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 Again; Marius was attacked; only to fling off all of them。 The tapestries of the great hall were ignited。 Dark odoriferous smoke belched forth from the adjacent rooms。 Smoke filled the stairwell above。 An infernal flickering light suddenly made the place as bright as day。
 I pitched myself into battle with the demons; finding them amazingly weak。 And picking up one of their torches I rushed at them; driving them back; away from me; just as the Master did。
 〃Blasphemer; heretic!〃 came a hiss from one。 〃Demon idolater; pagan!〃 cursed another。 They came on; and I fought them again; setting their robes afire so that they screamed and fled to the safety of the waters of the canal。
 But there were too many of them。 More poured into the hall even as we fought。
 Suddenly; to my horror; Marius shoved Bianca away from him towards the open front doors of the palazzo。
 〃Run; darling; run。 Get clear of the house。〃
 Savagely he fought those who would follow her; running after her; to bring them down one by one as they tried to stop her; until I saw her vanish through the open doors。
 There was no time to make certain she had reached safety。 More of them had closed in on me。 The flaming tapestries fell from their rods。 Statues were overturned and smashed on the marble。 I was nearly dragged down by two of the little demons who clutched at my left arm; until I drove my torch into the face of one; and set the other pletely alight。
 〃To the roof; Amadeo; e!〃 Marius shouted。
 〃Master; the paintings; the paintings in the storage rooms!〃 I cried。
 〃Forget the paintings。 It's too late。 Boys; run from here; get out now; save yourselves from the fire。〃
 Knocking the attackers back; he shot up the stairwell and called down to me from the uppermost railing。 〃e; Amadeo; fight them off; believe in your strength; child; fight。〃
 Reaching the second floor; I was everywhere surrounded; and no sooner did I set one ablaze than another was on me; and not seeking to burn me they grabbed my arms and my legs。 All my limbs were caught by them; until finally the torch was wrenched from my hand。
 〃Master; leave me; get away!〃 I called。 I turned; kicking and writhing; and looked up to see him high above; and again surrounded; and this time a hundred torches were plunged into his ballooning red cloak; a hundred fiery brands were beating against his golden hair and his furious white face。 It was as a swarm of blazing insects; and so by such numbers and such tactics the swarm rendered him first motionless; and then; with a great loud gust; his entire body went up in flames。
 〃Marius!〃 I screamed and screamed; unable to take my eyes off him; warring still with my captors; jerking loose my legs only to have them caught again by cold; hurting fingers; shoving with my arms; only to be pinioned once more。 〃Marius!〃 This cry came out of me with all my worst anguish and terror。
 It seemed that nothing I had ever feared could be so unspeakable; so unendurable as the sight of him; high above; at the stone banister; pletely engulfed in flame。 His long slender form became a black outline but for one second; and it seemed I saw his profile; head thrown back; as his hair exploded and his fingers were like black spiders clawing up out of the fire for air。
 〃Marius!〃 I cried。 All fort; all goodness; all hope was burning in this black figure which my eyes would not let go; even as it dwindled; and lost all perceptible form。
 Marius! My will died。
 What remained was a remnant of it; and the remnant; as if manded by a secondary soul made up of magic blood and power; fought mindlessly on。
 A net was thrown over me; a net of steel mesh so heavy and so fine that I could see nothing suddenly; only feel myself bound up in it; rolled over and over in it; by enemy hands。 I was being carried out of the house。 I could hear screams all around me。 I could hear the running feet of those who carried me; and when the wind howled past us; I knew we had e to the shore。
 Down into the bowels of a ship I was carried; my ears still full of mortal wails。 The apprentices had been taken prisoner with me。 I was thrown down among them; their soft frantic bodies heaped on me and beside me; and I; tightly bound in the net; could not even speak to utter words of fort; and had no words to give them besides。
 I felt the oars rise and fall; heard the inevitable splash in the water; and the great wooden galley shivered and moved out towards the open sea。 It gained speed as if there were no night to fight its passage; and on and on plowed the oarsmen with a force and strength that mortal men could not have manded; driving the ship south。
 〃Blasphemer;〃 came a whisper near my ear。
 The boys sobbed and prayed。
 〃Stop your impious prayers;〃 said a cold preternatural voice; 〃you servants of the pagan Marius。 You will die for your Master's sins; all of you。〃
 I heard a sinister laughter; rumbling like low thunder over the moist soft sounds of their anguish and suffering。 I heard a long; dry cruel laugh。
 I closed my eyes; I went deep deep inside myself。 I lay in the dirt of the Monastery of the Caves; a wraith of myself; tumbled back into safest and most terrible memories。
 〃Dear God;〃 I whispered without moving my lips; 〃save them; and I swear to You I shall bury myself alive among the monks forever; I shall give up all pleasures; I shall do nothing hour by hour but praise Your Holy Name。 Lord; God; deliver me。 Lord; God…。〃 But as the madness of panic took over; as I lost all sense of time and place; I called out for Marius。 〃Marius; for the love of God; Marius!〃
 Someone struck me。 A leather…clad foot struck my head。 Another struck my ribs; and yet another crushed my hand。 All around me were these wicked feet; kicking me and bruising me。 I went soft。 I saw the shocks of the blows as so many colors; and I thought to myself bitterly; ah; what beautiful colors; yes; colors。 Then came the increased wails of my brothers。 They too must suffer this; and what mental refuge did they have; these fragile young students; each so well loved and so well taught and groomed for the great world; to find themselves now at the mercy of these demons whose purpose was unknown to me; whose purpose lay beyond anything of which I could conceive。
 〃Why do this to us?〃 I whispered。
 〃To punish you!〃 came a gentle whisper。 〃To punish you for all your vain and blasphemous deeds; for the worldly and Godless life you've lived。 What is Hell to this; young one?〃
 Ah; so the executioners of the mortal world said a thousand times when they led heretics to the stake。 〃What are the fires of Hell to this brief suffering?〃 Oh; such self…serving and arrogant lies。
 〃Do you think so?〃 came the whisper。 〃Lay a caution on your thoughts; young one; for there are those who can pick your mind barren of all its thoughts。 There may be no Hell for you; child; but there will be suffering eternal。 Your nights of luxury and lasciviousness are over。 The truth awaits you now。〃
 Once again; I retreated into my deepest mental hiding place。 I had no body anymore。 I lay in the Monas
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