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 The red…haired one at table; tossing back his long richly curling mane; was most encouraged by my Master; and gave him a wild adoring look。
 〃Yes; yes; here is a man who knows what happened; and you lie; you fool;〃 he said to the other man。 〃And you know the Genoese fought bravely; right to the end。 Three ships were sent by the Pope; they broke through the blockade of the harbor; slipping right by the Sultan's evil castle of Rumeli Hisar。 It was Giovanni Longo; and can you imagine the bravery?〃
 〃Frankly; no!〃 said the black…haired one; leaning forward in front of my Master as if my Master were a statue。
 〃It was brave;〃 said my Master casually。 〃Why do you say nonsense you don't believe? You know what had happened to the Venetian ships caught by the Sultan; e now。〃
 〃Yes; speak up on that。 Would you have gone into that harbor?〃 demanded the red…haired Florentine。 〃You know what they did to the Venetian ships they caught six months before? They beheaded every man on board。〃
 〃Except the man in charge!〃 cried out a dancer who had turned to join the conversation; but went on so as not to lose his step。 〃They impaled him on a stake。 This was Antonio Rizzo; one of the finest men there ever was。〃 He went on dancing with an offhand contemptuous gesture over his shoulder。 Then he slipped as he pivoted and almost fell。 His dancing panions caught him。
 The black…haired man at the table shook his head。
 〃If it had been a full Venetian fleet…;〃 cried the black…haired man。 〃But you Florentines and you Venetians are all the same; treacherous; hedging your bets。〃
 My Master laughed as he watched the man。
 〃Don't you laugh at me;〃 declared the black…haired man。 〃You're a Venetian; I've seen you a thousand times; 〃you and that boy!〃
 He gestured to me。 I looked at my Master。 My Master only smiled。 Then I heard him whisper distinctly to me; so that it struck my ear as if he were next to me rather than so many feet away。 〃Testimony of the dead; Amadeo。〃
 The black…haired man picked up his goblet; slopped some wine down his throat and spilt as much down his pointed beard。 〃A whole city of conniving bastards!〃 he declared。 〃Good for one thing; and that's borrowing money at high interest when they spend everything they've got on fancy clothes。〃
 〃You should talk;〃 said the red…haired one。 〃You look like a goddamned peacock。 I ought to cut off your tail。 Let's get back to Constantinople since you're so damned sure it could have been saved!〃
 〃You are a damned Venetian yourself now。〃
 〃I'm a banker; I'm a man of responsibility;〃 said the redhead。 〃I admire those who do well by me。〃 He picked up his own goblet; but instead of drinking the wine; he threw it in the face of the black…haired man。
 My Master did not bother to lean back; so undoubtedly some of the wine spilled on him。 He looked from one to the other of the ruddy sweating faces on either side of him。
 〃Giovanni Longo; one of the bravest Genoese ever to captain a ship; stayed in that city during the entire siege;〃 cried the red…haired man。 〃That's courage。 I'll put money on a man like that。〃
 〃I don't know why;〃 cried the dancer again; the same one as before。 He broke from the circle long enough to declare; 〃He lost the battle; and besides; your Father had plenty enough sense not to bank on any of them。〃
 〃Don't you dare!〃 said the red…haired man。 〃Here's to Giovanni Longo and the Genoese who fought with him。〃 He grabbed the pitcher; all but knocking it over; showered wine on his goblet and the table; then took a deep gulp。 〃And here's to my Father。 May God have mercy on his immortal soul。 Father; I have slain your enemies; and I'll slay those who make of ignorance a pastime。〃
 He turned; jammed his elbow into my Master's clothes and said; 〃That boy of yours is a beauty。 Don't be hasty。 Think this over。 How much?〃
 My Master burst out laughing more sweetly and naturally than I'd ever heard him laugh。
 〃Offer me something; something I might want;〃 said my Master as he looked at me; with a secretive; glittering shift of his eyes。
 It seemed every man in the room was taking my measure; and understand; these were not lovers of boys; these were merely Italians of their time; who; fathering children as was required of them and debauching women any chance they got; nevertheless appreciated a plump and juicy young man; the way that men now might appreciate a slice of golden toast heaped with sour cream and the finest blackest caviar。
 I couldn't help but smile。 Kill them; I thought; slaughter them。 I felt fetching and even beautiful。 e on; somebody; tell me I make you think of Mercury chasing away the clouds in Botticelli's Primavera; but the red…haired man; fixing me with an impish playful glance; said:
 〃Ah; he is Verrocchio's David; the very model for the bronze statue。 Don't try to tell me he is not。 And immortal; ah; yes; I can see it; immortal。 He shall never die。〃 Again he lifted his goblet。 Then he felt of the breast of his tunic; and pulled up out of the powdered ermine trim of his jacket a rich gold medallion with a table diamond of immense size。 He ripped the chain right off his neck and extended this proudly to my Master; who watched it spin on the dangle in front of him as if it were an orb with which he was to be spellbound。
 〃For all of us;〃 said the black…haired man; turning and looking hard at me。 There was laughter from the others。 The dancers cried; 〃Yes; and for me;〃 〃Unless I go second with him; nothing〃 and 〃Here; to go first; even before you。〃
 This last was said to the red…haired man; but the jewel the dancer tossed at my Master; a carbuncle ring of some glittering purple stone; I didn't know。
 〃A sapphire;〃 said my Master in a whisper; with a teasing looking to me。 〃Amadeo; you approve?〃
 The third dancer; a blond…haired man; somewhat shorter than anyone present and with a small hump on his left shoulder; broke free of the circle and came towards me。 He took off all his rings; as if shearing himself of gloves; and tossed them all clattering at my feet。
 〃Smile sweetly on me; young god;〃 he said; though he panted from the dance and the velvet collar was drenched。 He wobbled on his feet and almost turned over but managed to make fan of it; twirling heavily back into his dance。
 The music thumped on and on; as if the dancers thought it meet to drown out the very drunkenness of their Masters。
 〃Does anybody care about the siege of Constantinople?〃 asked my Master。
 〃Tell me what became of Giovanni Longo;〃 I asked in a small voice。 All eyes were on me。
 〃It's the siege of。。。 Amadeo; was it? 。。。 Yes; Amadeo; that I have in mind!〃 cried the blond…haired dancer。
 〃By and by; Sir;〃 I said。 〃But teach me some history。〃
 〃You little imp;〃 said the black…haired man。 〃You don't even pick up his rings。〃
 〃My fingers are covered with rings;〃 I said politely; which was true。
 The red…haired man immediately went back into the battle。 〃Giovanni Longo stayed for forty days of bombardment。 He fought all night when the Turk breached the walls。 Nothing frightened him。 He was c
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