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ing away from the soft blood…filled guardian angel。
 〃There are people innately good;〃 I said; 〃who want to help others。 You are one of them; Sybelle。 I won't rest as long as you live。 I'll be at your side。 I'll be there always to guard you and to repay you。〃
 She smiled。
 I was astonished。
 Her lean face; with its well…shaped pale lips; broke into the freshest and most robust smile; as if neglect and pain had never gnawed at her。
 〃You'll be a guardian angel to me; Armand?〃 she asked。
 〃I'm off;〃 Benji declared。 With a crackle and snap; he lit another cigarette。 His lungs must have been charcoal sacks。 〃I'm going out into the night。 But what if this son of a bitch is sick or dirty or…。〃
 〃Means nothing to me。 Blood's blood。 Just bring him here。 Don't try this fancy tripping with your foot。 Wait till you have him right here beside the bed; and as he reaches to lift the cover; you; Sybelle; pull it back; and you; Benji; push on him with all your might; so the side of the bed trips his shins; and he'll fall into my arms。 And after that; I'll have him。〃
 He headed for the door。
 〃Wait;〃 I whispered。 What was I thinking of in my greed? I looked up at her mute smiling face; and then at him; the little engine puffing away on the black cigarette; with nothing on for the fierce winter outside but the damned djellaba。
 〃No; it has to be done;〃 said Sybelle with wide eyes。 〃And Benji will choose a very bad man; won't you; Benji? An evil man who wants to rob and kill you。〃
 〃I know where to go;〃 said Benji with a little twisted smile。 〃Just play your cards when I e back; both of you。 Cover him up; Sybelle。 Don't look at the clock。 Don't worry about me!〃
 Off he went with the slam of the door; the big heavy lock slipping shut behind him automatically。
 So it was ing。 Blood; thick red blood。 It was ing。 It was ing; and it would be hot and delicious; and there would a manful of it; and it was ing; it was ing within seconds。
 I closed my eyes; and opening them; I let the room take shape again with its sky…blue draperies on every window; hanging down in rich folds to the floor; and the carpet a great writhing oval of cabbage roses。 And she; this stalk of a girl staring at me and smiling her simple sweet smile; as if the crime of the night would be nothing to her。
 She came down on her knees next to me; perilously close; and again she touched my hair with delicate hand。 Her soft unfettered breasts touched my arm。 I read her thoughts as if I read her palm; pushing back through layer after layer of her conscious; seeing the dark winding road again whipping and turning through the Jordan Valley; and the parents driving too fast for the pitch dark and the hairpin curves and the Arab drivers who came on plunging at even greater speed so that each meeting of headlamps became a grueling contest。
 〃To eat the fish from the Sea of Galilee;〃 she said; her eyes drifting away from me。 〃I wanted it。 It was my idea we go there。 We had one more day in the Holy Land; and they said it's a long drive from Jerusalem to Nazareth; and I said; 'But He walked on the water。' It was to me always the strangest tale。 You know it?〃
 〃I do;〃 I said。
 〃That He was walking right on the water; as if He'd forgotten the Apostles were there or that anyone might see Him; and they from the boat; said; 'Lord!' and He was startled。 Such a strange miracle; as if it was all 。。。 accidental。 I was the one who wanted to go。 I was the one who wanted to eat the fresh fish right out of the sea; the same water that Peter and the others had fished。 It was my doing。 Oh; I don't say it was my fault that they died。 It was my doing。 And we were all headed home for my big night at Carnegie Hall; and the record pany was set up to record it; live。 I'd made a recording before; you know。 It had done much better than anyone ever expected。 But that night 。 。 。 this night that never happened; that is; I was going to play the Appassionata。
 It was all that mattered to me。 The other sonatas I love; the Moonlight; the Pathetique; but really for me 。。。 it was the Appassionata。 My Father and Mother were so proud。 But my brother; he was the one who always fought; always got me the time; the space; the good piano; the teachers I needed。 He was the one who made them see; but then of course; he didn't have any life at all; and all of us saw what was ing。 We'd talk about it round the table at night; that he had to get a life of his own; it was no good his working for me; but then he'd say that I would need him for years to e; I couldn't even imagine。 He'd manage the recordings and the performances and the repertoire; and the fees we asked。 The agents couldn't be trusted。 I had no idea; he said; of how high I'd rise。〃
 She paused; cocking her head to one side; her face earnest yet still simple。
 〃It wasn't a decision I made; you understand;〃 she said。 〃I just wouldn't do anything else。 They were dead。 I just wouldn't go out。 I just wouldn't answer the phone。 I just wouldn't play anything else。 I just wouldn't listen to what he said。 I just wouldn't plan。 I just wouldn't eat。 I just wouldn't change my clothes。 I just played the Appassionata。〃
 〃I understand;〃 I said softly。
 〃He brought Benji back with us to take care of me。 I always wondered how。 I think Benji was bought; you know; bought with cold cash?〃
 〃I know。〃
 〃I think that's what happened。 He couldn't leave me alone; he said; not even at the King David; that was the hotel…。〃
 〃…because he said I'd stand in the window without my clothes; or I wouldn't let the maid e in; and I'd play the piano in the middle of the night and he couldn't sleep。 So he got Benji。 I love Benji。〃
 〃I know。〃
 〃I'd always do what Benji said。 He never dared to hit Benji。 Only towards the end he started to really hurt me。 Before that it was slaps; you know; and kicks。 Or he'd pull my hair。 He'd grab me by the hair; all my hair in one hand; and he'd throw me down on the floor。 He did that often。 But he didn't dare to hit Benji。 He knew if he hit Benji I'd scream and scream。 But then sometimes; when Benji would try to make him stop…。 But I'm not so sure about that because I would be so dizzy。 My head would ache。〃
 〃I understand;〃 I said。 Of course; he had hit Benji。
 She mused; quietly; her eyes large still; and so bright without tears or puckering。
 〃We're alike; you and I;〃 she whispered; looking down at me。 Her hand lay close to my cheek; and she very lightly pressed the soft upper part of her forefinger against me。
 〃Alike?〃 I asked。 〃What in the world can you be thinking of?〃
 〃Monsters;〃 she said。 〃Children。〃
 I smiled。 But she didn't smile。 She looked dreamy。
 〃I was so glad when you came;〃 she said。 〃I knew he was dead。 I knew when you stood at the end of the piano and you looked at me。 I knew when you stood there listening to me。 I was so happy that there was someone who could kill him。〃
 〃Do this for me;〃 I said。
 〃What?〃 she asked。 〃Armand; I'll do anything。〃
 〃Go to the piano now。 Play it for me。 Play the Appassionata〃
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