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k tissue; so very popular in those times。
 He'd had the hair of a young Lorenzo de' Medici; right from the painted wall。
 〃Master; I love you; but now I must be alone;〃 I said。 〃You don't need me now; do you; Sir? How can you? You never really did。〃 Instantly I regretted it。 The words; not the tone; were impudent。 And our minds being so divided by intimate blood; I was afraid he'd misunderstand。
 〃Cherub; I want you;〃 he said forgivingly。 〃But I can wait。 Seems not long ago I spoke these same words when we were together; and so I say them again。〃
 I couldn't bring myself to tell him it was my season for mortal pany; how I longed just to be talking away the night with little Benji; who was such a sage; or listening to my beloved Sybelle play her sonata over and over again。 It seemed beside the point to explain any further。 And the sadness came over me again; heavily and undeniably; of having e to this forlorn and empty convent where Lestat lay; unable or unwilling to move or speak; none of us knew。
 〃Nothing will e of my pany just now; Master;〃 I said。 〃But you will grant me some key to finding you; surely; so that when this time passes。。。〃 I let my words die。
 〃I fear for you!〃 he whispered suddenly; with great warmth。
 〃Any more than ever before; Sir?〃 I asked。
 He thought for a moment。 Then he said; 〃Yes。 You love two mortal children。 They are your moon and stars。 e stay with me if only for a little while。 Tell me what you think of our Lestat and what's happened。 Tell me perhaps; if I promise to remain very quiet and not to press you; tell me your opinion of all you've so recently seen。〃
 〃You touch on it delicately; Sir; I admire you。 You mean why did I believe Lestat when he said he had been to Heaven and Hell; you mean what did I see when I looked at the relic he brought back with him; Veronica's Veil。〃
 〃If you want to tell me。 But more truly; I wish you would e and rest。〃
 I put my hand on top of his; marveling that in spite of all I'd endured; my skin was almost as white as his。
 〃You will be patient with my children till I e; won't you?〃 I asked。 〃They imagine themselves so intrepidly wicked; ing here to be with me; whistling nonchalantly in the crucible of the Undead; so to speak。〃
 〃Undead;〃 he said; smiling reprovingly。 〃Such language; and in my presence。 You know I hate it。〃
 He planted a kiss quickly on my cheek。 It startled me; and then I realized that he was gone。
 〃Old tricks!〃 I said aloud; wondering if he were still near enough to hear me; or whether he had shut up his ears to me as fiercely as I shut mine to the outside world。
 I looked off; wanting the quiet; dreaming of bowers suddenly; not in words but in images; the way my old mind would do it; wanting to lie down in garden beds among growing flowers; wanting to press my face to earth and sing softly to myself。
 The spring outside; the warmth; the hovering mist that would be rain。 All this I wanted。 I wanted the swampy forests beyond; but I wanted Sybelle and Benji; too; and to be gone; and to have some will to carry on。
 Ah; Armand; you always lack this very thing; the will。 Don't let the old story repeat itself now。 Arm yourself with all that's happened。
 Another was nearby。
 It seemed so awful to me suddenly; that some immortal whom I didn't know should intrude here on my random private thoughts; perhaps to make a selfish approximation of what I felt。
 It was only David Talbot。
 He came from the chapel wing; through the bridge rooms of the convent that connect it to the main building where I stood at the top of the staircase to the second floor。
 I saw him e into the hallway。 Behind him was the glass of the door that led to the gallery; and beyond that the soft mingled gold and white light of the courtyard below。
 〃It's quiet now;〃 he said。 〃And the attic's empty and you know that you can go there; of course。〃
 〃Go away;〃 I said。 I felt no anger; only the honest wish to have my thoughts unread and my emotions left alone。
 With remarkable self…possession he ignored me; then said:
 〃Yes; I am afraid of you; a little; but then terribly curious too。〃
 〃Oh; I see; so that excuses it; that you followed me here?〃
 〃I didn't follow you; Armand;〃 he said。 〃I live here。〃
 〃Ah; I'm sorry then;〃 I admitted。 〃I hadn't known。 I suppose I'm glad of it。 You guard him。 He's never alone。〃 I meant Lestat of course。
〃Everyone's afraid of you;〃 he said calmly。 He had taken up a position only a few feet away; casually folding his arms。 〃You know; it's quite a study; the lore and habits of the vampires。〃
 〃Not to me;〃 I said。
 〃Yes; I realize that;〃 he said。 〃I was only musing; and I hope you'll forgive me。 It was about the child in the attic; the child they said was murdered。 It's a tall story; about a very small little person。 Maybe if your luck is better than that of everyone else; you'll see the ghost of the child whose clothes were shut up in the wall。〃
 〃Do you mind if I look at you?〃 I said。 〃I mean if you're going to dip your beak into my mind with such abandon? We met some time ago before all this happened…Lestat; the Heavenly Journey; this place。 I never really took stock of you。 I was indifferent; or too polite; I don't know which。〃
 I was surprised to hear such heat in my voice。 I was volatile; and it wasn't David Talbot's fault。
 〃I'm thinking of the conventional knowledge about you;〃 I said。 〃That you weren't born in this body; that you were an elderly man when Lestat knew you; that this body you inhabit now belonged to a clever soul who could hop from living being to living being; and there set up shop with his own trespassing soul。〃
 He gave me a rather disarming smile。
 〃So Lestat said;〃 he answered。 〃So Lestat wrote。 It's true; of course。 You know it is。 You've known since you saw me before。〃
 〃Three nights we spent together;〃 I said。 〃And I never really questioned you。 I mean I never really even looked directly into your eyes。〃
 〃We were thinking of Lestat then。〃
 〃Aren't we now?〃
 〃I don't know;〃 he said。
 〃David Talbot;〃 I said; measuring him coldly with my eyes; 〃David Talbot; Superior General of the Order of Psychic Detectives known as the Talamasca; had been catapulted into the body in which he now walks。〃 I didn't know whether I paraphrased or made it up as I went along。 〃He'd been entrenched or chained inside it; made a prisoner by so many ropey veins; and then tricked into a vampire as a fiery unstanchable blood invaded his lucky anatomy; sealing his soul up in it as it transformed him into an immortal…a man of dark bronzed skin and dry; lustrous and thick black hair。〃
 〃I think you have it right;〃 he said with indulgent politeness。
 〃A handsome gent;〃 I went on; 〃the color of caramel; moving with such catlike ease and gilded glances that he makes me think of all things once delectable; and now a potpourri of scent: cinnamon; clove; mild peppers and other spices golden; brown or red; whose fragrances can spike my brain and plunge me into erotic yearnings that live now; more than ever; to pl
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