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 I looked around for him。 I saw him at the foot of the bed。 He was dressed in his finest red velvet。 He wore a jacket with slashed sleeves and a heavy tunic with a high collar。 This cloak of red velvet was trimmed in ermine。
 His hair was thoroughly brushed and very slightly oiled so that it gave off its most civilized and artful shimmer; swept back from his clean straight hairline and turning in mannered curls on his shoulders。 He looked sad。
 〃Master; what is it?〃
 〃I have to go for a few nights。 No; it's not out of anger at you; Amadeo。 It's one of those journeys I have to make。 I'm long overdue for it。〃
 〃No; Master; not now; please。 I'm sorry; I beg you; not now! What I…。〃
 〃Child。 I go to see Those Who Must Be Kept。 I have no choice in this。〃
 For a moment I said nothing。 I tried to understand the denotation of the words he'd spoken。 His voice had dropped; and he had said the words halfheartedly。
 〃What is that; Master?〃 I asked。
 〃Some night perhaps I'll take you with me。 I'll ask permission 。 。 。〃 His voice trailed off。
 〃For what; Master? When have you ever needed anyone's permission for anything?〃
 I had meant this to be simple and candid; but I knew now it had an impertinent sound。
 〃It's all right; Amadeo;〃 he said。 〃I ask permission now and then from my Elders; that's all。 Who else?〃 He looked weary。 He sat beside me and leaned down next to me and kissed my lips。
 〃Elders; Sir? You mean Those Who Must Be Kept … these are creatures like you?〃
 〃You be kind to Riccardo and the others。 They worship you;〃 he said。 〃They wept for you the whole time you were away。 They didn't quite believe me when I told them you were ing home。 Then Riccardo spied you with your English lord and was terrified I'd break you in little pieces; yet afraid the Englishman would kill you。 He has quite the reputation; your English lord; slamming down his knife on the board in any tavern he chooses。 Do you have to consort with mon murderers? You have a nonpareil here when it es to those who take life。 When you went to Bianca; they didn't dare to tell me; but made fancy pictures in their minds so I couldn't read their thoughts。 How docile they are with my powers。〃
 〃They love you; my Lord;〃 I said。 〃Thank God that you forgive me for the places I went。 I'll do whatever you wish。〃
 〃Good night then。〃 He rose to go。
 〃Master; how many nights?〃
 〃Three at most;〃 he said over his shoulder。 He made for the door; a tall gallant figure in his cloak。
 〃I'll be very good; a saint;〃 I said。 〃But if I'm not will you whip me again; please?〃
 The moment I saw the anger in his face I regretted this。 What made me say such things!
 〃Don't tell me you didn't mean it!〃 he said; reading my mind and hearing the words before I could get them out。
 〃No。 It's just I hate it when you go。 I thought maybe if I taunted you; you wouldn't。〃
 〃Well; I will。 And don't taunt me。 As a matter of policy; don't taunt me。〃
 He was out the door before he changed his mind and returned。 He came towards the bed。 I expected the worst。 He was going to slap me and then not be around to kiss the bruise。
 But he didn't。
 〃Amadeo; while I'm gone; think on it〃 he said。
 I was sobered; looking at him。 His very manner made me reflect before I uttered a word。
 〃On everything; Sir?〃 I asked。
 〃Yes;〃 he said。 Then he came again to kiss me。 〃Will you be this forever?〃 he asked。 〃This man; this young man; that you are now?〃
 〃Yes; Master! Forever; and with you!〃 I wanted to tell him that there was nothing I couldn't do that a man could do; but this seemed most unwise; and also it would not seem true to him。
 He laid his hand fondly on my head; pushing my hair back。
 〃For two years; I've watched you grow;〃 he said。 〃You've reached your full height; but you're small; and your face is a baby's face; and for all your good health; you're slight and not the robust man yet that you are surely meant to be。〃
 I was too enthralled to interrupt him。 When he paused; I waited。
 He sighed。 He looked off as if he couldn't find words。
 〃When you were gone; your English lord drew his dagger on you; but you weren't afraid。 Do you remember? It wasn't two days ago。〃
 〃Yes; Sir; it was stupid。〃
 〃You could easily have died then;〃 he said with a raise of his eyebrow。 〃Easily。〃
 〃Sir; please open up these mysteries to me;〃 I said。 〃Tell me how you came to your powers。 Entrust these secrets to me。 Lord; make it so that I can be with you forever。 I don't care anything for my own judgment of such things。 I yield to yours。〃
 〃Ah; yes; you yield if I fulfill your request。〃
 〃Well; Sir; that is a form of yielding; to give myself up to you; your will and your power; and yes; I would have it and be like you。 Is that what you promise; Master; is that what you hint at; that you can make me like you? You can fill me with this blood of yours that makes a slave out of me; and it will be acplished? It seems at times I know this; Master; that you can do it; and yet I wonder if I know it only because you know it; and you are lonely to do it to me。〃
 〃Ah!〃 He put his hands to his face; as though I had displeased him totally。
 I was at a loss。
 〃Master; if I offended; hit me; beat me; do anything to me but don't turn away。 Don't cover your eyes that would look on me; Master; because I can't live without your gaze。 Explain it to me。 Master; take away what divides us; if it be only ignorance then take away that。〃
 〃Oh; I will; I will;〃 he said。 〃You are so clever and deceiving; Amadeo。 You would be the fool for God all right; as you were told a long time ago that a saint should be。〃
 〃You lose me; Sir。 I am no saint; and a fool; yes; because I conjecture it's a form of wisdom and I want it because you prize wisdom。〃
 〃I mean that you appear simple; and out of your simplicity es a clever grasp。 I am lonely。 Oh; yes; I am lonely; and lonely to tell my woes if nothing else。 But who would burden one so young as you with my woes? Amadeo; what age do you think I am? Gauge my age with your simplicity。〃
 〃You have none; Sir。 You neither eat nor drink; nor change with time。 You need no water to wash you clean。 You are smooth and resistant to all things of nature。 Master; we all know this。 You are a clean and fine and whole thing。〃
 He shook his head。 I was distressing him when I wanted just the opposite。
 〃I have done it already;〃 he whispered。
 〃What; my Lord; what have you done?〃
 〃Oh; brought you to me; Amadeo; for now…。〃 He stopped。 He frowned; and his face was so soft and wondering that it made me ache。 〃Ah; but these are just self…serving delusions。 I could take you; with a heap of gold; and plant you down in a distant city where…。〃
 〃Master; kill me。 Kill me before you do this; or make sure your city is beyond the pass of the known world; because I will journey back! I will spend the last ducat of your heap of gold to journey here and beat on your doors。〃
 He looked wretched; more a man than I'd ever seen him
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