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 Again came his laughter in answer。
 〃For reddish locks such as these;〃 he said caressing my hair; 〃for eyes of the deepest and most sympathetic brown。 For skin like the fresh cream of the milk in the morning; for lips indistinguishable from the petals of a rose。〃
 In the small hours; he told me tales of Eros and Aphrodite; he lulled me with the fantastic sorrow of Psyche; beloved by Eros and never allowed to see him by the day's light。
 I walked beside him through chilly corridors; his fingers clasping my shoulders; as he showed me the fine white marble statues of his gods and goddesses; all lovers…Daphne; her graceful limbs turned into the branches of the laurel as the god Apollo desperately sought her; Leda helpless within the grip of the mighty swan。
 He guided my hands over the marble curves; the sharply chiseled and highly polished faces; the taut calves of nubile legs; the ice…cold clefts of half…opened mouths。 And then to his own face he lifted my fingers。 He did seem the very living and breathing statue; more marvelously made than any other; and even as he lifted me with powerful hands; a great heat came out of him; a heat of sweet breath in sighs and murmured words。
 By the end of the week; I couldn't even remember one word of my Mother Tongue。
 In a storm of proffered adjectives I stood in the piazza and watched spellbound as the Great Council of Venice marched along the Molo; as the High Mass was sung from the altar of San Marco; as the ships moved out on the glassy waves of the Adriatic; as the brushes dipped to gather up their colors and mix them in the earthen pots…rose madder; vermilion; carmine; cerise; cerulean; turquoise; viridian; yellow ocher; burnt umber; quinacridone; citrine; sepia; Caput Mortuum Violet … oh; too lovely … and of a thick lacquer; the name Dragon's blood。
 At dancing and fencing; I excelled。 My favorite partner was Riccardo; and I fast realized I was close to this elder in all skills; even surpassing Albinus; who had held that place until I came; though now he showed me no ill will。
 These boys were like my brothers to me。
 They took me to the home of the slender and beautiful courtesan; Bianca Solderini; a lithesome and inparable charmer; with Botticelli…style wavy locks and almond…shaped gray eyes and a generous and kindly wit。 I was the fashion in her house whenever I wanted to be; among the young women and men there who spent hours reading poetry; talking of the foreign wars; which seemed endless; and of the latest painters and who would get what mission next。
 Bianca had a small; childlike voice which matched her girlish face and tiny nose。 Her mouth was a mere budding rose。 But she was clever; and indomitable。 She turned away possessive lovers coldly; she preferred that her house be full of people at all hours。 Anyone in proper dress; or carrying a sword; was admitted automatically。 Almost no one but those who wanted to own her were ever turned away。
 Visitors from France and Germany were mon at the home of Bianca; and all there; both from afar and from home; were curious about our Master; Marius; a man of mystery; though we had been schooled never to answer idle questions about him; and could only smile when asked if he intended to marry; if he would paint this or that portrait; if he would be home on such and such a date for this person or that to call。
 Sometimes I fell asleep on the pillows of the couch at Bianca's or even on one of the beds; listening to the hushed voices of the noblemen who came there; dreaming to the music which was always of the most lulling and soothing kind。
 Now and then; on the most rare occasions; the Master himself appeared there to collect me and Riccardo; always causing a minor sensation in the portego; or main salon。 He would never take a chair。 He stood always with his hooded cloak over his head and shoulders。 But he smiled graciously to all the entreaties put to him; and did sometimes offer a tiny portrait that he had done of Bianca。
 I see these now; these many tiny portraits that he gave her over the years; each encrusted with jewels。
 〃You capture my likeness so keenly from memory;〃 she said as she went to kiss him。 I saw the reserve with which he held her aloof from his cold hard chest and face; planting kisses on her cheeks that conveyed the spell of softness and sweetness which the real touch of him would have destroyed。
 I read for hours with the aid of the teacher Leonardo of Padua; my voice perfectly in time with his as I grasped the scheme of Latin; then Italian; then back to Greek。 I liked Aristotle as much as Plato or Plutarch or Livy or Virgil。 The truth was; I didn't much prehend any of them。 I was doing as the Master directed; letting the knowledge accumulate in my mind。
 I saw no reason to talk endlessly; as Aristotle did; about things that were made。 The lives of the ancients that Plutarch told with such spirit made excellent stories。 I wanted to know people of the now; however。 I preferred to doze on Bianca's couch rather than argue about the merits of this or that painter。 Besides; I knew my Master was the best。
 This world was one of spacious rooms; decorated walls; generous fragrant light and a regular parade of high fashion; to which I grew accustomed pletely; never seeing much of the pain and misery of the poor of the city at all。 Even the books I read reflected this new realm in which I had been so securely fixed that nothing could take me back to the world of confusion and suffering that had gone before。
 I learned to play little songs on the Virginal。 I learned to strum the lute and to sing in a soft voice; though I would only sing sad songs。 My Master loved these songs。
 We made a choir now and then; all the boys together; and presented the Master with our own positions and sometimes our own dances as well。
 In the hot afternoon; we played cards when we were supposed to be napping。 Riccardo and I slipped out to gamble in taverns。 We drank too much once or twice。 The Master knew it and put a stop to it at once。 He was particularly horrified that I'd fallen drunk into the Grand Canal; necessitating a clumsy and hysterical rescue。 I could have sworn he went pale at the account; that I saw the color dance back from his whitening cheeks。
 He whipped Riccardo for it。 I was full of shame。 Riccardo took it like a soldier without cries or ment; standing still at a large fireplace in the library; his back turned to receive the blows on his legs。 Afterwards; he knelt and kissed the Master's ring。 I vowed I'd never get drunk again。
 I got drunk the next day; but I had the sense to stagger into Bianca's house and climb under her bed; where I could fall asleep without risk。 Before midnight the Master pulled me out。 I thought; Now I'll get it。 But he only put me to bed; where I fell asleep before I could apologize。 When I woke once it was to see him at his writing desk; writing as swiftly as he could paint; in some great book which he always managed to hide before he left the house。
 When others did sleep; including Riccardo; during the worst afternoons of summer; I ventured out and hired a gondol
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