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 I knew him。 I spoke to him。 I could have never seen such miracles in the face of anyone else。
 He smiled so kindly at me。 His upper lip and chin were all clean shaven。 I couldn't even see the scantest hair on him; and his nose was narrow and delicate though large enough to be in proportion to the other magnetic features of his face。
 〃Not the Christ; my child;〃 he said。 〃But one who es with his own salvation。 e into my arms。〃
 〃I'm dying; Master。〃 What was my language? I can't say even now what it was。 But he understood me。
 〃No; little one; you're not dying。 You're ing now into my protection; and perhaps if the stars are with us; if they are kind to us; you'll never die at all。〃
 〃But you are the Christ。 I know you!〃
 He shook his head; and in the most mon human way he lowered his eyes as he did; and he smiled。 His generous lips parted; and I saw only a human's white teeth。 He put his hands beneath my arms; lifted me and kissed my throat; and the shivers paralyzed me。 I closed my eyes and felt his fingers on top of them; and heard him say into my ear; 〃Sleep as I take you home。〃
 When I awoke; we were in a huge bath。 No Venetian ever had such a bath as this; I can tell you that now from all the things I saw later; but what did I know of the conventions of this place? This was a palace truly; I had seen palaces。
 I climbed up and out of the swaddling of velvet in which I lay…his red cloak if I'm not mistaken…and I saw a great curtained bed to my right and; beyond; the deep oval basin of the bath itself。 Water poured from a shell held by angels into the basin; and steam rose from the broad surface; and in the steam my Master stood。 His white chest was naked and the nipples faintly pink; and his hair; pushed back from his smooth straight forehead; looked even thicker and more beautifully blond than it had before。
 He beckoned to me。
 I was afraid of the water。 I knelt at the edge and put my hand into it。
 With amazing speed and grace; he reached for me and brought me down into the warm pool; pushing me until the water covered my shoulders and then tilting back my head。
 Again I looked up at him。 Beyond him the bright…blue ceiling was covered in startlingly vivid angels with giant white feathery wings。 I had never seen such brilliant and curly angels; leaping as they did; out of all restraint and style; to flaunt their human beauty in muscled limbs and swirling garments; in flying locks。 It seemed a bit of madness this; these robust and romping figures; this riot of celestial play above me to which the steam ascended; evaporating in a golden light。
 I looked at my Master。 His face was right before me。 Kiss me again; yes; do it; that shiver; kiss…。 But he was of the same ilk as those painted beings; one of them; and this some form of heathen Heaven; a pagan place of Soldiers' gods where all is wine; and fruit; and flesh。 I had e to the wrong place。
 He threw back his head。 He gave way to ringing laughter。 He lifted a handful of water again and let it spill down my chest。 He opened his mouth and for a moment I saw the flash of something very wrong and dangerous; teeth such as a wolf might have。 But these were gone; and only his lips sucked at my throat; then at my shoulder。 Only his lips sucked at the nipple as I sought too late to cover it。
 I groaned for all this。 I sank against him in the warm water; and his lips went down my chest to my belly。 He sucked tenderly at the skin as if he were sucking up the salt and the heat from it; and even his forehead nudging my shoulder filled me with warm thrilling sensations。 I put my arm around him; and when he found the sin itself; I felt it go off as if an arrow had been shot from it; and it were a crossbow; I felt it go; this arrow; this thrust; and I cried out。
 He let me lie for a while against him。 He bathed me slowly。 He had a soft gathered cloth with which he wiped my face。 He dipped me back to wash my hair。
 And then when he thought I had rested enough; we began the kisses again。
 Before dawn; I woke against his pillow。 I sat up and saw him as he put on his big cloak and covered his head。 The room was full of boys again; but these were not the sad; emaciated tutors of the brothel。 These boys were handsome; well fed; smiling and sweet; as they gathered around the bed。
 They wore brightly colored tunics of effervescent colors; with fabrics carefully pleated and tight belts that gave them a girlish grace。 All wore long luxuriant hair。
 My Master looked at me and in a tongue I knew; I knew perfectly; he said that I was his only child; and he would e again that night; and by such time as that I would have seen a new world。
 〃A new world!〃 I cried out。 〃No; don't leave me; Master。 I don't want the whole world。 I want you!〃
 〃Amadeo;〃 he said in this private tongue of confidence; leaning over the bed; his hair dry now and beautifully brushed; his hands softened with powder。 〃You have me forever。 Let the boys feed you; dress you。〃 You belong to me; to Marius Romanus; now。
 He turned to them and gave them their mands in the soft singing language。
 And you would have thought from their happy faces that he had given them sweets and gold。
 〃Amadeo; Amadeo;〃 they sang as they gathered around me。 They held me so that I couldn't follow him。 They spoke Greek to me; fast and easily; and Greek for me was not so easy。 But I understood。
 e with us; you are one of us; we are to be good to you; we are to be especially good to you。 They dressed me up hastily in castoffs; arguing with one another about my tunic; was it good enough; and these faded stockings; well; it was only for now! Put on the slippers; here; a jacket that was too small for Riccardo。 These seemed the garments of kings。
 〃We love you;〃 said Albinus; the second in mand to Riccardo; and a dramatic contrast to the black…haired Riccardo; for his blond hair and pale green eyes。 The other boys; I couldn't quite distinguish; but these two were easy to watch。
 〃Yes; we love you;〃 said Riccardo; pushing back his black hair and winking at me; his skin so smooth and dark pared to the others。 His eyes were fiercely black。 He clutched my hand and I saw his long thin fingers。 Here everyone had thin fingers; fine fingers。 They had fingers like mine; and mine had been unusual among my brethren。 But I couldn't think of this。
 And eerie possibility suggested itself to me; that I; the pale one; the one who made all the trouble; the one with the fine fingers; had been spirited away to the good land where I belonged。 But that was altogether too fabulous to believe。 My head ached。 I saw wordless flashes of the stubby horsemen who had captured me; of the stinking hold of the ship in which I'd been brought to Constantinople; flashes of gaunt; busy men; men fussing as they had handled me there。
 Dear God; why did anyone love me? What for? Marius Romanus; why do you love me?
 The Master smiled as he waved from the door。 The hood was up around his head; a crimson frame for his fine cheekbones and his curling lips。
 My eyes filled with tears。
 A white mist swirled aroun
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