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 〃Wait!〃 Langdon demanded。 〃Tell me about the brands you intend to use on these men。〃 
 The killer sounded amused。 〃I suspect you know what the brands will be already。 Or perhaps you are a skeptic? You will see them soon enough。 Proof the ancient legends are true。〃
 Langdon felt light…headed。 He knew exactly what the man was claiming。 Langdon pictured the brand on Leonardo Vetra's chest。 Illuminati folklore spoke of five brands in all。 Four brands are left; Langdon thought; and four missing cardinals。
 〃I am sworn;〃 the camerlegno said; 〃to bring a new Pope tonight。 Sworn by God。〃
 〃Camerlegno;〃 the caller said; 〃the world does not need a new Pope。 After midnight he will have nothing to rule over but a pile of rubble。 The Catholic Church is finished。 Your run on earth is done。〃
 Silence hung。
 The camerlegno looked sincerely sad。 〃You are misguided。 A church is more than mortar and stone。 You cannot simply erase two thousand years of faith 。 。 。 any faith。 You cannot crush faith simply by removing its earthly manifestations。 The Catholic Church will continue with or without Vatican City。〃
 〃A noble lie。 But a lie all the same。 We both know the truth。 Tell me; why is Vatican City a walled citadel?〃
 〃Men of God live in a dangerous world;〃 the camerlegno said。 
 〃How young are you? The Vatican is a fortress because the Catholic Church holds half of its equity inside its walls…rare paintings; sculpture; devalued jewels; priceless books 。 。 。 then there is the gold bullion and the real estate deeds inside the Vatican Bank vaults。 Inside estimates put the raw value of Vatican City at 48。5 billion dollars。 Quite a nest egg you're sitting on。 Tomorrow it will be ash。 Liquidated assets as it were。 You will be bankrupt。 Not even men of cloth can work for nothing。〃
 The accuracy of the statement seemed to be reflected in Olivetti's and the camerlegno's shell…shocked looks。 Langdon wasn't sure what was more amazing; that the Catholic Church had that kind of money; or that the Illuminati somehow knew about it。
 The camerlegno sighed heavily。 〃Faith; not money; is the backbone of this church。〃
 〃More lies;〃 the caller said。 〃Last year you spent 183 million dollars trying to support your struggling dioceses worldwide。 Church attendance is at an all…time low…down forty…six percent in the last decade。 Donations are half what they were only seven years ago。 Fewer and fewer men are entering the seminary。 Although you will not admit it; your church is dying。 Consider this a chance to go out with a bang。〃
 Olivetti stepped forward。 He seemed less bative now; as if he now sensed the reality facing him。 He looked like a man searching for an out。 Any out。 〃And what if some of that bullion went to fund your cause?〃
 〃Do not insult us both。〃
 〃We have money。〃
 〃As do we。 More than you can fathom。〃
 Langdon flashed on the alleged Illuminati fortunes; the ancient wealth of the Bavarian stone masons; the Rothschilds; the Bilderbergers; the legendary Illuminati Diamond。
 〃I preferiti;〃 the camerlegno said; changing the subject。 His voice was pleading。 〃Spare them。 They are old。 They…〃
 〃They are virgin sacrifices。〃 The caller laughed。 〃Tell me; do you think they are really virgins? Will the little lambs squeal when they die? Sacrifici vergini nell' altare di scienza。〃 
 The camerlegno was silent for a long time。 〃They are men of faith;〃 he finally said。 〃They do not fear death。〃
 The caller sneered。 〃Leonardo Vetra was a man of faith; and yet I saw fear in his eyes last night。 A fear I removed。〃
 Vittoria; who had been silent; was suddenly airborne; her body taut with hatred。 〃Asino! He was my father!〃
 A cackle echoed from the speaker。 〃Your father? What is this? Vetra has a daughter? You should know your father whimpered like a child at the end。 Pitiful really。 A pathetic man。〃
 Vittoria reeled as if knocked backward by the words。 Langdon reached for her; but she regained her balance and fixed her dark eyes on the phone。 〃I swear on my life; before this night is over; I will find you。〃 Her voice sharpened like a laser。 〃And when I do 。 。 。〃
 The caller laughed coarsely。 〃A woman of spirit。 I am aroused。 Perhaps before this night is over; I will find you。 And when I do 。 。 。〃
 The words hung like a blade。 Then he was gone。

 Cardinal Mortati was sweating now in his black robe。 Not only was the Sistine Chapel starting to feel like a sauna; but conclave was scheduled to begin in twenty minutes; and there was still no word on the four missing cardinals。 In their absence; the initial whispers of confusion among the other cardinals had turned to outspoken anxiety。
 Mortati could not imagine where the truant men could be。 With the camerlegno perhaps? He knew the camerlegno had held the traditional private tea for the four preferiti earlier that afternoon; but that had been hours ago。 Were they ill? Something they ate? Mortati doubted it。 Even on the verge of death the preferiti would be here。 It was once in a lifetime; usually never; that a cardinal had the chance to be elected Supreme Pontiff; and by Vatican Law the cardinal had to be inside the Sistine Chapel when the vote took place。 Otherwise; he was ineligible。 
 Although there were four preferiti; few cardinals had any doubt who the next Pope would be。 The past fifteen days had seen a blizzard of faxes and phone calls discussing potential candidates。 As was the custom; four names had been chosen as preferiti; each of them fulfilling the unspoken requisites for being Pope:
 Multilingual in Italian; Spanish; and English。 No skeletons in his closet。 Between sixty…five and eighty years old。
 As usual; one of the preferiti had risen above the others as the man the college proposed to elect。 Tonight that man was Cardinal Aldo Baggia from Milan。 Baggia's untainted record of service; bined with unparalleled language skills and the ability to municate the essence of spirituality; had made him the clear favorite。 
 So where the devil is he? Mortati wondered。
 Mortati was particularly unnerved by the missing cardinals because the task of supervising this conclave had fallen to him。 A week ago; the College of Cardinals had unanimously chosen Mortati for the office known as The Great Elector…the conclave's internal master of ceremonies。 Even though the camerlegno was the church's ranking official; the camerlegno was only a priest and had little familiarity with the plex election process; so one cardinal was selected to oversee the ceremony from within the Sistine Chapel。
 Cardinals often joked that being appointed The Great Elector was the cruelest honor in Christendom。 The appointment made one ineligible as a candidate during the election; and it also required one spend many days prior to conclave poring over the pages of the Universi Dominici Gregis reviewing the subtleties of conclave's arcane rituals to ensure the election was properly administered。 
 Mortati held no grudge; though。 He knew he was the logical choice。 Not only was he the senior cardinal; but he had also been a confidant of the late Pope; a fact that elevated his esteem。 Although Mortati was technically still within the legal age window for election; he was getting a bit 
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