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 up the ice such as remained and to have big soft blankets with which to wrap me。
 I knew I weighed nothing。 Painfully twisting my arms; I broke up more of the transparent covering。 I felt with my clawlike hand that my hair had e back; thick and red…brown as ever。 I held up a lock to the light; and then my arm could stand the scalding pain no more and I let it drop; unable to close or move my dried and twisted fingers。
 I had to throw a spell; at least when they first came。 They could not see the thing that I was; this black leathery monster。 No mortal could bear the sight of this; no matter what words came from my lips。 I had to shield myself somehow。
 And having no mirror; how could I know how I looked or what I must do precisely? I had to dream; dream of the old Venetian days when I had been a beauty well known to myself from the tailor's glass; and project that vision right into their minds even if it took all the strength I possessed; yes; that; and I must give them some instructions。
 I lay still; gazing up into the soft warm snowfall of tiny flakes; so unlike the terrible blizzards that had e earlier。 I didn't dare to use my wits to track their progress。
 Suddenly I heard the loud crash of breaking glass。 A door slammed far below。 I heard their uneven steps rushing up the metal stairs; clambering over the landings。
 My heart beat hard; and with each little convulsion; the pain was pumped through me; as if my blood itself were scalding me。
 Suddenly; the steel door on the roof was flung back。 I heard them rushing towards me。 In the faint dreamy light of the high towers all around; I saw their two small figures; she the fairy woman; and he the child of no more than twelve years perhaps; hurrying towards me。
 Sybelle! Oh; she came out on the roof without a coat; hair streaming; the terrible pity of it; and Benjamin no better in his thin linen djellaba。 But they had a big velvet forter to cover me; and I had to make a vision。
 Give me the boy I was; give the finest green satin and ruff upon ruff of fancy lace; give me stockings and braided boots; and let my hair be clean and shining。
 Slowly I opened my eyes; looking from one to the other of their small pale and rapt faces。 Like two vagrants of the night they stood in the drifting snow。
 〃Oh; but Dybbuk; you had us so very worried;〃 said Benjamin; in his wildly excited voice; 〃and look at you; you are beautiful。〃
 〃No; don't think it's what you see; Benjamin;〃 I said。 〃Hurry with your tools; chop at the ice; and lay the cover over me。〃
 It was Sybelle who took up the wooden…handled iron hammer and with both hands slammed it down; fracturing the soft top layer of ice immediately。 Benjamin chopped at it all with the pick as if he had bee a small machine; thrusting to left and to right over and over; sending the shards flying。
 The wind caught Sybelle's hair and whipped around into her eyes。 The snow clung to her eyelids。
 I held the image; a helpless satin…clad child; with soft pinkish hands upturned and unable to help them。
 〃Don't cry; Dybbuk;〃 declared Benjamin; grabbing a giant thin slab of ice with both hands。 〃We'll get you out; don't cry; you're ours now。 We have you。〃
 He threw aside the shining jagged broken sheets; and then he himself appeared to freeze; more solid than any ice; staring at me; his mouth a perfect O of amazement。
 〃Dybbuk; you are changing colors!〃 he cried。 He reached to touch my illusory face。
 〃Don't do it; Benji;〃 said Sybelle。
 It was the first time I'd heard her voice; and now I saw the deliberate brave calm of her blanched face; the wind making her eyes tear; though she herself remained staunch。 She picked the ice from my hair。
 A terrible chill came over me; quelling the heat; yes; but sending the tears down my face。 Were they blood? 〃Don't look at me;〃 I said。 〃Benji; Sybelle; look away。 Just put the cover into my hands。〃
 Her tender eyes squinted as she stared; disobediently; steadily; one hand up to close the collar of her flimsy cotton bed gown against the wind; the other poised above me。
 〃What's happened to you since you came to us?〃 she asked in the kindest voice。 〃Who's done this to you?〃
 I swallowed hard; and made the vision e again。 I pushed it up from all my pores; as if my body were one agency of breath。
 〃No; don't do it anymore;〃 said Sybelle。 〃It weakens you and you suffer terribly。〃
 〃I can heal; my sweet;〃 I said; 〃I promise I can。 I won't be like this always; not even soon。 Only take me off this roof。 Take me out of this cold; and take me where the sun can't get to me again。 It's the sun that did this。 Only the sun。 Take me; please。 I can't walk。 I can't crawl。 I'm a night thing。 Hide me in the darkness。〃
 〃Enough; don't say any more;〃 cried Benji。
 I opened my eyes to see a huge wave of brilliant blue settle over me as though a summer sky had e down to be my wrapping。 I felt the soft pile of the velvet; and even this was pain; pain on the blazing skin; but it was pain that could be borne because their ministering hands were on me; and for this; for their touch; for their love; I would have endured anything。
 I felt myself lifted。 I knew that I was light; and yet how dreadful it was to be so helpless; as they wrapped me。
 〃Am I not light enough to carry?〃 I asked。 My head had fallen back; and I could see the snow again; and I fancied that when I sharpened my gaze I could see the stars too; high above; biding their time beyond the haze of one tiny planet。
 〃Don't be afraid;〃 whispered Sybelle; her lips close to the covers。
 The smell of their blood was suddenly rich and thick as honey。
 Both of them had me; hoisted in their arms; and they ran together over the roof。 I was free of the hurtful snow and ice; almost free forever。 I couldn't let myself think about their blood。 I couldn't let this ravenous burnt body have its way。 That was unthinkable。
 Down through the metal stairwell we went; making turn after turn; their feet strumming the brittle steel treads; my body shocked and throbbing with agony。 I could see the ceiling above; and then the smell of their blood; mingling together; overpowered me; and I shut my eyes and clenched my burnt fingers; hearing the leathery flesh crack as I did so。 I dug my nails into my palms。
 I heard Sybelle at my ear。 〃We have you; we're holding you tight; we won't let you go。 It isn't far。 Oh; God; but look at you; look what the sun's done to you。〃
 〃Don't look!〃 said Benji crossly。 〃Just hurry! Do you think such a powerful Dybbuk doesn't know what you think? Be wise; hurry up。〃
 They had e to the lower floor and to the broken window。 I felt the arms of Sybelle lift me beneath my head and beneath my crooked knees; and I heard Benji's voice from beyond; no longer echoing on enclosing walls。
 〃That's it; now give him to me; I can hold him!〃 How furious and excited he sounded; but she had e through the window with me; I could tell this much; though my clever Dybbuk's mind was utterly spent; and I knew nothing; nothing but pain and the blood and the pain again and the blood an
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