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and then we will not slip but hang on a scaffold of our making; as meaningless as nothing; but too detailed to be so easily dismissed。〃
 〃Well done;〃 he said with an eloquent sigh。 〃Maybe some night in the far distant future; you'll take a more hopeful approach; but as you seem as animated and fall of happiness as you can be; why should I plain?〃
 〃We must e from somewhere;〃 I said; pushing the other point。
 He was too crestfallen to answer。
 Finally; he rallied; climbing up off the pillows and ing towards me。 〃Let's go out。 Let's find Bianca; and dress her up as a man for a while。 Bring your finest。 She needs to be freed of those rooms for a spell。〃
 〃Sir; this may e as a rude shock to you; but Bianca; like many women; already has that habit。 In the guise of a boy; she slips out all the time to make the rounds of the city。〃
 〃Yes; but not in our pany;〃 he said。 〃We shall show her the worst places!〃 He made a dramatic ical face。 〃e on。〃
 I was excited。
 As soon as we told the little plan to her; she was excited too。
 We came bursting in with an armful of fine clothes; and she immediately slipped away with us to get dressed。
 〃What have you brought me? Oh; I'm to be Amadeo tonight; splendid;〃 she said。 She shut the doors on her pany; who as usual carried on without her; several men singing around the Virginal and others arguing heatedly over their dice。
 She stripped off her clothes and stepped out of them; naked as Venus from the sea。 We both dressed her in blue leggings and tunic and doublet。 I pulled her belt tight; and Marius caught her hair up in a soft velvet hat。
 〃You're the prettiest boy in the Veneto;〃 he said stepping back。 〃Something tells me I'll have to protect you with our life。〃
 〃Are you really going to take me to the worst haunts? I want to see dangerous places!〃 She threw up her arms。 〃Give me my stiletto。 You don't expect me to go unarmed。〃
 〃I have all the proper weapons for you;〃 Marius said。 He had brought a sword with a beautiful diamond…studded diagonal belt which he clasped at her hip。 〃Try to draw this。 It's no dancing rapier。 It's a war sword。 e on。〃
 She took the handle with both hands and brought it forth in a wide sure sweep。 〃I wish I had an enemy;〃 she cried out; 〃who was ready to die。〃
 I looked at Marius。 He looked at me。 No; she couldn't be one of us。
 〃That would be too selfish;〃 he whispered in my ear。
 I couldn't help but wonder; if I had not been dying after my fight with the Englishman; if the sweating sickness had not taken me over; would he have ever made me a vampire?
 The three of us hurried down the stone steps to the quay。 There was our canopied gondola waiting。 Marius gave the address。
 〃Are you sure you want to go there; Master?〃 asked the gondolier; shocked because he knew the district where the worst of the foreign seamen congregated and drank and fought。
 〃Most sure of it;〃 he said。
 As we moved off in the black waters; I put my arm around tender Bianca。 Leaning back on the cushions; I felt invulnerable; immortal; certain that nothing would ever defeat me or Marius; and in our care Bianca would always be safe。
 How very wrong I was。
 Nine months perhaps we had together after our trip to Kiev。 Nine or maybe ten; I cannot mark the climax by any exterior event。 Let me say only; before I proceed to bloody disaster; that Bianca was always with us in those last months。 When we were not spying upon the carousers; we were in our house; where Marius painted her portraits; devising her as this or that goddess; as the Biblical Judith with the head of the Florentine for her Holofernes; or as the Virgin Mary staring rapt at a tiny Christ child; as perfectly rendered by Marius as any image he ever made。
 Those pictures…perhaps some of them endure to this very day。
 One night; when all slept except for the three of us; Bianca; about to give up on a couch as Marius painted; sighed and said; 〃I like your pany too much。 I don't ever want to go home。〃
 Would that she had loved us less。 Would that she had not been there on the fatal evening in 1499; just before the turn of the century; when the High Renaissance was in its glory; ever to be celebrated by artists and historians; would that she had been safe when our world went up in flames。
 IF YOU'VE READ The Vampire Lestat you know what happened; for I showed it all to Lestat in visions two hundred years ago。 Lestat set down in writing the images I made known to him; the pain I shared with him。 And though I now propose to relive these horrors; to flesh out the tale in my own words; there are points where I cannot improve on his words; and may from time to time freely call them up。
 It began suddenly。 I awoke to find that Marius had lifted back the gilded cover of the sarcophagus。 A torch blazed behind him on the wall。
 〃Hurry; Amadeo; they're here。 They mean to burn our house。〃
 〃Who; Master? And why?〃
 He snatched me from the shining coffin box; and I rushed after him up the decaying stairs to the first floor of the ruined dwelling。
 He wore his red cape and hood; and he moved so fast it took all my power to keep up with him。
 〃Is it Those Who Must Be Kept?〃 I asked。 He slung his arm around me; and off we went to the rooftop of our own palazzo。
 〃No; child; it's a pack of foolish blood drinkers; bent on destroying all the work I've done。 Bianca is there; at their mercy; and the boys too。〃
 We entered by the roof doors and went down the marble steps。 Smoke rose from the lower floors。
 〃Master; the boys; they're screaming!〃 I shouted。
 Bianca came running to the foot of the stairs far below。
 〃Marius! Marius; they are demons。 Use your magic!〃 she cried out; her hair streaming from the couch; her garments undone。 〃Marius!〃 Her wail echoed up the three floors of the palazzo。
 〃Dear God; the rooms are everywhere on fire!〃 I cried out。 〃We must have water to put this out。 Master; the paintings!〃
 Marius dropped down over the railing and appeared; suddenly below; at her side。 As I ran to join him; I saw a crowd of black…robed figures close in on him; and to my horror; try to set his clothes afire with the torches they brandished; as they gave forth horrid shrieks and hissed curses from beneath their hoods。
 From everywhere these demons came。 The cries of the mortal apprentices were terrible。
 Marius knocked his assailants away; turning his arm in a great arc; the torches rolling on the marble floor。 He closed his cloak about Bianca。
 〃They mean to kill us!〃 she screamed。 〃They mean to burn us; Marius; they've slaughtered the boys; and others they've taken prisoner!〃
 Suddenly more of the black figures came running before the first attackers could climb to their feet。 I saw what they were。 All had the same white faces and hands as we had; all possessed the magic blood。
 They were creatures such as we!
 Again; Marius was attacked; only to fling off all of them。 The tapestries of the great hall were ignited。 Dark odoriferous smoke belched forth from the adjacent rooms。 Smo
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