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  Silence descended on the room like a blanket。 They were in Green's workroom; and the body of Marjorie Glick was on a stainless…steel table equipped with gutters and foot stirrups that could be raised or depressed。 It reminded Ben of the tables in hospital delivery rooms。
  Jimmy had turned back the sheet that covered her body when they entered and had made a brief examination。 Mrs Glick was wearing a burgundy…colored quilted house coat and knitted slippers。 There was a Band…Aid on her left shin; perhaps covering a shaving nick。 Ben looked away from it; but his eyes were drawn back again and again。
  'What do you think?' Ben had asked。
  'I'm not going to mit myself when another three hours will probably decide one way or the other。 But her condition is strikingly similar to that of Mike Ryerson…no surface lividity; no sign of rigor or incipient rigor。' And he had pulled the sheet back and would say no more。
  It was 7:02。
  Jimmy suddenly said; 'Where's your cross?'
  Ben started。 'Cross? Jesus; I don't have one!'
  'You were never a Boy Scout;' Jimmy said; and opened his bag。 'I; however; always e prepared。'
  He brought out two tongue depressors; stripped off the protective cellophane; and bound them together at right angles with a twist of Red Cross tape。
  'Bless it;' he said to Ben。
  'What? I can't 。 。 。 I don't know how。'
  'Then make it up;' Jimmy said; and his pleasant face suddenly appeared strained。 'You're the writer; you'll have to be the metaphysician。 For Christ's sake; hurry。 I think something is going to happen。 Can't you feel it?'
  And Ben could。 Something seemed to be gathering in the slow purple twilight; unseen as yet; but heavy and electric。 His mouth had gone dry; and he had to wet his lips before he could speak。
  'In the name of the Father; the Son; and the Holy Ghost。' Then he added; as an afterthought: 'In the name of the Virgin Mary; too。 Bless this cross and 。 。 。 and 。 。 。 '
  Words rose to his lips with sudden; eerie surety。
  'The Lord is my shepherd;' he spoke; and the words fell into the shadowy room as stones would have fallen into a deep lake; sinking out of sight without a ripple。 'I shall not want。 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters。 He restoreth my soul。'
  Jimmy's voice joined his own; chanting。
  'He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake。 Yea; though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; I will fear no evil…'
  It seemed hard to breathe properly。 Ben found that his whole body had crawled into goose flesh; and the short hairs on the nape of his neck had begun to prickle; as if they were rising into hackles。
  'Thy rod and thy staff they fort me。 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over。 Surely goodness and mercy shall…'
  The sheet covering Marjorie Glick's body had begun to tremble。 A hand fell out below the sheet and the fingers began to dance jaggedly on the air; twisting and turning。
  'My Christ; am I seeing this?' Jimmy whispered。 His face had gone pale and his freckles stood out like spatters on a windowpane。
  '…follow me all the days of my life;' Ben finished。 'Jimmy; look at the cross。'
  The cross was glowing。 The light spilled over his hand in an elvish flood。
  A slow; choked voice spoke in the stillness; as grating as shards of broken crockery: 'Danny?'
  Ben felt his tongue cleave to the roof of his mouth。 The form under the sheet was sitting up。 Shadows in the darkening room moved and slithered。
  'Danny; where are you; darling?'
  The sheet fell from her face and crumpled in her lap。
  The face of Marjorie Glick was a pallid; moonlike circle in the semidark; punched only by the black holes of her eyes。 She saw them; and her mouth juddered open in an awful; cheated snarl。 The fading glow of daylight flashed against her teeth。
  She swung her legs over the side of the table; one of the slippers fell off and lay unheeded。
  'Sit right there!' Jimmy told her。 'Don't try to move。' Her answer was a snarl; a dark silver sound; doglike。 She slid off the table; staggered; and walked toward them。 Ben caught himself looking into those punched eyes and wrenched his gaze away。 There were black galaxies shot with red in there。 You could see yourself; drowning and liking it。
  'Don't look in her face;' he told Jimmy。
  They were retreating from her without thought; allowing her to force them toward the narrow hall which led to the stairs。
  'Try the cross; Ben。'
  He had almost forgotten he had it。 Now he held it up; and the cross seemed to flash with brilliance。 He had to squint against it。 Mrs Glick made a hissing; dismayed noise and threw her hands up in front of her face。 Her features seemed to draw together; twitching and writhing like a nest of snakes。 She tottered a step backward。
  'That's got her!' Jimmy yelled。
  Ben advanced on her; holding the cross out before him。 She hooked one hand into a claw and made a swipe at it。 Ben dipped it below her hand and then thrust it at her。 An ululating scream came from her throat。
  For Ben; the rest took on the maroon tones of nightmare。 Although worse horrors were to e; the dreams of the following days and nights were always of driving Marjorie Glick back toward that mortician's table; where the sheet that had covered her Jay crumpled beside one knitted slipper。    
  She retreated unwillingly; her eyes alternating between the hateful cross and an area on Ben's neck to the right of the chin。 The sounds that were wrenched out of her were inhuman gibberings and hissings and glottals; and there was something so blindly reluctant in her withdrawal that she began to seem like some giant; lumbering insect。 Ben thought: If I didn't have this cross out front; she would rip my throat open with her nails and gulp down the blood that spurted out of the jugular and carotid like a man just out of the desert and dying of thirst。 She would bathe in it。
  Jimmy had cut away from his side; and was circling her to the left。 She didn't see him。 Her eyes were fixed only on Ben; dark and filled with hatred 。 。 。 filled with fear。
  Jimmy circled the mortician's table; and when she backed around it; he threw both arms around her neck with a convulsive yell。
  She gave a high; whistling cry and twisted in his grip。 Ben saw Jimmy's nails pull away a flap of her skin at the shoulder; and nothing welled out…the cut was like a lipless mouth。 And then; incredibly; she threw him across the room。 Jimmy crashed into the corner; knocking Maury Green's portable TV off its stand。
  She was on him in a flash; moving in a bunched; scrabbling run that was nearly spiderlike。 Ben caught a shadows crawled glimpse of her falling on top of him; ripping at his collar; and then the sideward predatory lunge of her head; the yawning of her jaws; as she battened on him。
  Jimmy Cody screamed…the high; despairing scream of the utterly damned。
  Ben threw himself at her; stumbling and nearly falling over the shattered television on the floor。 He could hear her harsh breathing; like the rattle of s
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