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ound distractedly at the floral displays。 A damn waste。 Tomorrow the petals would be scattered all over in red and yellow flakes。 Why anybody bothered was beyond him。 If you were going to spend money; why not give it to the Cancer Society or the March of Dimes or even the Ladies' Aid? Then it went to some good; at least。
  He threw in another shovelful and rested again
  That coffin was another waste。 Nice mahogany coffin; worth a thousand bucks at least; and here he was shoveling dirt over it。 The Glicks didn't have no more money than anyone else; and who puts burial insurance on kids? They were probably six miles in hock; all for a box to shovel in the ground。
  He bent down; got another spadeful of earth; and reluctantly threw it in。 Again that horrid; final thump。 The top of the coffin was sprayed with dirt now; but the polished mahogany gleamed through; almost reproachfully。
  Stop looking at me。
  He got another spadeful; not a very big one; and threw it in。
  The shadows were getting very long now。 He paused; looked up; and there was the Marsten House; its shutters closed blankly。 The east side; the one that bid good day to the light first; looked directly down on the iron gate of the cemetery; where Doc …
  He forced himself to get another spadeful of earth and throw it into the hole。
  Some of it trickled off the sides; creasing into the brass hinges。 Now if anyone opened it; there would be a gritting; grating noise like opening the door to a tomb。
  Stop looking at me; goddammit。
  He began to bend for another spadeful; but the thought seemed too heavy and he rested for a minute。 He had read once…in the National Enquirer or someplace…about some Texas oilman dude who had specified in his will that he be buried in a brand…new Cadillac Coupe de Ville。 They did it; too。 Dug the hole with a payloader and lifted the car in with a crane。 People all over the country driving around in old cars held together with spit and baling wire and one of these rich pigs gets himself buried sitting behind the wheel of a ten…thousand…dollar car with all the accessories He suddenly jerked and took a step backward; shaking his head warily。 He had almost…well…had almost been in a trance; it seemed like。 That feeling of being watched was much stronger now。 He looked at the sky and was alarmed to see how much light had gone out of it。 Only the top story of the Marsten House was in bright sunlight now。 His watch said ten past six。 Christ; it had been an hour and he hadn't thrown half a dozen shovelfuls of dirt down that hole!
  Mike bent to his work; trying not to let himself think。 Thump and thump and thump and now the sound of dirt striking wood was muffled; the top of the coffin was covered and dirt was running off the sides in brown rivulets; almost up to the lock and catch。
  He threw in another two spadefuls and paused。
  Lock and catch?
  Now; why in the name of God would anyone put a lock into a coffin? Did they think someone was going to try to get in? That had to be it。 Surely they couldn't think someone would be trying to get out …
  'Stop staring at me;' Mike Ryerson said aloud; and then felt his heart crawl up into his throat。 A sudden urge to run from this place; to run straight down the road to town; filled him。 He controlled it only with great effort。 Just the heebie…jeebies; that's all it was。 Working in a graveyard; who wouldn't get them once in a while? It was like a fucking horror movie; having to cover up that kid; only twelve years old and his eyes wide open …
  'Christ; stop it!' be cried; and looked wildly up toward the Marsten House。 Now only the roof was in sunshine。 It was six…fifteen。
  After that he began to work more quickly again; bending and shoveling and trying to keep his mind pletely blank。 But that sense of being watched seemed to grow rather than lessen; and each shovelful of dirt seemed heavier than the last。 The top of the coffin was covered now but you could still see the shape; shrouded in earth。
  The Catholic prayer for the dead began to run through his mind; the way things like that will for no good reason。 He had heard Callahan saying it while he was eating his dinner down by the brook。 That; and the father's helpless screaming。    
  Let us pray for our brother to our Lord Jesus Christ; who said 。 。 。
  (O my father; favor me now。)
  He paused and looked blankly down into the grave。 It was deep; very deep。 The shadows of ing night had already pooled into it; like something viscid and alive。 It was still deep。 He would never be able to fill it by dark。 Never。
  I am the resurrection and the life。 The man who believes in me will live even though he die 。 。 。
  (Lord of Flies; favor me now。)
  Yes; the eyes were open。 That's why he felt watched。 Carl hadn't used enough gum on them and they had flown up just like window shades and the Glick kid was staring at him。 Something ought to be done about it。
  。 。 。 and every living person who puts his faith in me will never suffer eternal death 。 。 。 
  (Now I bring you spoiled meat and reeking flesh。)
  Shovel out the dirt。 That was the ticket。 Shovel it out and break the lock with the shovel and open the coffin and close those awful staring eyes。 He had no mortician's gum; but he had two quarters in is pocket。 That would do as well。 Silver。 Yes; silver was what the boy needed。
  The sun was above the roof of the Marsten House now; and only touched the highest and oldest spruces to the west of town。 Even with the shutters closed the house seemed to stare at him。
  You raised the dead to life; give our brother Daniel eternal life。
  (I have made sacrifice for your favor。 With my left hand I bring it。)
  Mike Ryerson suddenly leaped into the grave and began to shovel madly; throwing dirt up and out in brown explosions。 At last the blade of the shovel struck wood and he began to scrape the last of the dirt over the sides and then he was kneeling on the coffin striking at the brass lip of the lock again and again and again。
  The frogs down by the brook had begun to thump; a night jar was singing in the shadows; and somewhere close by a number of whippoorwills had begun to lift their shrilling call。
  What am I doing? he asked himself。 What in God's name am I doing?
  He knelt there on top of the coffin and tried to think about it 。 。 。 but something on the underside of his mind was urging him to hurry; hurry; the sun was going down …
  Dark; don't catch me here。
  He lifted the spade over his shoulder; brought it down on the lock once more; and there was a snapping sound。 It was broken。
  He looked up for a moment; in a last glimmering of sanity; his face streaked and circled with dirt and sweat; the eyes staring from it in bulging white circles。
  Venus glowed against the breast of the sky。
  Panting; he pulled himself out of the grave; lay down full length; and fumbled for the catches on the coffin lid。 He found them and pulled。 The lid swung upward; gritting on its hinges just as he had imagined it would; showing at first only pink satin; and then one dark…clad arm (Danny Glick had been buried in his munion s
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