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 e back to me; Amadeo。 e back。 Do not let your heart stop!
 I spun around。 〃Who calls to me?〃 The thick white veil of the snow broke to reveal the distant glass city; black and glimmering as if heated by hellish fires。 Smoke rose to feed the ominous clouds of the darkening sky。 I rode towards the glass city。
 〃Andrei!〃 This was my Father's voice behind me。
 e back to me; Amadeo。 Don V let your heart stop!
 The Ikon fell from my left arm as I struggled to bridle my mount。 The wool had e undone。 On and on we rode。 The Ikon fell downhill beside us; turning over and over; corner bouncing upon corner; as it tumbled; the swaddling of wool falling loose。 I saw the shimmering face of Christ。
 Strong arms caught me; pulled me upwards as if from a whirlwind。 〃Let me go!〃 I protested。 I looked back。 Against the frozen earth lay the Ikon; and the staring; questioning eyes of the Christ。
 Firm fingers pressed my face on either side。 I blinked and opened my eyes。 The room was filled with warmth and light。 There loomed the familiar face of my Master right above me; his blue eyes shot with blood。 〃Drink; Amadeo;〃 he said。 〃Drink from me。〃
 My head fell forward against his throat。 The blood fount had started; it bubbled out of his vein; flowing thickly down onto the neck of his golden tissue robe。 I closed my mouth over it。 I lapped at it。
 I let out a cry as the blood inflamed me。
 〃Draw it from me; Amadeo。 Draw it hard!〃
 My mouth filled with blood。 My lips closed against his silky white flesh so that not a drop would be lost。 Deeply I swallowed。 In a dim flash I saw my Father riding through the grasslands; a powerful leather…clad figure; his sword tied firmly to his belt; his leg crooked; his cracked and worn brown boot firmly in the stirrup。 He turned to the left; rising and falling gracefully and perfectly with the huge strides of his white horse。
 〃All right; leave me; you coward; you impudent and miserable boy! Leave me!〃 He looked before him。 〃I prayed for it; Andrei; I prayed they wouldn't get you for their filthy catabs; their dark earthen cells。 Well; so my prayer is answered! Go with God; Andrei。 Go with God。 Go with God!〃
 My Master's face was rapt and beautiful; a white flame against the wavering golden light of countless candles。 He stood over me。
 I lay on the floor。 My body sang with the blood。 I climbed to my feet; my head swimming。 〃Master。〃
 At the far end of the room he stood; his bare feet posed on the glowing rose…colored floor; his arms outstretched。 〃e to me; Amadeo; walk towards me; e to me; to take the rest。〃
 I struggled to obey him。 The room raged with colors around me。 I saw the Procession of the searching Magi。 〃Oh; that it's so vivid; so utterly alive!〃
 〃e to me; Amadeo。〃
 〃I'm too weak; Master; I'm fainting; I'm dying in this glorious light。〃
 I took one step after another; though it seemed impossible。 I placed one foot before the other; drawing ever closer to him。 I stumbled。 〃On your hands and knees; then; e。 e to me。〃 I clung to his robe。 I had to climb this great height if I wanted it。 I reached up and took hold of the crook of his right arm。 I lifted myself; feeling the gold cloth against me。 I straightened my legs until I stood。 Once again; I embraced him; once again I found the fount。 I drank; and drank; and drank。
 In a gilded gush the blood went down into my bowels。 It went through my legs and my arms。 I was a Titan。 I crushed him under me。 〃Give it to me;〃 I whispered。 〃Give it to me。〃 The blood hovered on my lips and then flooded down my throat。
 It was as if his cold marble hands had seized my heart。 I could hear it struggling; beating; the valves opening and closing; the wet sound of his blood invading it; the swoosh and flap of the valves as they weled it; utilizing it; my heart growing ever larger and more powerful; my veins being like so many invincible metallic conduits of this most potent fluid。
 I lay on the floor。 He stood above me; and his hands were open to me。 〃Get up; Amadeo。 e; e up; into my arms。 Take it。〃
 I cried。 I sobbed。 My tears were red; and my hand was stained with red。 〃Help me; Master。〃
 〃I do help you。 e; seek it out for yourself。〃
 I was on my feet with this new strength; as if all human limitations had been loosened; as if they were bonds of rope or chain and had fallen away。 I sprang at him; pulling back his robe; the better to find the wound。
 〃Make a new wound; Amadeo。〃
 I bit into the flesh; puncturing it; and the blood squirted over my lips。 I clapped my mouth against it。 〃Flow into me。〃
 My eyes closed。 I saw the wild lands; the grass blowing; the sky blue。 My Father rode on and on with the small band behind him。 Was I one of them?
 〃I prayed you'd escape!〃 he called out to me; laughing; 〃and so you have。 Damn you; Andrei。 Damn you and your sharp tongue and your magical painter's hands。 Damn you; you foul…mouthed whelp; damn you。〃 He laughed and laughed; and rode on; the grass bending and falling for him。
 〃Father; look!〃 I struggled to shout。 I wanted him to see the stony ruins of the castle。 But my mouth was full of blood。 They had been right。 Prince Feodor's fortress was destroyed; and he himself long gone。 My Father's horse reared up suddenly as it came to the first heap of vine…covered stones。
 With a shock; I felt the marble floor beneath me; so wondrously warm。 I lay with both hands against it。 I lifted myself。 The swarming rosy pattern was so dense; so deep; so wondrous; it was like water frozen to make the finest stone。 I could have looked into its depths forever。
 〃Rise up; Amadeo; once more。〃
 Oh; it was easy to make this climb; to reach for his arm and then his shoulder。 I broke the flesh of his neck。 I drank。 The blood washed through me; once again revealing my entire form with a shock against the blackness of my mind。 I saw the boy's body that was mine; of arms and legs; as with this form I breathed in the warmth and light around me; as if all of me had bee one great multipored organ for seeing; for hearing; for breathing。 I breathed with millions of minute and strong tiny mouths。
 The blood filled me so that I could take no more。
 I stood before my Master。 In his face I saw but the hint of weariness; but the smallest pain in his eyes。 I saw for the first time the true lines of his old humanity in his face; the soft inevitable crinkles at the corners of his serenely folded eyes。
 The drapery of his robe glistened; the light traveling on it as the cloth moved with his small gesture。 He pointed。 He pointed to the painting of The Procession of the Magi。
 〃Your soul and your physical body are now locked together forever;〃 he said。 〃And through your vampiric senses; the sense of sight; and of touch; and of smell; and of taste; you'll know all the world。 Not from turning away from it to the dark cells of the Earth; but through opening your arms to endless glory will you perceive the absolute splendor of God's creation and the miracles wrought; in His Divine Indulgence; by the hands of men。〃
 The silk…clad multitudes of The Procession of th
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