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 It was Sybelle's long hand that suddenly whipped the coverlet back。 The cool air skidded across my skin。 I stared up at the man who drew back; a half…strangled growl caught in his throat。
 〃For the love of God!〃
 My body sprang up; drawn by the plump fountain of blood like a hideous puppet on a score of whipping strings。 I flailed against him; then anchored my burnt fingernails hard into his neck and wrapped the other arm around him in an agonizing embrace; my tongue flashing at the blood that spilled from the claw marks as I drew in and; ignoring the blazing pain in my face; opened my mouth wide and sank my fangs。
 Now I had him。
 His height; his strength; his powerful shoulders; his huge hands clamping to my hurt flesh; none of this could help him。 I had him。 I drew up the first thick swallow of blood and thought I would swoon。 But my body wasn't about to allow it。 My body had locked to him as if I were a thing of voracious tentacles。
 At once; his crazed and luminous thoughts drew me down into a glitzy swirl of New York images; of careless cruelty and grotesque horror; of rampant drug…driven energy and sinister hilarity。 I let the images flood me。 I couldn't go for the quick death。 I had to have every drop of blood inside him; and for that the heart must pump and pump; the heart must not give up。
 If I had ever tasted blood this strong; this sweet and salty; I had no memory of it; there was no way in which memory could record such deliciousness; the absolute rapture of thirst slaked; of hunger cured; of loneliness dissolved in this hot and intimate embrace; in which the sound of my own seething; straining breath would have horrified me if I had cared about it。
 Such a noise I made; such a dreadful feasting noise。 My fingers massaged his thick muscles; my nostrils were pressed into his pampered soap…scented skin。
 〃Hmmm; love you; wouldn't hurt you for the world; you feel it; it's sweet; isn't it?〃 I whispered to him over the shallows of gorgeous blood。 〃Hmmm; yes; so sweet; better than the finest brandy; hmmm。。。〃
 In his shock and disbelief; he suddenly let go utterly; surrendering to the delirium that I stoked with each word。 I ripped at his neck; widening the wound; rupturing the artery more fully。 The blood gushed anew。
 An exquisite shiver ran down my back; it ran down the backs of my arms; and down my buttocks and legs。 It was pain and pleasure mingled as the hot and lively blood forced itself into the microfibers of my shriveled flesh; as it plumped the muscles beneath the roasted skin; as it sank into the very marrow of my bones。 More; I had to have more。
 〃Stay alive; you don't want to die; no; stay alive;〃 I crooned; rubbing my fingers up through his hair; feeling that they were fingers now; not the pterodactyl digits they'd been moments before。 Oh; they were hot; it was the fire all over again; it was the fire blazing in my scorched limbs; this time death had to e; I couldn't bear this any longer; but a pinnacle had been reached; and now it was past and a great soothing ache rushed through me。
 My face was pumped and teeming; my mouth fall again and again; and my throat now swallowing without effort。
 〃Ah; yes; alive; you're so strong; so wonderfully strong 。。。〃 I whispered。 〃Hmmm; no; don't go 。。。 not yet; it's not time。〃
 His knees buckled。 He sank slowly to the carpet; and I with him; pulling him gently over with me against the side of the bed; and then letting him fall beside me; so that we lay like lovers entangled。 There was more; much more; more than ever I could have drunk in my regular state; more than ever I could have wanted。
 Even on those rare occasions when I was a fledgling and greedy and new; and had taken two or three victims a night; I had never drunk so deeply from any one of them。 I was now into the dark tasty dregs; pulling out the very vessels themselves in sweet clots that dissolved on my tongue。
 〃Oh; you are so precious; yes; yes。〃
 But his heart could take no more。 It was slowing to a lethal irretrievable pace。 I closed my teeth on the skin of his face and ripped it open over his forehead; lapping at the rich tangle of bleeding vessels that covered his skull。 There was so much blood here; so much blood behind the tissues of the face。 I sucked up the fibers; and then spit them out bloodless and white; watching them drop to the floor like so much slop。
 I wanted the heart and the brain。 I had seen the ancients take it。 I knew how。 I'd seen the Roman Pandora once reach right into the chest。
 I went for it。 Astonished to see my hand fully formed though dark brown in color; I made my fingers rigid like a deadly spade and drove it into him; tearing linen and cracking breastbone; and then reaching his soft entrails until I had the heart and held it as I'd seen Pandora hold it。 I drank from it。 Oh; it had plenty of blood。 This was magnificent。 I sucked it to pulp and then let it fall。
 I lay as still as he; at his side; my right hand on the back of his neck; my head bowed against his chest; my breath ing in heavy sighs。 The blood danced in me。 I felt my arms and legs jerking。 Spasms ran through me; so that the sight of his white dead carcass blinkered in my gaze。 The room flashed on and off。
 〃Oh; what a sweet brother;〃 I whispered。 〃Sweet; sweet brother。〃 I rolled on my back。 I could hear the roar of his blood in my very ears; feel it moving over my scalp; feel it tingling in my cheeks and in the palms of my hands。 Oh; good; too good; too lusciously good。
 〃Bad guy; hmmm?〃 It was Benji's voice; far away in the world of the living。
 Far away in another realm where pianos ought to be played; and little boys should dance; they stood; the two like painted cutout figures against the swimming light of the room; merely gazing at me; he the little desert rogue with his fancy black cigarette; puffing away and smacking his lips and raising his eyebrows; and she merely floating it seemed; resolute and thoughtful as before; unshocked; untouched perhaps。
 I sat up and pulled up my knees。 I rose to my feet; with only a quick handhold on the side of the bed to steady myself。 I stood naked looking at her。
 Her eyes were filled with a deep rich gray light; and she smiled as she looked at me。
 〃Oh; magnificent;〃 she whispered。
 〃Magnificent?〃 I said。 I lifted my hands and pushed my hair back off my face。 〃Show me to the glass。 Hurry。 I'm thirsting。 I'm thirsting again already。〃
 It had begun; this was no lie。 In a stupor of shock I stared into the mirror。 I had seen such ruined specimens as this before; but each of us is ruined in our own way; and I; for alchemical reasons I couldn't proclaim; was a dark brown creature; the very perfect color of chocolate; with remarkably white opal eyes set with reddish…brown pupils。 The nipples of my chest were black as raisins。 My cheeks were painfully gaunt; my ribs perfectly defined beneath my shiny skin; and the veins; the veins that were so full of sizzling action; stood like ropes along my arms and the calves of my legs。 My hair; of course; had never seemed so lustrous; so full; so much a thing of youth a
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