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aced himself there; covering the preceding distance with silent and invisible speed。
 〃Master;〃 I said with a little trace of a smile。 〃I was afraid for them for a moment。〃 It was an apology。 〃This place makes me sad。〃
 He nodded。 〃I have them; Armand;〃 he said。 〃The city seethes with mortals。 There's food enough for all the vagabonds wandering here。 No one will hurt them。 Even if I weren't here to say so; no one would dare。〃
 It was I who nodded now。 I wasn't so sure; really。 Vampires are by their very nature perverse and do wicked and terrible things simply for the sport of it。 To kill another's mortal pet would be a worthy entertainment for some grim and alien creature; skirting the fringes here; drawn by remarkable events。
 〃You're a wonder; young one;〃 he said to me smiling。 Young one! Who else would call me this but Marius; my Maker; and what is five hundred years to him? 〃You went into the sun; child;〃 he continued with the same legible concern written on his kind face。 〃And you lived to tell the tale。〃
 〃Into the sun; Master?〃 I questioned his words。 But I myself did not want to reveal any more。 I did not want to talk yet; to tell of what had happened; the legend of Veronica's Veil and the Face of Our Lord emblazoned upon it; and the morning when I had given up my soul with such perfect happiness。 What a fable it was。
 He came up the steps to be near me; but kept a polite distance。 He has always been the gentleman; even before there was such a word。 In ancient Rome; they must have had a term for such a person; infallibly good mannered; and considerate as a point of honor; and wholly successful at mon courtesy to rich and poor alike。 This was Marius; and it had always been Marius; insofar as I could know。
 He let his snow…white hand rest on the dull satiny banister。 He wore a long shapeless cloak of gray velvet; once perfectly extravagant; now downplayed with wear and rain; and his yellow hair was long like Lestat's hair; full of random light and unruly in the damp; and even studded with drops of dew from outside; the same dew clinging to his golden eyebrows and darkening his long curling eyelashes around his large cobalt…blue eyes。
 There was something altogether more Nordic and icy about him than there was about Lestat; whose hair tended more to golden; for all its luminous highlights; and whose eyes were forever prismatic; drinking up the colors around him; being even a gorgeous violet with the slightest provocation from the worshipful outside world。
 In Marius; I saw the sunny skies of the northern wilderness; eyes of steady radiance which rejected any outside color; perfect portals to his own most constant soul。
 〃Armand;〃 he said。 〃I want you to e with me。〃
 〃Where is that; Master; e where?〃 I asked。 I too wanted to be civil。 He had always; even after a struggle of wits; brought such finer instincts out of me。
 〃To my house; Armand; where they are now; Sybelle and Benji。 Oh; don't fear for them for a second。 Pandora's with them。 They are rather astonishing mortals; brilliant; remarkably different; yet alike。 They love you; and they know so much and have e with you rather a long way。〃
 I flushed with blood and color; the warmth was stinging and unpleasant; and then as the blood danced back away from the surface of my face; I felt cooler and strangely enervated that I felt any sensations at all。
 It was a shock being here and I wanted it to be over。
 〃Master; I don't know who I am in this new life;〃 I said gratefully。 〃Reborn? Confused?〃 I hesitated; but there was no use stopping it。 〃Don't ask me to stay here just now。 Maybe some time when Lestat is himself again; maybe when enough time has passed…。 I don't know for certain; only that I can't accept your kind invitation now。〃
 He gave me a brief accepting nod。 With his hand he made a little acquiescent gesture。 His old gray cloak had slipped off one shoulder。 He seemed not to care about it。 His thin black wool clothes were neglected; lapels and pockets trimmed in a careless gray dust。 That was not right for him。
 He had a big shock of white silk at his throat that made his pale face seem more colored and human than it otherwise would。 But the silk was torn as if by brambles。 In sum; he haunted the world in these clothes; rather than was dressed in them。 They were for a stumbler; not my old Master。
 I think he knew I was at a loss。 I was looking up at the gloom above me。 I wanted to reach the attic of this place; the half…concealed clothing of the dead child。 I wondered at this story of the dead child。 I had the impertinence to let my mind drift; though he was waiting。
 He brought me back with his gentle words:
 〃Sybelle and Benji will be with me when you want them;〃 he said。 〃You can find us。 We aren't far。 You'll hear the Appassionato when you want to hear it。〃 He smiled。
 〃You've given her a piano;〃 I said。 I spoke of golden Sybelle。 I had shut out the world from my preternatural hearing; and I didn't want just yet to unstop my ears even for the lovely sound of her playing; which I already missed overly much。
 As soon as we'd entered the convent; Sybelle had seen a piano and asked in a whisper at my ear if she could play it。 It was not in the chapel where Lestat lay; but off in another long empty room。 I had told her it wasn't quite proper; that it might disturb Lestat as he lay there; and we couldn't know what he thought; or what he felt; or if he was anguished and trapped in his own dreams。
 〃Perhaps when you e; you'll stay for a while;〃 Marius said。 〃You'll like the sound of her playing my piano; and maybe then we'll talk together; and you can rest with us; and we can share the house for as long as you like。〃
 I didn't answer。
 〃It's palatial in a New World sort of way;〃 he said with a little mockery in his smile。 〃It's not far at all。 I have the most spacious gardens and old oaks; oaks far older than those even out there on the Avenue; and all the windows are doors。 You know how I like it that way。 It's the Roman style。 The house is open to the spring rain; and the spring rain here is like a dream。〃
 〃Yes; I know;〃 I whispered。 〃I think it's falling now; isn't it?〃 I smiled。
 〃Well; I'm rather spattered with it; yes;〃 he said almost gaily。 〃You e when you want to。 If not tonight; then tomorrow。。。〃
 〃Oh; I'll be there tonight;〃 I said。 I didn't want to offend him; not in the slightest; but Benji and Sybelle had seen enough of white…faced monsters with velvet voices。 It was time to be off。
 I looked at him rather boldly; enjoying it for a moment; overing a shyness that had been our curse in this modern world。 In Venice of old; he had gloried in his clothes as men did then; always so sharp and splendidly embellished; the glass of fashion; to use the old graceful phrase。 When he crossed the Piazza San Marco in the soft purple of evening; all turned to watch him pass。 Red had been his badge of pride; red velvet…a flowing cape; and magnificently embroidered doublet; and beneath it a tunic of gold silk tissue; so very popular in those times。
 He'd had the hair of a young Lorenzo de' Medici; ri
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