustn't interrupt you。 I suppose you're having a great time; gassing awayI meanwell; good…bye!〃
 Mrs。 Hignett; frowning; for the interview had ruffled her and disturbed that equable frame of mind which is so vital to the preparation of lectures on Theosophy; sat down at the writing…table and began to go through the notes which she had made overnight。 She had hardly succeeded in concentrating herself when the door opened to admit the daughter of Erin once more。
 〃Ma'am there was a gentleman。〃
 〃This is intolerable!〃 cried Mrs。 Hignett。 〃Did you tell him that I was busy?〃
 〃I did not。 I loosed him into the dining…room。〃
 〃Is he a reporter from one of the newspapers?〃
 〃He is not。 He has spats and a tall…shaped hat。 His name is Bream Mortimer。〃
 〃Bream Mortimer!〃
 〃Yes; ma'am。 He handed me a bit of a kyard; but I dropped it; being slippy from the dishes。〃
 Mrs。 Hignett strode to the door with a forbidding expression。 This; as she had justly remarked; was intolerable。 She remembered Bream Mortimer。 He was the son of the Mr。 Mortimer who was the friend of the Mr。 Bennett who wanted Windles。 This visit could only have to do with the subject of Windles; and she went into the dining…room in a state of cold fury; determined to squash the Mortimer family once and for all。
 Bream Mortimer was tall and thin。 He had small; bright eyes and a sharply curving nose。 He looked much more like a parrot than most parrots do。 It gave strangers a momentary shock of surprise when they saw Bream Mortimer in restaurants eating roast beef。 They had the feeling that he would have preferred sun…flower seeds。
 〃Morning; Mrs。 Hignett。〃
 〃Please sit down。〃
 Bream Mortimer sat down。 He looked as though he would rather have hopped on to a perch; but he sat down。 He glanced about the room with gleaming; excited eyes。
 〃Mrs。 Hignett; I must have a word with you alone!〃
 〃You  are  having a word with me alone。〃
 〃I hardly know how to begin。〃
 〃Then let me help you。 It is quite impossible。 I will never consent。〃
 Bream Mortimer started。
 〃Then you have heard!〃
 〃I have heard about nothing else since I met Mr。 Bennett in London。 Mr。 Bennett talked about nothing else。 Your father talked about nothing else。 And now;〃 cried Mrs。 Hignett fiercely; 〃you e and try to reopen the subject。 Once and for all nothing will alter my decision。 No money will 
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