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 He looked at me; imploring me for understanding。
 〃Cathedrals rise from dust;〃 he said; 〃to show man wonder。 And in the stones men carve the Danse Macabre to show that life is brief。 We carry scythes in the army of the robed skeleton who is carved on a thousand doorways; a thousand walls。 We are the followers of Death; whose cruel visage is drawn in a million tiny prayer books which the rich and the poor alike hold in their hands。〃 His eyes were huge and dreamy。 He looked about us at the grim domed cell in which we sat。 I could see the candles in the black pupils of his eyes。 His eyes closed for a moment; and then opened; clearer; more bright。
 〃Your Master knew these things;〃 he said regretfully。 〃He knew。 But he was of a pagan time; obdurate and angry; and refusing ever the grace of God。 In you; he saw God's grace; because your soul is pure。 You are young and tender and open like the moonflower to take the light of the night。 You hate us now; but you will e to see。〃
 〃I don't know that I will ever see anything again;〃 I said。 〃I'm cold and small and have no understanding now of feeling; of longing; even of hate。 I don't hate you; when I should。 I'm empty。 I want to die。〃
 〃But it's God will when you die; Amadeo;〃 he said。 〃Not your own。〃 He stared hard at me; and I knew I couldn't hide from him any longer my recollection…the monks of Kiev; starving slowly in their earthen cells; saying they must take sustenance for it was God's will when they should die。
 I tried to hide these things; I drew these tiny pictures to myself and locked them up。 I thought of nothing。 One word came to my tongue: horror。 And then the thought that before this time I had been a fool。
 Another came into the room。 It was a female vampire。 She entered through a wooden door; letting it close carefully behind her as a good nun might do; in order that no unnecessary noise be made。 She came up to him and stood behind him。
 Her full gray hair was tangled and filthy; as was his; and it too had formed a shapely veil of beauteous weight and density behind her shoulders。 Her clothes were antique rags。 She wore the low hip belt of women of olden times adorning a shapely dress that revealed her small waist and gently flaring hips; the courtly costume one sees graven on the stone figures of rich sarcophagi。 Her eyes; like his; were huge as if to summon every precious particle of light in gloom。 Her mouth was strong and fall; and the fine bones of her cheeks and jaw shone well for the thin layer of silvery dust that covered her。 Her neck and bosom were almost bare。
 〃Will he be one of us?〃 she asked。 Her voice was so lovely; so forting; that I felt I'd been touched by it。 〃I have prayed for him。 I have heard him weeping inside though he makes no sound。〃
 I looked away from her; bound to be disgusted by her; my enemy; who had slain those I loved。
 〃Yes;〃 said Santino; the dark…haired one。 〃He'll be one of us; and he can be a leader。 He has such strength。 He slew Alfredo there; you see? Oh; it was wonderful to behold how he did it; with such rage and with such a baby's scowl on his face。〃
 She looked beyond me; at the ruin of what that vampire had been; and I didn't know myself what was left。 I didn't turn to look at it。
 A deep bitter sorrow softened her expression。 How beautiful she must have been in life; how beautiful still if the dust were taken away from her。
 Her eyes shot to me suddenly; accusingly; and then became mild。
 〃Vain thoughts; my child;〃 she said。 〃I don't live for looking glasses; as your Master did。 I need no velvet or silks to serve my Lord。 Ah; Santino; such a newborn thing he is; look at him。〃 She spoke of me。 〃In centuries gone by I might have penned verses in honor of such beauty; that it should e to us to grace God's sooted fold; a lily in the dark he is; a fairy's child planted by moonlight in a milkmaid's cradle to thrall the world with his girlish gaze and manly whisper。〃
 Her flattery enraged me; but I could not bear in this Hell to lose the sheer beauty of her voice; its deep sweetness。 I didn't care what she said。 And as I looked at her white face in which many a vein had bee a ridge in stone; I knew she was far too old for my impetuous violence。 Yet kill; yes; yank head from body; yes; and stab with candles; yes。 I thought of these things with clenched teeth; and him; how I would dispatch him for he was not so old; not nearly by half with his olive skin; but these pulsions died like weeds sprung from my mind stung by a northern wind; the deep frozen wind of my will dying inside of me。
 Ah; but they were beautiful。
 〃You will not renounce all beauty;〃 she said kindly; having drunk up my thoughts perhaps; despite all my devices for concealing them。 〃You will see another variant of beauty…a harsh and variegated beauty… when you take life and see that marvelous corporeal design bee a blazing web as you do suck it dry; and dying thoughts do fall on you like wailing veils to dim your eyes and make you but the school of those poor souls you hasten to glory or perdition…yes; beauty。 You will see beauty in the stars that can forever be your fort。 And in the earth; yes; the earth itself; you will find a thousand shades of darkness。 This will be your beauty。 You do but forswear the brash colors of mankind and the defiant light of the rich and the vain。〃
 〃I forswear nothing;〃 I said。
 She smiled; her face filling with a warm and irresistible warmth; her huge long mat of white hair curling here and there in the ardent flicker of the candles。
 She looked to Santino。 〃How well he understands the things we say;〃 she said。 〃And yet he seems the naughty boy who mocks all things in ignorance。〃
 〃He knows; he knows;〃 the other answered with surprising bitterness。 He fed his rats。 He looked at her and me。 He seemed to muse and even to hum the old Gregorian chant again。
 I heard others in the dark。 And far away the drums still beat; but that was unendurable。 I looked to the ceiling of this place; the blinded mouthless skulls that looked on all with limitless patience。
 I looked at them; the seated figure of Santino brooding or lost in thought; and behind him and above him; her statuesque form in its ragged raiment; her gray hair parted in the middle; her face ornamented by the dust。
 〃Those Who Must Be Kept; child; who were they?〃 she asked suddenly。
 Santino raised his right hand and made a weary gesture。
 〃Allesandra; of that he does not know。 Be sure of it。 Marius was too clever to tell him。 And what of it; this old legend we've chased for countless years? Those Who Must Be Kept。 If They are such that They must be kept; then They are no more; for Marius is no more to keep Them。〃
 A tremor ran through me; a terror that I would break into uncontrollable weeping; that I should let them see this; no; an abomination。 Marius no more 。。。
 Santino hastened to go on; as if in fear for me。
 〃God willed it。 God has willed that all edifices should crumble; all texts be stolen or burnt; all eyewitnesses to mystery be destroyed。 Think on it; Allesandra。 Think。 Time has plowed under all those w
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