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 He turned to his prize。
 She was in the corner of the room; on her back on a rudimentary divan; hands tied behind her; mouth gagged。 The Hassassin moved toward her。 She was awake now。 This pleased him。 Surprisingly; in her eyes; he saw fire instead of fear。
 The fear will e。 

 Robert Langdon dashed around the outer bulwark of the castle; grateful for the glow of the floodlights。 As he circled the wall; the courtyard beneath him looked like a museum of ancient warfare…catapults; stacks of marble cannonballs; and an arsenal of fearful contraptions。 Parts of the castle were open to tourists during the day; and the courtyard had been partially restored to its original state。
 Langdon's eyes crossed the courtyard to the central core of the fortress。 The circular citadel shot skyward 107 feet to the bronze angel above。 The balcony at the top still glowed from within。 Langdon wanted to call out but knew better。 He would have to find a way in。 
 He checked his watch。 
 11:12 P。M。 
 Dashing down the stone ramp that hugged the inside of the wall; Langdon descended to the courtyard。 Back on ground level; he ran through shadows; clockwise around the fort。 He passed three porticos; but all of them were permanently sealed。 How did the Hassassin get in? Langdon pushed on。 He passed two modern entrances; but they were padlocked from the outside。 Not here。 He kept running。
 Langdon had circled almost the entire building when he saw a gravel drive cutting across the courtyard in front of him。 At one end; on the outer wall of the castle; he saw the back of the gated drawbridge leading back outside。 At the other end; the drive disappeared into the fortress。 The drive seemed to enter a kind of tunnel…a gaping entry in the central core。 Il traforo! Langdon had read about this castle's traforo; a giant spiral ramp that circled up inside the fort; used by manders on horseback to ride from top to bottom rapidly。 The Hassassin drove up! The gate blocking the tunnel was raised; ushering Langdon in。 He felt almost exuberant as he ran toward the tunnel。 But as he reached the opening; his excitement disappeared。 
 The tunnel spiraled down。 
 The wrong way。 This section of the traforo apparently descended to the dungeons; not to the top。 
 Standing at the mouth of a dark bore that seemed to twist endlessly deeper into the earth; Langdon hesitated; looking up again at the balcony。 He could swear he saw motion up there。 Decide! With no other options; he dashed down into the tunnel。
 High overhead; the Hassassin stood over his prey。 He ran a hand across her arm。 Her skin was like cream。 The anticipation of exploring her bodily treasures was inebriating。 How many ways could he violate her?
 The Hassassin knew he deserved this woman。 He had served Janus well。 She was a spoil of war; and when he was finished with her; he would pull her from the divan and force her to her knees。 She would service him again。 The ultimate submission。 Then; at the moment of his own climax; he would slit her throat。
 Ghayat assa'adah; they called it。 The ultimate pleasure。
 Afterward; basking in his glory; he would stand on the balcony and savor the culmination of the Illuminati triumph 。 。 。 a revenge desired by so many for so long。 
 The tunnel grew darker。 Langdon descended。
 After one plete turn into the earth; the light was all but gone。 The tunnel leveled out; and Langdon slowed; sensing by the echo of his footfalls that he had just entered a larger chamber。 Before him in the murkiness; he thought he saw glimmers of light 。 。 。 fuzzy reflections in the ambient gleam。 He moved forward; reaching out his hand。 He found smooth surfaces。 Chrome and glass。 It was a vehicle。 He groped the surface; found a door; and opened it。
 The vehicle's interior dome…light flashed on。 He stepped back and recognized the black van immediately。 Feeling a surge of loathing; he stared a moment; then he dove in; rooting around in hopes of finding a weapon to replace the one he'd lost in the fountain。 He found none。 He did; however; find Vittoria's cell phone。 It was shattered and useless。 The sight of it filled Langdon with fear。 He prayed he was not too late。
 He reached up and turned on the van's headlights。 The room around him blazed into existence; harsh shadows in a simple chamber。 Langdon guessed the room was once used for horses and ammunition。 It was also a dead end。
 No exit。 I came the wrong way! 
 At the end of his rope; Langdon jumped from the van and scanned the walls around him。 No doorways。 No gates。 He thought of the angel over the tunnel entrance and wondered if it had been a coincidence。 No! He thought of the killer's words at the fountain。 She is in the Church of Illumination 。 。 。 awaiting my return。 Langdon had e too far to fail now。 His heart was pounding。 Frustration and hatred were starting to cripple his senses。
 When he saw the blood on the floor; Langdon's first thought was for Vittoria。 But as his eyes followed the stains; he realized they were bloody footprints。 The strides were long。 The splotches of blood were only on the left foot。 The Hassassin! 
 Langdon followed the footprints toward the corner of the room; his sprawling shadow growing fainter。 He felt more and more puzzled with every step。 The bloody prints looked as though they walked directly into the corner of the room and then disappeared。 
 When Langdon arrived in the corner; he could not believe his eyes。 The granite block in the floor here was not a square like the others。 He was looking at another signpost。 The block was carved into a perfect pentagram; arranged with the tip pointing into the corner。 Ingeniously concealed by overlapping walls; a narrow slit in the stone served as an exit。 Langdon slid through。 He was in a passage。 In front of him were the remains of a wooden barrier that had once been blocking this tunnel。
 Beyond it there was light。
 Langdon was running now。 He clambered over the wood and headed for the light。 The passage quickly opened into another; larger chamber。 Here a single torch flickered on the wall。 Langdon was in a section of the castle that had no electricity 。 。 。 a section no tourists would ever see。 The room would have been frightful in daylight; but the torch made it even more gruesome。
 Il prigione。 
 There were a dozen tiny jail cells; the iron bars on most eroded away。 One of the larger cells; however; remained intact; and on the floor Langdon saw something that almost stopped his heart。 Black robes and red sashes on the floor。 This is where he held the cardinals! 
 Near the cell was an iron doorway in the wall。 The door was ajar and beyond it Langdon could see some sort of passage。 He ran toward it。 But Langdon stopped before he got there。 The trail of blood did not enter the passage。 When Langdon saw the words carved over the archway; he knew why。
 Il Passetto。
 He was stunned。 He had heard of this tunnel many times; never knowing where exactly the entrance was。 Il Passetto…The Little Passage…was a slender; three…quarter…mile tunnel built between Castle St。 Angelo and the Vatican。 It had been used by various Popes to escape to safety during sieges of the Vatican 。 。 。 as well as by a few less p
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