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ould hurl the pieces out of the cell。 I could not endure it! I flung the bloated trunk at the bars again and again and fell down; sobbing; unable to drive my fist or foot into it to break its bulk。 I crawled into the farthest corner to get away from it。
 Allesandra came。 〃Child; what can I say to fort you?〃 A bodiless whisper in the darkness。
 But there was another figure there; Santino。 Turning I saw by some errant light which only a vampire's eyes could gather that he put his finger to his lip and he shook his head; gently correcting her。 〃He must be alone now;〃 Santino said。
 〃Blood!〃 I screamed。 I flew at the bars; my arm stretched out so that both were affrighted and rushed away from me。
 At the end of seven more nights; when I was starved to the point where even the scent of the blood didn't rouse me; they laid the victim…a small boy child of the streets crying for pity…directly in my arms。
 〃Oh; don't be afraid; don't;〃 I whispered; sinking my teeth quickly into his neck。 〃Hmmmmm; trust in me;〃 I whispered; savoring the blood; drinking it slowly; trying not to laugh with delight; my blood tears of relief falling down on his little face。 〃Oh; dream; dream sweet and pretty things。 There are saints who will e; do you see them?〃
 Afterwards I lay back; satiated; and picking from the muddy ceiling over my head those infinitesimal stars of hard bright stone or flinty iron that lay embedded in the earth。 I let my head roll to the side; away from the corpse of the poor child which I had arranged carefully; as for the shroud; against the wall behind me。
 I saw a figure in my cell; a small figure。 I saw its gauzy outline against the wall as it stood gazing at me。 Another child? I rose up; aghast。 No scent came from it。 I turned and stared at the corpse。 It lay as before。 Yet there; against the far wall; was the very boy himself; small and wan and lost; looking at me。
 〃How is this?〃 I whispered。
 But the wretched little thing couldn't speak。 It could only stare。 It was clothed in the very same white shift that its corpse wore; and its eyes were large and colorless and soft with musing。
 A distant sound came into my hearing。 It was of a shuffling step in the long catab that led to my little prison。 This was no vampire's step。 I drew up; my nostrils flaring ever so slightly as I tried to catch the scent of this being。 Nothing changed in the damp musty air。 Only the scent of death was the aroma of my cell; of the poor broken little body。
 I fixed my eyes on the tenacious little spirit。
 〃Why do you linger here?〃 I asked it desperately in a whisper。 〃Why can I see you?〃
 It moved its little mouth as if it meant to speak; but it only shook its head ever so slightly; piteously eloquent of its confusion。
 The steps came on。 And once again I struggled to catch the scent。 But there was nothing; not even the dusty reek of a vampire's robes; only this; the approach of this shuffling sound。 And finally there came to the bars the tall shadowy figure of a haggard woman。
 I knew that she was dead。 I knew。 I knew she was as dead as the little one who hovered by the wall。
 〃Speak to me; please; oh; please; I beg you; I pray you; speak to me! 〃I cried out。
 But neither phantom could look away from the other。 The child with a quick soft tread hurried into the woman's arms; and she; turning; with her babe restored; began to fade even as her feet once again made the dry scraping sound on the hard mud floor which had first announced her。
 〃Look at me!〃 I begged in a low voice。 〃Just one glance。〃
 She paused。 There was almost nothing left of her。 But she turned her head and the dim light of her eye fixed on me。 Then soundlessly; totally; she vanished。
 I lay back; and flung out my arm in careless despair and felt the child's corpse; still faintly warm beside me。
 I did not always see their ghosts。
 I did not seek to master the means of doing so。
 They were no friends to me…it was a new curse…these spirits that would now and then collect about the scene of my bloody destruction。 I saw no hope in their faces when they did pass through those moments of my wretchedness when the blood was warmest in me。 No bright light of hope surrounded them。 Was it starvation that had brought about this power?
 I told no one about them。 In that damned cell; that cursed place where my soul was broken week after week without so much as the fort of an enclosing coffin; I feared them and then grew to hate them。
 Only the great future would reveal to me that other vampires; in the main; never see them。 Was it a mercy? I didn't know。 But I get ahead of myself。
 Let me return to that intolerable time; that crucible。
 Some twenty weeks were passed in this misery。
 I didn't even believe anymore that the bright and fantastical world of Venice had ever existed。 And I knew my Master was dead。 I knew it。 I knew that all I loved was dead。
 I was dead。 Sometimes I dreamt I was home in Kiev in the Monastery of the Caves; a saint。 Then I awoke to anguish。
 When Santino and the gray…haired Allesandra came to me; they were gentle as ever; and Santino shed tears to see me as I was; and said:
 〃e to me; e now; e study with me in earnest; e。 Not even those as wretched as we should suffer as you suffer。 e to me。〃
 I entrusted myself to his arms; I opened my lips to his; I bowed my head to press my face to his chest; and as I listened to his beating heart; I breathed deep; as if the very air had been denied me until that moment。
 Allesandra laid her cool; soft hands so gently on me。
 〃Poor orphan child;〃 she said。 〃Wandering child; oh; such a long road you've traveled to e to us。〃
 And what a wonder it was that all they had done to me should seem but a thing we shared; a mon and inevitable catastrophe。
 I lay on the floor in the arms of Allesandra; who rocked me and stroked my hair。
 〃I want you to hunt with us tonight;〃 said Santino。 〃You e with us; with Allesandra and with me。 We won't let the others torment you。 You are hungry。 You are so very hungry; are you not?〃
 And so my tenure with the Children of Darkness began。
 Night after night I did hunt in silence with my new panions; my new loved ones; my new Master and my new Mistress; and then I was ready to begin my new apprenticeship in earnest; and Santino; my teacher; with Allesandra to help him now and then; made me his own pupil; a great honor in the coven; or so the others were quick to tell me when they had the chance。
 I learnt what Lestat has already written from what I revealed to him; the great laws。
 One; that we were formed in Covens throughout the world; and each Coven would have its leader; and I was destined to be such a one; like unto the Superior of a convent; and that all matters of authority would be in my hands。 I and I alone should determine when a new vampire should be made to join us; I and I alone would see to it that the transformation was made in the proper way。
 Two; the Dark Gift; for that is what we called it;; must never be given to those who were
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