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t。〃 Remembered frustrations played themselves out before his eyes; and he frowned into the past。 〃This other plan…well; I think you'll understand if I tell you it's Escobar。〃
 Cordelia sat up; shocked。 〃You found a jump through here to Escobar?〃 No wonder; then; the Barrayarans had not announced their discovery of this place。 Of all the possibilities she had revolved in her mind; that was the last。 Escobar was one of the major planetary hubs in the network of wormhole exits that strung scattered humanity together。 Large; old; rich; temperate; it counted among its many neighbors Beta Colony itself。 〃They're out of their minds!〃
 〃Do you know; that's almost exactly what I said; before the Minister of the West started shouting; and Count Vortala threatened…well; became very rude to him。 Vortala can be more obnoxious without actually swearing than any man I know。〃
 〃Beta Colony would be drawn in for sure。 Why; half our interstellar trade passes through Escobar。 And Tau Ceti Five。 And Jackson's Whole。〃
 〃At the very least; I should think;〃 Vorkosigan nodded agreement。 〃The idea was to make it a quick operation; and present the potential allies with a fait acpli。 Being intimately familiar with everything that went wrong with my 'perfect' plan for Komarr; I told them they were dreaming; or words to that effect。〃 He shook his head。 〃I wish I'd kept my temper better。 I could still be back there; arguing against it。 Instead; for all I know; the fleet is being readied even now。 And the further preparations go; the harder they will be to stop。〃 He sighed。
 〃War;〃 Cordelia mused; immensely disturbed。 〃You realize; if your fleet goes…if Barrayar goes to war with Escobar…they'll be wanting navigators at home。 Even if Beta Colony doesn't get directly involved in the fight; we're sure to be selling them weapons; technical assistance; shiploads of supplies…〃
 Vorkosigan started to speak; then stopped himself。 〃I suppose you would;〃 he said bleakly。 〃And we would be trying to blockade you。〃
 She could feel the blood beating in her ears in the silence that followed。 The little noises and vibrations of Vorkosigan's ship still drifted through the walls; Bothari stirred in the corridor; and footsteps passed by。
 She shook her head。 〃I'm going to have to think about this。 It's not as easy as it looked; at first。〃
 〃No; it's not。〃 He turned his hand palm…outward; a gesture of pletion; and rose stiffly; his leg still bothering him。 〃That's all I wanted to say。 You need not say anything。〃
 She nodded; grateful for the release; and he withdrew; collecting Bothari and shutting the door firmly behind him。 She sighed distress and deep uncertainty; and lay back staring at the ceiling until Yeoman Nilesa brought dinner。
 Next morning; ship time; she remained quietly in her cabin reading。 She wanted time to assimilate yesterday's conversation before she saw Vorkosigan again。 She was as unsettled as if all her star maps had been randomized; leaving her lost; but at least knowing she was lost。 A step backwards toward truth; she supposed; better than mistaken certainties。 She hungered forlornly for certainties; even as they receded beyond reach。
 The ship's library offered a wide range of Barrayaran material。 A gentleman named Abell had produced a turgid general history; full of names; dates; and detailed descriptions of forgotten battles all of whose participants were irrelevantly dead by now。 A scholar named Aczith had done better; with a vivid biography of Emperor Dorca Vorbarra the Just; the ambiguous figure whom Cordelia calculated was Vorkosigan's great…grandfather; and whose reign had straddled the end of the Time of Isolation。 Deeply involved in the multitude of personalities and convoluted politics of his day; she did not even look up at the knock on her door; but called; 〃Enter。〃
 A pair of soldiers wearing green…and…grey planetside camouflage fatigues fell through the door and shut it hastily behind them。 What a ratty…looking pair; she thought; finally; a Barrayaran soldier shorter than Vorkosigan。 It was only on the third thought that she recognized them; as from the corridor outside; muffled by the door; an alarm klaxon began to hoot rhythmically。 Looks like I'm not going to make it to the B's。。。
 〃Captain!〃 cried Lieutenant Stuben。 〃Are you all right?〃
 All the crushing weight of old responsibility descended on her at the sight of his face。 His shoulder…length brown hair had been sacrificed to an imitation Barrayaran military burr that looked as though it had been grazed over by some herbivore; and his head seemed small; naked; and strange without it。 Lieutenant Lai; beside him; slight and thin with a scholarly stoop; made an even less likely looking warrior; the too…large uniform he wore folded up at the wrists and ankles; with one ankle ing unfolded and getting under the heel of his boot。
 She opened her mouth once to speak; closed it; then finally ripped out; 〃Why aren't you on your way home? I gave you an order; Lieutenant!〃
 Stuben; anticipating a warmer reception; was momentarily nonplussed。 〃We took a vote;〃 he said simply; as though it explained everything。
 Cordelia shook her head helplessly。 〃You would。 A vote。 Right。〃 She buried her face in her hands a moment; and sobbed a laugh。 〃Why?〃 she asked through her fingers。
 〃We identified the Barrayaran ship as the General Vorkraft…looked it up and found out who was in mand。 We just couldn't leave you in the hands of the Butcher of Komarr。 It was unanimous。〃
 She was momentarily diverted。 〃How the devil did you get a unanimous vote out of…no; never mind;〃 she cut him off as he began to answer; a self…satisfied gleam starting in his eye。 I shall beat my head against the wall…no。 Got to have more information。 And so does he。
 〃Do you realize;〃 she said carefully; 〃that the Barrayarans were planning to bring an invasion fleet through here; to attack Escobar by surprise? If you had reached home and reported this planets existence; their chance of surprise would have been destroyed。 Now all bets are off。 Where is the Rene Magritte now; and how did you ever get in here?〃
 Lieutenant Stuben looked astonished。 〃How did you find all that out?〃
 〃Time; time;〃 Lieutenant Lai reminded him anxiously; tapping his wrist chronometer。
 Stuben went on。 〃Let me tell you on the way to the shuttle。 Do you know where Dubauer is? He wasn't in the brig。〃
 〃Yes; what shuttle? No…begin at the beginning。 I've got to know everything before we set foot in the corridor。 I take it they know you're aboard?〃 The beat of the klaxon still sounded outside; and she cringed in expectation of her door bursting inward at any moment。
 〃No; they don't。 That's the beauty of it;〃 said Stuben proudly。 〃We had the greatest piece of luck。
 〃They pursued us for two days when we first ran off。 I didn't put on full power…just enough to stay out of their range and keep them trailing us。 I thought we might still get a chance to circle back and pick you up; somehow。 Then all of a sudden they stopped; turned around; and started back here。
 〃We waited until they were well away; then turned around ourselves。 We hoped you were still hiding in the woods。〃
 〃No; I was captured the 
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