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and tangled。
 She sat on his bed and sorted through the portfolio。 They were mostly meticulous architectural studies; but also a few figure studies and portraits done in a less certain style。 There were several of a striking young woman with short dark curls; both clothed and nude; and Cordelia realized with a shock from the notes on them that she was looking at Vorkosigan's first wife。 She had seen no other pictures of her anywhere in his things。 There were also three studies of a laughing young man labeled 〃Ges〃 that seemed hauntingly familiar。 She mentally added forty pounds and twenty years to him; and the room seemed to tilt as she recognized Admiral Vorrutyer。 She closed the portfolio back up quietly。
 Vorkosigan finally found what he was looking for; a couple of sets of old red lieutenant's tabs。 〃Good。 It was quicker than going by headquarters。〃
 At the Imperial Military Hospital they were stopped by a male nurse。 〃Sir? Visiting hours are over; sir。〃
 〃Did no one call from headquarters? Where's that surgeon?〃
 Koudelka's surgeon; the man who had worked on; or over; him with the hand tractor during Cordelia's first visit; was routed out at last。
 〃Admiral Vorkosigan; sir。 No; of course visiting hours don't apply to him。 Thank you; corpsman; dismissed。〃
 〃I'm not visiting this time; Doctor。 Official business。 I mean to relieve you of your patient tonight; if it's physically possible。 Koudelka's been reassigned。〃
 〃Reassigned? He was to be discharged in a week! Reassigned to what? Hasn't anybody read my reports? He can barely walk。〃
 〃He won't need to。 His new assignment is all desk work。 I trust you have his hands working?〃
 〃Pretty well。〃
 〃Any medical work left to be done?〃
 〃Nothing important。 A few last tests。 I was just holding him to the end of the month; so he would have pleted his fourth year。 Thought it would help his pension a bit; such as it is。〃
 Vorkosigan sorted through the papers and disks; and handed the pertinent ones to the doctor。 〃Here。 Cram this in your puter and get his release signed。 e on; Cordelia; let's go surprise him。〃 He looked happier than he had all day。
 They entered Koudelka's room to find him still dressed for the day in black fatigues; struggling with a therapeutic hand coordination exercise and cursing under his breath。
 〃Hello; sir;〃 he greeted Vorkosigan absently。 〃The trouble with this damn tin…foil nervous system is that you can't teach it anything。 Practice only helps the organic parts。 I swear some days I could beat my head on the wall。〃 He gave up the exercise with a sigh。
 〃Don't do that。 You're going to need it in the days to e。〃
 〃I suppose so。 It was never my best part; though。〃 He stared; abstracted and downcast; at the board; then remembered to be cheerful for his mander。 Looking up; he noticed the time。 〃What are you doing here at this hour; sir?〃
 〃Business。 Just what are your plans for the next few weeks; Ensign?〃
 〃Well; they're discharging me next week; you know。 I'll go home for a while。 Then start looking for work; I guess。 I don't know what land。〃
 〃Too bad;〃 said Vorkosigan; keeping his face straight。 〃I hate to make you alter your plans; Lieutenant Koudelka; but you've been reassigned。〃 And laid on his bedside tray; in order; like a fine hand of cards; Koudelka's newly cut orders; his promotion; and a pair of red collar tabs。
 Cordelia had never enjoyed Koudelka's expressive face more。 It was a study in bewilderment and rising hope。 He picked up the orders carefully and read them through。
 〃Oh; sir! I know this isn't a joke; but it's got to be a mistake! Personal secretary to the Regent…elect…I don't know anything about the work。 It's an impossible job。〃
 〃Do you know; that's almost exactly what the Regent…elect said about his job; when he was first offered it;〃 said Cordelia。 〃I guess you'll both have to learn them together。〃
 〃How did he e to pick me? Did you remend me; sir? e to think of it。。。〃 He turned the orders over; reading them through again; 〃who is the Regent going to be; anyway?〃 He raised his eyes to Vorkosigan; and made the connection at last。 〃My God;〃 he whispered。 He did not; as Cordelia thought he might; grin and congratulate; but instead looked quite serious。 〃It's…a hell of a job; sir。 But I think the government's finally done something right。 I'd be proud to serve you again。 Thank you。〃
 Vorkosigan nodded; in agreement and acceptance。
 Koudelka did grin; when he picked up the promotion order。 〃Thanks for this; too; sir。〃
 〃Don't thank me too soon。 I intend to sweat blood out of you in return。〃
 Koudelka's grin widened。 〃Nothing new about that。〃 He fumbled clumsily with the collar tabs。
 〃May I do that; Lieutenant?〃 asked Cordelia。 He looked up defensively。 〃For my pleasure;〃 she added。
 〃It would be an honor; Milady。〃
 Cordelia fastened them to his collar straightly; with the greatest care; and stepped back to admire her work。 〃Congratulations; Lieutenant。〃
 〃You can get shiny new ones tomorrow;〃 Vorkosigan said。 〃But I thought these would do for tonight。 I'm springing you out of here now。 We'll put you up at the Count my father's Residence tonight; because work starts tomorrow at dawn。〃
 Koudelka fingered the red rectangles。 〃Were they yours; sir?〃
 〃Once。 I hope they don't bring you my luck; which was always vile; but…wear them in good health。〃
 Koudelka gave him a nod; and a smile。 He clearly found Vorkosigan's gesture profoundly meaningful; exceeding his capacity for words。 But the two men understood each other perfectly well without them。 〃Don't think I want new ones; sir。 People would just think I'd been an ensign yesterday。〃
 Later; lying warm in the darkness in Vorkosigan's room in the Count's town house; Cordelia remembered a curiosity。 〃What did you say to the Emperor; about me?〃
 He stirred beside her; and pulled the sheet tenderly up over her bare shoulder; tenting them together。 〃Hm? Oh; that。〃 He hesitated。 〃Ezar had been questioning me about you; in our argument about Escobar。 Implied that you had affected my nerve; for the worse。 I didn't know then if I'd ever see you again。 He wanted to know what I saw in you。 I told him。。。〃 he paused again; and then continued almost shyly; 〃that you poured out honor like a fountain; all around you。〃
 〃That's weird。 I don't feel full of honor; or anything else; except maybe confusion。〃
 〃Naturally not。 Fountains keep nothing for themselves。〃
 The shattered ship hung in space; a black bulk in the darkness。 It still turned; imperceptibly slowly; one edge eclipsed and swallowed the bright point of a star。 The lights of the salvage crew arced over the skeleton。 Ants; ripping up a dead moth; Ferrell thought。 Scavengers。。。
 He sighed dismay into his forward observation screen; and pictured the ship as it had been; scant weeks before。 The wreckage untwisted in his mind…a cruiser; alive with patterns of gaudy lights that always made him think of a party seen across night waters。 Responsive as a mirror to the mind under its Pilot's headset; where man and machine penetrated the interface and became one。 Swift; gleaming; functional。。。 no more。 He glanced to his right; and cleared his throat self…consciously。
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