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ome time to accept the fact。
 〃Show them only courtesy and love; only plete indulgence; but keep your distance;〃 Marius told me。 〃By the time they realize the unthinkable is the fact; you will have assured them that you are no enemy to them; that you are indeed Amadeo still; whom they love; and that though you have been changed; you yourself have not changed towards them。〃
 I understood this。 At once I felt a greater love for Riccardo。 I felt it for all of the boys。
 〃But Master;〃 I asked; 〃don't you ever bee impatient with them; that they think more slowly; that they are so clumsy? I love them; yes; but surely you see them in a more pejorative light even than I do。〃
 〃Amadeo;〃 he said softly; 〃they are all going to die。〃 His face was charged with grief。
 I felt it immediately and totally; which was always the way with feelings now。 They came on in a torrent and taught their lessons at once。
 They are all going to die。 Yes; and I am immortal。
 After that; I could only be patient with them; and indeed; I indulged myself in the manner in which I looked at them and studied them; never letting them know it; but glorying in all the details of them as if they were exotic because 。。。 they were going to die。
 There is too much to describe; too much。 I can't find a way to put down all that became clear to me in the first few months alone。 And there was nothing made known to me in that time which was not deepened afterwards。
 I saw process everywhere I looked; I smelled corruption; but I also beheld the mystery of growth; the magic of things blossoming and ripening; and in fact all process; whether towards maturity or towards the grave; delighted and enthralled me; except; that is; the disintegration of the human mind。
 My study of government and law was more of a challenge。 Though reading was acplished with infinitely greater speed and near instantaneous prehension of syntax; I had to force myself to be interested in such things as the history of Roman Law from ancient times; and the great code of the Emperor Justinian; called the Corpus Juris Civilis; which my Master thought to be one of the finest codes of law ever written。
 〃The world is only getting better;〃 Marius instructed me。 〃With each century; civilization bees more enamored of justice; ordinary men make greater strides towards sharing the wealth which was once the booty of the powerful; and art benefits by every increase in freedom; being ever more imaginative; ever more inventive and ever more beautiful。〃
 I could understand this only theoretically。 I had no faith or interest in law。 In fact; I had a total contempt in the abstract for my Master's ideas。 What I mean is; I didn't have contempt for him; but I had an underlying contempt for law and for legal institutions and governmental institutions that was so total that I did not even understand it myself。
 My Master said that he understood it。
 〃You were born in a dark savage land;〃 he said。 〃I wish I could take you back two hundred years in time to the years before Batu; the son of Genghis Khan; sacked the magnificent city of Kiev Rus; to the time when indeed the domes of its Santa Sofia were golden; and its people full of ingenuity and hope。〃
 〃I heard ad nauseam of that old glory;〃 I said quietly; not wanting to anger him。 〃I was stuffed with tales of the olden times when I was a boy。 In the miserable wooden house in which we lived; only yards from the frozen river; I listened to that rot as I shivered by the fire。 Rats lived in our house。 There was nothing beautiful in it but the ikons; and my Father's songs。 There was nothing but depravity there; and we speak now; as you know; of an immense land。 You cannot know how big Russia is unless you have been there; unless you have traveled as I did with my Father into the bitter…cold northern forests to Moscow; or to Novgorod; or east to Cracow。〃 I broke off。 〃I don't want to think of those times or that place;〃 I said。 〃In Italy one cannot dream of enduring such a place。〃
 〃Amadeo; the evolution of law; of government; is different in each land and with each people。 I chose Venice; as I told you long ago; because it is a great Republic; and because its people are firmly connected to the Mother Earth by the simple fact that they are all merchants and engaged in trade。 I love the city of Florence because its great family; the Medici; are bankers; not idle titled aristocrats who scorn all effort in the name of what they believe has been given them by God。 The great cities of Italy are made by men who work; men who create; men who do; and on account of this; there is a greater passion to all systems; and infinitely greater opportunity for men and women in all walks of life。〃
 I was discouraged by all this talk。 What did it matter?
 〃Amadeo; the world now is yours;〃 my Master said。 〃You must look at the larger movements of history。 The state of the world will begin in time to oppress you; and you will find; as all immortals do; that you cannot simply shut your heart on it; especially not you。〃
 〃Why so?〃 I asked a little crossly。 〃I think I can shut my eyes。 What do I care if a man is a banker or a merchant? What do I care whether I live in a city which builds its own merchant fleet? I can look forever on the paintings in this palazzo; Master。 I have not yet begun to see all the details in The Procession of the Magi; and there are so many others。 And what of all the paintings in this city?〃
 He shook his head。 〃The study of painting will lead you to the study of man; and the study of man will lead you to lament or celebrate the state of the world of men。〃
 I didn't believe it; but I was not allowed to change the curriculum。 I studied as I was told。
 Now; my Master had many gifts which I did not possess; but which he told me I would develop in time。 He could make fire with his mind; but only if conditions were optimum…that is; he could ignite a torch already prepared with pitch。 He could scale a building effortlessly with only a few quick handholds on its windowsills; propelling himself upwards with graceful darting motions; and he could swim to any depth of the sea。
 Of course his vampiric vision and his hearing were far more acute and powerful than my own; and while voices intruded upon me; he knew how to emphatically shut them out。 I had to learn this; and indeed I worked at it desperately; for there were times when all Venice seemed nothing but a cacophony of voices and prayers。
 But the one great power he possessed which I did not possess was that he could take to the air and cover immense distances with great speed。 This had been demonstrated to me many times; but almost always; when he had lifted me and carried me; he had made me cover my face; or he had forced my head down so that I couldn't see where we went and how。
 Why he was so reticent about it; I couldn't understand。 Finally; one night when he refused to transport us as if by magic to the Island of the Lido so that we could watch one of the nighttime ceremonies of fireworks and torch…lit ships on the water; I pressed the question。
 〃It's a frightening power;〃 he said c
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