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 〃Father; don't drink anymore;〃 I said in his ear。 〃Get up and be the hunter again。 Be what you are; Father。〃
 〃Andrei; no one will ever believe me。〃
 〃And who are they to say that to you if you are yourself again; man? 〃I asked。
 We looked into each other's eyes。 I kept my lips sealed that he should never; never see the sharp teeth in my mouth that the vampiric blood had given me; the tiny evil vampire's teeth as a man as keen as himself; the natural hunter; might very definitely see。
 But he was looking for no such disqualification here。 He wanted only love; and love we gave one another。
 〃I have to go; I have no choice;〃 I said。 〃I stole this time to e to you。 Father; tell my Mother that it was I who came to the house earlier; and that it was I who gave her the rings and gave your brother the purse。〃
 I drew back。 I sat down on the bench beside him; for he had placed his feet on the floor。 I pulled off my right glove and I looked at the seven or eight rings I wore; all of them made of gold or silver and rich with jewels; and then I slipped them off one by one; over his loud groan of protest; and I deposited the handful of them into his hand。 How soft and hot was his hand; how flushed and alive。
 〃You take them because I have a world of them。 And I will write to you and send you more; more so that you will never need to do anything but what you want to do…ride and hunt; and tell the tales of old times by the fire。 Buy a fine harp with this; buy books if you will for the little ones; buy what you will。〃
 〃I don't want this; I want you; my son。〃
 〃Yes; and I want you; my Father; but this little power is all we may have。〃
 I took his head in both my hands; displaying my strength; perhaps unwisely; but making him stay still while I gave him my kisses; and then with one long warm embrace; I rose to go。
 I was out of the room so fast; he couldn't have seen anything but the door swinging shut。
 The snow was ing down。 I saw my Master several yards away; and I went to meet him and together we started up the hill。 I didn't want for my Father to e out。 I wanted to get away as fast as I could。
 I was about to ask that we take to vampire speed and get clear of Kiev when I saw that a figure was hurrying towards us。 It was a small woman; her long heavy furs trailing in the wet snow。 She had something bright in her arms。
 I stood fixed; my Master waiting on me。 It was my Mother who had e to see me。 It was my Alother who was making her way to the tavern; and in her arms; facing me; was an ikon of the scowling Christ; the one I looked at so long through the chink in the wall of the house。
 I drew in my breath。 She lifted the ikon by either side and she presented it to me。
 〃Andrei;〃 she whispered。
 〃Mother;〃 I said。 〃Keep it for the little ones; please。〃 I embraced her and kissed her。 How much older; how miserably older she seemed。 But childbearing had done that to her; pulling the strength out of her; if only for babies to be buried in small plots in the ground。 I thought of how many babies she had lost during my youth; and how many were still counted before I was born。 She had called them her angels; her little babies; not big enough to live。
 〃Keep it;〃 I said to her。 〃Keep it for the family here。〃
 〃All right; Andrei;〃 she said。 She looked at me with pale; suffering eyes。 I could see that she was dying。 I understood suddenly that it wasn't mere age that worked on her; nor the hardship of children。 She was diseased from within; and would soon truly die。 I felt such a terror; looking at her; such a terror for the whole mortal world。 It was just a tiresome; mon and inevitable disease。
 〃Goodbye; darling angel;〃 I said。
 〃And goodbye to you; my darling angel;〃 she answered。 〃My heart and soul are happy that you are a proud Prince。 But show me; do you make the Sign of the Cross in the right way?〃
 How desperate she sounded。 She meant these words。 She meant simply; Had I gotten all this apparent wealth by converting to the church of the West? That is what she meant。
 〃Mother; you put a simple test to me。〃 I made the Sign of the Cross for her; in our way; the Eastern Way; from right shoulder to left; and I smiled。
 She nodded。 Then she took something carefully from inside her heavy wool shift coat and she gave it to me; only releasing it when I had made a cradle for it with my hand。 It was a dark ruby…red painted Easter egg。
 Such a perfect and exquisitely decorated egg。 It was banded with long lengthwise ribbons of yellow; and in a center created by them was painted a perfect rose or eight…pointed star。
 I looked down at it and then I nodded to her。
 I took out a handkerchief of fine Flemish linen and wrapped the egg in this; padding it over and over; and I slipped the little burden faithfully into the folds of my tunic beneath my jacket and cloak。
 I bent over and kissed her again on her soft dry cheek。 〃Mother;〃 I said; 〃the Joy of All Sorrows; that is what you are to me!〃
 〃My sweet Andrei;〃 she answered。 〃Go with God if you must go。〃
 She looked at the ikon。 She wanted me to see it。 She turned the ikon around so that I could look at the gleaming golden Face of God; as waxen and fine as the day I'd painted it for her。 Only I hadn't painted it for her。 No; it was the very ikon which I had taken that day on our march into the wild lands。
 Oh; what a marvel; that my Father had brought it back with him; all the way from the scene of such loss。 And yet why not? Why not would such a man as he have done such a thing?
 The snow fell onto the painted ikon。 It fell on the stern Face of Our Savior; which had e ablaze under my racing brush as if by magic; a face which with its stern and smooth lips and slightly furrowed brow meant love。 Christ; my Lord; could look even more stern peering out from the mosaics of San Marco。 Christ; my Lord; could look as stern in many an old painting。 But Christ; my Lord; in any manner and in any style; was full of unstinting love。
 The snow came in flurries and seemed to melt when it touched His Face。
 I feared for it; this fragile panel of wood; and this glistering lacquered image; meant to shine for all time。 But she thought of this too; and she quickly shielded the ikon from the wetness of the melting snow with her cloak。
 I never saw it again。
 But is there anyone who needs now to ask me what an ikon means to me? Is there anyone who needs now to know why; when I saw the Face of Christ before me on the Veil of Veronica; when Dora held it high; this Veil; brought back from Jerusalem and the hour of Christ's passion; by Lestat himself; through Hell and into the world; that I fell down on my knees; and cried; 〃It is the Lord〃?
 THE JOURNEY from Kiev seemed a journey forwards in time; towards the place where I truly belonged。 All of Venice; upon my return; seemed to share the shimmer of the gold…plated chamber in which I made my grave。 In a daze; I spent my nights roaming; with or without Marius; drinking up the fresh air of the Adriatic and perusing the splendid houses and government palaces 
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