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 didn't know who I was。
 〃e down; Master;〃 I said。
 His hair was disheveled and matted here and there with paint。 He showed no surprise that I was there; no start at the sound of my voice。 He had known I was there。 He knew all such things。 He could hear words spoken in other rooms。 He knew the thoughts of those around him。 He was pumped full of magic; and when I drank from that magic; I reeled。
 〃Let me b your hair out for you;〃 I said。 I was insolent; I knew it。
 His tunic was stained and filthy。 He'd wiped his brush on it over and over again。
 One of his sandals fell with a clatter to the marble。 I picked it up。
 〃Master; e down。 Whatever I said to worry you; I won't say it again。〃
 He wouldn't answer me。
 Suddenly all my rage came up in me; my loneliness to have been separated from him for days on end; obeying his injunctions; and now to e home and find him staring at me wild and unconfiding。 I would not tolerate his staring off; ignoring me as if I weren't there。 He must admit that I was the cause of his anger。 He must speak。
 I wanted suddenly to cry。
 His face became anguished。 I couldn't watch this; I couldn't think that he felt pain as I did; as the other boys did。 I was in wild revolt。
 〃You frighten everyone selfishly; Lord and Master!〃 I declared。
 Without regarding me; he vanished in a great flurry; and I heard his footsteps rushing through the empty rooms。
 I knew he had moved with a speed men couldn't master。 I hurried after him; only to hear the bedroom doors slammed shut against me; to hear the lock slid closed before I reached out to grab the latch。
 〃Master; let me in;〃 I cried。 〃I went only because you told me to。〃 I turned around and around。 It was quite impossible to break these doors。 I pounded on them with my fists and kicked them。 〃Master; you sent me to the brothels。 You sent me on damnable errands。〃
 After a long time; I sat down at the foot of the door; my back against it; and wept and wailed。 I made a riotous amount of noise。 He waited until I stopped。
 〃Go to sleep; Amadeo;〃 he said。 〃My rages have nothing to do with you。〃
 Impossible。 A lie! I was infuriated and insulted; and hurt and cold! This whole house was damnably cold。
 〃Then let your peace and calm have to do with me; Sir!〃 I said。 〃Open the damned door。〃
 〃Go to bed with the others;〃 he said quietly。 〃You belong with the others; Amadeo。 They are your loved ones。 They are your kind。 Don't seek the pany of monsters。〃
 〃Ah; is that what you are; Sir?〃 I asked contemptuously and crossly。 〃You that can paint like Bellini or Mantegna; who can read all words and speak all tongues; who has love without end and patience to match it; a monster! Is that it? A monster spreads the roof over our head and feeds us our daily supper from the kitchens of the gods! Oh; indeed; a monster。〃
 He didn't answer。
 I was further enraged。 I went down to the lower floor。 I took a great battle…ax from the wall。 It was one of many weapons on display in the house which I'd scarcely ever noticed。 Well; it was time for it; I thought。 I've had enough of this coldness。 I can't stand it。 I can't stand it。
 I went upstairs and heaved the battle…ax at the door。 Of course it went through the brittle wood; shattering the painted panel; cracking through the old lacquer and the pretty yellow and red roses。 I pulled it back and smashed it into the door again。
 This time the lock was broken。 I kicked the shattered frame with my foot and it fell back。
 In utter amazement he sat in his large dark oak chair looking at me; his hands clutching the two lion's head arms。 Behind him loomed the massive bed with its rich red baldaquin trimmed in gold。
 〃How dare you!〃 he said。
 He stood before me in an instant; took the ax and hurled it with ease so that it crashed into the stone wall opposite。 Then he picked me up and threw me towards the bed。 The entire bed shivered; baldaquin and draperies as well。 No man could have made me span that distance。 But he had done it。 With arms and legs flying; I landed on the pillows。
 〃Despicable monster!〃 I said。 I turned over; steadied myself and drew up on my left side; glaring at him; one knee crooked。
 He stood with his back to me。 He had been about to close the inner doors of the apartment; which had been open before and therefore were not broken。 But he stopped。 He turned。 A playful expression came over him。
 〃Oh; what a vile temper we have for such an angelic countenance;〃 he said mildly。
 〃If I'm an angel;〃 I said; drawing back from the edge of the bed; 〃paint me with black wings。〃
 〃You dare knock down my door。〃 He folded his arms。 〃Need I tell you why I will not tolerate such from you; or from anyone?〃
 He stood gazing at me with raised eyebrows。
 〃You torture me;〃 I said。
 〃Oh; indeed; how and since when?〃
 I wanted to bawl。 I wanted to say; 〃I love only you。〃
 Instead I said; 〃I detest you。〃
 He couldn't help but laugh。 He lowered his head; his fingers curled under his chin; as he stared at me。
 Then he extended his hand and snapped his fingers。
 I heard a rustling from the rooms beyond。 I sat up petrified with amazement。
 I saw the long switch of the teacher e slithering along the floor as if a wind had sent it hither; and then it twisted and turned and rose and dropped into his waiting hand。
 Behind him; the inner doors slammed shut and the bolt slipped into place with a loud metallic clatter。
 I drew back in the bed。
 〃It's going to be a pleasure to whip you;〃 he said; smiling sweetly; his eyes almost innocent。 〃You may chalk it up as another human experience; rather like cavorting with your English lord。〃
 〃Do it。 I hate you;〃 I said。 〃I'm a man and you deny it。〃
 He looked superior and gentle but not amused。
 He came towards me; and grabbed at my head; and threw me face down on the bed。
 〃Demon! 〃I said。
 〃Master;〃 he replied calmly。
 I felt the nudge of his knee in the small of my back and then down came the switch across my thighs。 Of course I wasn't wearing anything but the thin stockings that fashion decreed; so I might as well have been naked。
 I cried out in pain and then shut my mouth tight。 When the next few blows came; walloping my legs; I swallowed all noise; furious to hear myself make a careless impossible groan。
 Again and again; he brought the switch down; whipping my thighs and then my lower legs as well。 Enraged; I struggled to get up; pushing vainly on the covers with the heels of my hands。 I couldn't move。 I was pinioned by his knee; and he whacked away without the slightest deterrent。
 Suddenly as rebellious as I'd ever been; I decided to play games with this。 I'd be damned if I'd lie there crying; and the tears were ing up in my eyes。 I closed my eyes shut; gritted my teeth and decided that each blow was the divine color red and that I liked; and that the hot crashing pain I felt was red; and that the warmth swelling up in my leg after was golden and sweet。
 〃Oh; that's lovely! 〃I said。
 〃You make a f
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