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gh;〃 I said softly; weakly; but I was falling asleep。
 I went down into the pillows; and I felt Bianca's cloth wipe my forehead and my eyes。 What a sweet mercy it was; and how very grand to give that small fort; which was all the world to me。 All the world。 All the world。
 I had forgotten what I had seen on the other side! My eyes snapped open。 Recover it; I thought desperately。 But I remembered the priest; vividly as though I had just talked to him in another room。 He had said I couldn't remember。 And there was so much more to it; infinitely more; such things as only my Master might understand。
 I closed my eyes。 I slept。 Dreams couldn't e to me。 I was too ill; too feverish; but in my own way; stretched thin upon a consciousness of the moist hot bed and the sluggish air beneath the baldaquin; upon the blurred words of the boys and Bianca's sweet insistence; I did sleep。 The hours ticked。 I knew them; and gradually some fort came to me in that I got used to the sweat that smothered my skin; and the thirst that hurt my throat; and I lay without protest; drifting; waiting for my Master to e。
 I have so many things to tell you; I thought。 You will know about the glass city! I must explain that I was once 。 。 。 but I couldn't quite remember。 A painter; yes; but what sort of painter; and how; and my name? Andrei? When had I been so called?
 SLOWLY over my consciousness of the sickbed and the humid room there dropped the dark veil of Heaven。 Spread out in all directions were the sentinel stars; splendid as they shone above the glinting towers of the glass city; and in this half…sleep; now aided by the most tranquil and blissful of illusions; the stars sang to me。
 Each from its fixed position in constellation and in void gave forth a precious glimmering sound; as if great chords were struck inside each flaming orb and by means of its brilliant gyrations broadcast through all the universal world。
 Such sounds I had never heard with my earthly ears。 But no disclaimer can approximate this airy and translucent music; this harmony and symphony of celebration。
 Oh; Lord; if Thou wert music; this then would be Thy voice; and no discord could ever prevail against Thee。 Thou wouldst cleanse the ordinary world of every troubling noise with this; the fullest expression of Thy most intricate and wondrous design; and all triviality would fade away; overwhelmed by this resounding perfection。
 This was my prayer; my heartfelt prayer; ing in an ancient tongue; most intimate and effortless as I lay slumbering。
 Stay with me; beauteous stars; I begged; and let me never seek to fathom this fusion of light and sound; but only give myself to it utterly and unquestionably。
 The stars grew large and infinite in their cold majestic light; and slowly all the night was gone and there remained one great glorious and sourceless illumination。
 I smiled。 I felt my smile with blind fingers on my lips; and as the light grew brighter still and ever closer; as though it were an ocean of itself; I felt a great saving coolness over all my limbs。
 〃Don't fade; don't go away; don't leave me。〃 My own whisper was a woeful small thing。 I pressed my throbbing head into the pillow。
 But it had spent its time; this grand and overriding light; and now must fade and let the mon blink of candles move against my half…closed eyes; and I must see the burnished gloom around my bed; and simple things; such as a rosary laid across my right hand with ruby beads and golden cross; and there a prayer book open to my left; its pages gently folding in a small stir of breeze that moved as well the smooth taffeta in ripples overhead in its wood frame。
 How lovely it all did seem; these plain and ordinary things that made up this silent and elastic moment。 Where had they gone; my lovely swan…necked nurse and my weeping rades? Had night worn them down to where they slept; so that I might cherish these quiet moments of unobserved wakefulness? My mind was gently crowded with a thousand lively recollections。
 I opened my eyes。 All were gone; save one who sat beside me on the bed; looking down at me with eyes both dreamy and remote and coldly blue; far paler than a summer sky and filled with a near faceted light as they fixed so idly and indifferently upon me。
 My Master here; with hands folded in his lap; a seeming stranger viewing all as if it could not touch his chiseled grandeur。 The smileless expression set upon his face seemed made there forever。
 〃Merciless!〃 I whispered。
 〃No; oh; no;〃 he said。 His lips did not move。 〃But tell me once again the whole tale。 Describe this glassy city。〃
 〃Ah; yes; we've talked of it; have we not; of those priests who said I must e back; and those old paintings; so antique; which I thought so very beautiful。 Not made by human hands; you see; but by the power invested in me; which passed through me; and I had only to take up the brush and there the Virgin and the Saints were mine to discover。〃
 〃Don't cast those old forms away;〃 he said; and once again his lips showed no sign of the voice I heard so distinctly; a voice that pierced my very ears as any human voice might do; with his tone; his very timbre。 〃For forms change; and reason now is but tomorrow's superstition; and in that old restraint there lay a great sublime intent; an indefatigable purity。 But tell me once again about the glassy city。〃
 I sighed。 〃You've seen the molten glass; as I have;〃 I said; 〃when taken from the furnace; a glowing blob of horrifying heat upon a spear of iron; a thing that melts and drips so that the artist's wand may pull and stretch it; or fill it full of breath to form the perfect rounded vessel。 Well; it was as if that glass came up out of the moist Mother Earth herself; a molten torrent spewing to the clouds; and out of these great liquid jets were born the crowded towers of the glassy city…not imitating any form built by men; but perfect as the heated force of Earth had naturally ordained; in colors unimaginable。 Who lived in such a place? How far away it seemed; yet utterly attainable。 But one short walk over hills sweet with willowing green grass and leafy fluttering flowers of the same fantastical hues and tints; a quiet thunderous and impossible apparition。〃
 I looked at him; because I had been looking off and back into my vision。
 Tell me what these things mean;〃 I asked。 〃Where is this place; and why was I allowed to see it?〃
 He gave a sad sigh and looked away himself and now back at me; his face as aloof and unbending as before; only now I saw the thick blood in it; that once again; as it had been the night before; was pumped full of human heat from human veins; which had no doubt been his late repast this same evening。
 〃Won't you even smile now as you say farewell?〃 I asked。 〃If this bitter coldness now is all you feel; and you would let me die of this rampant fever? I'm sick unto death; you know it。 You know the nausea that I feel; you know the hurt inside my head; you know the ache in all my joints and how these cuts burn in my skin with their indisputable poison。 Why are you so very far away; yet here;
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