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ne to the falling rivulets of pure; melted wax。
 〃I cannot live without this beauty;〃 I said suddenly; though I had meant to wait。 〃I cannot endure without it。 Oh; God; you have shown me Hell and it lies behind me; surely in the land where I was born。〃
 He heard my little prayer; my little confession; my desperate plea。
 〃If Christ is the Lord;〃 he said; returning to his point; returning us both to the lesson; 〃if Christ is the Lord; then what a beautiful miracle it is; this Christian mystery…。〃 His eyes filmed with tears。 〃That the Lord Himself should e to Earth and clothe Himself in flesh the better to know us and to prehend us。 Oh; what God; ever made in the image of Man by His fancy; was ever better than one who would bee Flesh? Yes; I would say to you; yes; your Christ; their Christ; the Christ even of the Monks of Kiev; He is the Lord! Only mark forever the lies they tell in His Name; and the deeds they do。 For Savonarola called on His Name when he praised a foreign enemy bearing down on Florence; and those who burnt Savonarola as a false prophet; they too; as they lit the faggots beneath his dangling body; they too called on Christ the Lord。〃
 I was overe with tears。
 He sat in silence; respecting me perhaps; or only collecting his thoughts。 Then he dipped his pen again and wrote for a long time; much faster than men do; but deftly and gracefully; and never marking out a word。
 At last; he set down the pen。 He looked at me and he smiled。
 〃I set out to show you things; and it's never as I plan。 I wanted you tonight to see the dangers in this power of flight; that we can too easily transport ourselves to other places; and that this feeling of slipping in and out so easily is a deception of which we must beware。 But look; how differently it has all gone。〃
 I didn't answer him。
 〃I wanted you;〃 he said; 〃to be a little afraid。〃
 〃Master;〃 I said; wiping my nose with the back of my hand; 〃count on me to be properly frightened when the time es。 I'll have this power; I know it。 I can feel it now。 And for now; I think it's splendid; and because of it; this power; one dark thought falls over my heart。〃
 〃What is that?〃 he asked in the kindest way。 〃You know; I think your angelic face is no more fit for sad things than those faces painted by Fra Angelico。 What's this shadow I see? What is this dark thought?〃
 〃Take me back there; Master;〃 I said。 I trembled; yet I said it。 〃Let us use your power to cover miles and miles of Europe。 Let us go north。
 Take me back to see that cruel land that has bee a Purgatorio in my imagination。 Take me back to Kiev。〃
 He was slow in giving his answer。
 The morning was ing。 He gathered up his cloak and robe; rose from the chair and took me with him up the stairs to the roof。
 We could see the distant already paling waters of the Adriatic; twinkling under the moon and stars; beyond the familiar forest of the masts of the ships。 Tiny lights flickered on the distant islands。 The wind was mild and full of salt and sea freshness; and a particular deliciousness that es only when one has lost all fear of the sea。
 〃Yours is a brave request; Amadeo。 If you really wish it; tomorrow night we'll begin the journey。〃
 〃Have you ever traveled so far before?〃
 〃In miles; in space; yes; many times;〃 he said。 〃But in another's quest for understanding? No; never so very far。〃
 He embraced me and took me to the palazzo where our tomb lay hidden。 I was cold all over by the time we reached the soiled stone stairway; where so many of the poor slept。 We picked our way among them; until we reached the entrance to the cellar。
 〃Light the torch for me; Sir;〃 I said。 〃I am shivering。 I want to see the gold around us; if I may。〃
 〃There; you have it;〃 he said。 We stood in our crypt with the two ornate sarcophagi before us。 I lay my hand on the lid of the one which was mine; and quite suddenly there came over me another presentiment; that all I loved would endure for a very brief time。
 Marius must have seen this hesitation。 He passed his right hand through the very fire of the torch; and touched his warmed fingers to my cheek。 Then he kissed me where this warmth hovered; and his kiss was warm。
 IT TOOK us four nights to reach Kiev。 Only in the early hours before dawn did we hunt。 We made our graves in actual burial places; the dungeon vaults of old neglected castles and in the sepulchers beneath forlorn and ruined churches where the profane were wont now to stash their livestock and their hay。
 There are tales I could tell of this journey; of those brave fortresses we roamed near morning; of those wild mountain villages where we found the evildoer in his rude den。
 Naturally; Marius saw lessons in all this; teaching me how easy it was to find hiding places and approving the speed with which I moved through the dense forest; and had no fear of the scattered primitive settlements which we visited on account of my thirst。 He praised me that I didn't shrink from the dark dusty nests of bones in which we lay down by day; reminding me that these burial places; having already been pillaged; were the least likely for men to trouble even in the light of the sun。
 Our fancy Venetian clothes were soon streaked with dirt; but we were provided with thick fur…lined cloaks for the journey; and these covered all。 Even in this Marius saw a lesson; that we must remember what fragile and meaningless protection our garments provide。 Mortal men forget how to wear their garments lightly and that they are a mere covering for the body and no more。 Vampires must never forget it; for we are far less dependent upon our raiment than men。
 By the last morning before our arrival in Kiev; I knew the rocky northern woods only too well。 The dread winter of the north was all around us。 We had e upon one of the most intriguing of all my memories: the presence of snow。
 〃It no longer hurts me to hold it;〃 I said; gathering the soft delicious cold snow in my hands and pressing it to my face。 〃It no longer chills me to see it; and indeed how beautiful it is; covering the poorest of towns and hovels with its blanket。 Master; look; look how it throws back the light even of the weakest stars。〃
 We were on the edge of the land that men call the Golden Horde… the southern steppes of Russia; which for two hundred years; since the conquest of Genghis Khan; had been too dangerous for the farmer; and often the death of the army or the knight。
 Kiev Rus had once included this fertile and beautiful prairie; stretching far to the East; almost to Europe; as well as south of the city of Kiev; where I had been born。
 〃The final stretch will be nothing;〃 my Master told me。 〃We make it tomorrow night so that you will be rested and fresh when you catch the first sight of home。〃
 As we stood on a rocky crag looking out at the wild grass; flowing in the winter wind beneath us; for the first time in the nights since I'd bee a vampire; I felt a terrible longing for the sun。 I wanted to see this land by the light of the sun。 I didn't dare confess it to my Master。 After all; how many 
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