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e force was love。 Oh; yes; I thought; it is love; it is plete love; and in its pleteness it makes all that I have ever known meaningful; for every disappointment; every hurt; every misstep; every embrace; every kiss was but a foreshadowing of this sublime acceptance and goodness; for the bad steps had told me what I lacked; and the good things; the embraces; had shown me a glimpse of what love could be。
 All my life this love made meaningful; sparing nothing; and as I marveled at this; accepting it pletely and without urgency or questioning; a miraculous process began。 All my life came to me in the form of all those I had ever known。
 I saw my life from the very first moments and up until the moment that had brought me here。 It was not a terribly remarkable life; it contained no great secret or twist or pregnant matter that changed my heart。 On the contrary; it was but a natural and mon string of myriad tiny events; and these events involved all the other souls whom I had ever touched; I saw now the hurts I'd inflicted; and the words of mine which had brought solace; and I saw the result of the most casual and unimportant things I had done。 I saw the banquet hall of the Florentines; and again in the midst of them; I saw the blundering loneliness with which they stumbled into death。 I saw the isolation and the sadness of their souls as they had fought to stay alive。
 What I could not see was my Master's face。 I could not see who he was。 I could not see into his soul。 I could not see what my love meant to him; or what his love meant for me。 But this was of no importance。 In fact; I only realized it afterwards when I tried to recount the entire event。 What mattered now was only that I understood what it meant to cherish others and to cherish life itself。 I realized what it had meant when I painted pictures; not the ruby…red bleeding and vibrant pictures of Venice; but old pictures in the antique Byzantine style; which had once flowed so artlessly and perfectly from my brush。 I knew then I had painted wondrous things; and I saw the effects of what I had painted 。。。 and it seemed then a great crowd of information inundated me。 Indeed; there was such a wealth of it; and it was so easy to prehend; that I felt a great light joy。
 The knowledge was like the love and like the beauty; indeed; I realized with a great triumphant happiness that they were all…the knowledge; the love; and the beauty…they were all one。
 〃Oh; yes; how could one not see it。 It's so simple!〃 I thought。
 If I had had a body with eyes; I would have wept; but it would have been a sweet weeping。 As it was; my soul was victorious over all small and enervating things。 I stood still; and the knowledge; the facts; as it were; the hundreds upon hundreds of small details which were like transparent droplets of magical fluid passing through me and into me; filling me and vanishing to make way for more of this great shower of truth…all this seemed suddenly to fade。
 There beyond stood the glass city; and beyond it a blue sky; blue as a sky at midday; only one which was now filled with every known star。
 I started out for the city。 Indeed; I started with such impetuosity and such conviction that it took three people to hold me back。
 I stopped。 I was quite amazed。 But I knew these men。 These were priests; old priests of my homeland; who had died long before I had even e to my calling; all of which was quite clear to me; and I knew their names and how they had died。 They were in fact the saints of my city; and of the great house of catabs where I had lived。
 〃Why do you hold me?〃 I asked。 〃Where's my Father? He's here now; is he not?〃 No sooner had I asked this than I saw my Father。 He looked exactly as he had always looked。 He was a big; shaggy man; dressed in leather for hunting; with a full grizzled beard and thick long auburn hair the same color as my own。 His cheeks were rosy from the cold wind; and his lower lip; visible between his thick mustache and his gray…streaked beard; was moist and pink as I remembered。 His eyes were the same bright china blue。 He waved at me。 He gave his usual; casual; hearty wave; and he smiled。 He looked just like he was going off into the grasslands; in spite of everyone's advice; and everyone's caution to hunt; with no fear at all of the Mongols or the Tatars swooping down on him。 After all; he had his great bow with him; the bow only he could string; as if he were a mythical hero of the great grassy fields; and he had his own sharpened arrows; and his big broadsword with which he could hack off a man's head with one blow。
 〃Father; why are they holding me?〃 I asked。
 He looked blank。 His smile simply faded and his face lost all expression; and then to my sadness; to my terrible shocking sadness; he faded in his entirety and he wasn't there。
 The priests beside me; the men with their long gray beards and their black robes; spoke to me in soft sympathetic whispers and they said; 〃Andrei; it's not time for you to e。〃
 I was deeply distressed; deeply。 Indeed; I was so sad that I could form no words of protest。 Indeed; I understood that no protest I might make mattered; and then one of the priests took my hand。
 〃No; this is always the way with you;〃 he said。 〃Ask。〃
 He didn't move his lips when he spoke; but it wasn't necessary。 I heard him very clearly; and I knew that he meant no personal malice to me。 He was incapable of such a thing。
 〃Why; then;〃 I asked; 〃can't I stay? Why can't you let me stay when I want to; and when I've e this far。〃
 〃Think on all you've seen。 You know the answer。〃
 And I had to admit that in an instant I did know the answer。 It was plex and yet profoundly simple; and it had to do with all the knowledge I had gained。
 〃You can't take this back with you;〃 said the priest。 〃You'll forget all the particular things you learned here。 But remember the overall lesson; that your love for others; and their love for you; that the increase of love in life itself around you; is what matters。〃
 It seemed a marvelous and prehensive thing! It seemed no simple small cliche。 It seemed so immense; so subtle; yet so total that all mortal difficulties would collapse in the face of its truth。
 I was at once returned to my body。 I was at once the auburn…haired boy dying in the bed。 I felt a tingling in my hands and feet。 I twisted; and a wretched pain flamed down my back。 I was all afire; sweating and writhing as before; only now my lips were badly cracked and my tongue was cut and blistered against my teeth。
 〃Water;〃 I said; 〃please; water。〃
 A soft sobbing came from those around me。 It was mingled with laughter and expressions of awe。
 I was alive; and they had thought me dead。 I opened my eyes; and I looked at Bianca。
 〃I won't die now;〃 I said。
 〃What is it; Amadeo?〃 she asked。 She bent down and put her ear to my lips。
 〃It isn't time;〃 I said。
 They brought me cool white wine。 It was mixed with honey and lemon。 I sat up and I drank gulp after gulp of it。 〃It's not enough;〃 I said softly; weakly; but I was falling asleep。
 I went down into the pillows; and I fel
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