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ed a night of miracles。〃
 Perfect ending! Macri felt herself smiling broadly。 Flawless wrap! Now sign off! 
 But Glick did not sign off。 Instead; he paused a moment and then stepped toward the camera。 He had a mysterious smile。 〃But before we sign off 。 。 。〃
 〃。 。 。 I would like to invite a guest to join me。〃
 Chinita's hands froze on the camera。 A guest? What the hell is he doing? What guest! Sign off! But she knew it was too late。 Glick had mitted。
 〃The man I am about to introduce;〃 Glick said; 〃is an American 。 。 。 a renowned scholar。〃
 Chinita hesitated。 She held her breath as Glick turned to the small crowd around them and motioned for his guest to step forward。 Macri said a silent prayer。 Please tell me he somehow located Robert Langdon 。 。 。 and not some Illuminati…conspiracy nutcase。 
 But as Glick's guest stepped out; Macri's heart sank。 It was not Robert Langdon at all。 It was a bald man in blue jeans and a flannel shirt。 He had a cane and thick glasses。 Macri felt terror。 Nutcase! 
 〃May I introduce;〃 Glick announced; 〃the renowned Vatican scholar from De Paul University in Chicago。 Dr。 Joseph Vanek。〃
 Macri now hesitated as the man joined Glick on camera。 This was no conspiracy buff; Macri had actually heard of this guy。
 〃Dr。 Vanek;〃 Glick said。 〃You have some rather startling information to share with us regarding last night's conclave。〃
 〃I do indeed;〃 Vanek said。 〃After a night of such surprises; it is hard to imagine there are any surprises left 。 。 。 and yet 。 。 。〃 He paused。
 Glick smiled。 〃And yet; there is a strange twist to all this。〃
 Vanek nodded。 〃Yes。 As perplexing as this will sound; I believe the College of Cardinals unknowingly elected two Popes this weekend。〃
 Macri almost dropped the camera。
 Glick gave a shrewd smile。 〃Two Popes; you say?〃
 The scholar nodded。 〃Yes。 I should first say that I have spent my life studying the laws of papal election。 Conclave judicature is extremely plex; and much of it is now forgotten or ignored as obsolete。 Even the Great Elector is probably not aware of what I am about to reveal。 Nonetheless 。 。 。 according to the ancient forgotten laws put forth in the Romano Pontifici Eligendo; Numero 63 。 。 。 balloting is not the only method by which a Pope can be elected。 There is another; more divine method。 It is called 'Acclamation by Adoration。' 〃 He paused。 〃And it happened last night。〃
 Glick gave his guest a riveted look。 〃Please; go on。〃
 〃As you may recall;〃 the scholar continued; 〃last night; when Camerlegno Carlo Ventresca was standing on the roof of the basilica; all of the cardinals below began calling out his name in unison。〃
 〃Yes; I recall。〃
 〃With that image in mind; allow me to read verbatim from the ancient electoral laws。〃 The man pulled some papers from his pocket; cleared his throat; and began to read。 〃 'Election by Adoration occurs when 。 。 。 all the cardinals; as if by inspiration of the Holy Spirit; freely and spontaneously; unanimously and aloud; proclaim one individual's name。' 〃
 Glick smiled。 〃So you're saying that last night; when the cardinals chanted Carlo Ventresca's name together; they actually elected him Pope?〃
 〃They did indeed。 Furthermore; the law states that Election by Adoration supercedes the cardinal eligibility requirement and permits any clergyman…ordained priest; bishop; or cardinal…to be elected。 So; as you can see; the camerlegno was perfectly qualified for papal election by this procedure。〃 Dr。 Vanek looked directly into the camera now。 〃The facts are these 。 。 。 Carlo Ventresca was elected Pope last night。 He reigned for just under seventeen minutes。 And had he not ascended miraculously into a pillar of fire; he would now be buried in the Vatican Grottoes along with the other Popes。〃
 〃Thank you; doctor。〃 Glick turned to Macri with a mischievous wink。 〃Most illuminating 。 。 。〃

 High atop the steps of the Roman Coliseum; Vittoria laughed and called down to him。 〃Robert; hurry up! I knew I should have married a younger man!〃 Her smile was magic。
 He struggled to keep up; but his legs felt like stone。 〃Wait;〃 he begged。 〃Please 。 。 。〃
 There was a pounding in his head。
 Robert Langdon awoke with a start。
 He lay still for a long time in the foreign softness of the bed; unable to figure out where he was。 The pillows were goose down; oversized and wonderful。 The air smelled of potpourri。 Across the room; two glass doors stood open to a lavish balcony; where a light breeze played beneath a glistening cloud…swept moon。 Langdon tried to remember how he had gotten here 。 。 。 and where here was。 
 Surreal wisps of memory sifted back into his consciousness 。 。 。 
 A pyre of mystical fire 。 。 。 an angel materializing from out of the crowd 。 。 。 her soft hand taking his and leading him into the night 。 。 。 guiding his exhausted; battered body through the streets 。 。 。 leading him here 。 。 。 to this suite 。 。 。 propping him half…sleeping in a scalding hot shower 。 。 。 leading him to this bed 。 。 。 and watching over him as he fell asleep like the dead。 
 In the dimness now; Langdon could see a second bed。 The sheets were tousled; but the bed was empty。 From one of the adjoining rooms; he could hear the faint; steady stream of a shower。 
 As he gazed at Vittoria's bed; he saw a boldly embroidered seal on her pillowcase。 It read: HOTEL BERNINI。 Langdon had to smile。 Vittoria had chosen well。 Old World luxury overlooking Bernini's Triton Fountain 。 。 。 there was no more fitting hotel in all of Rome。
 As Langdon lay there; he heard a pounding and realized what had awoken him。 Someone was knocking at the door。 It grew louder。 
 Confused; Langdon got up。 Nobody knows we're here; he thought; feeling a trace of uneasiness。 Donning a luxuriant Hotel Bernini robe; he walked out of the bedroom into the suite's foyer。 He stood a moment at the heavy oak door; and then pulled it open。
 A powerful man adorned in lavish purple and yellow regalia stared down at him。 〃I am Lieutenant Chartrand;〃 the man said。 〃Vatican Swiss Guard。〃
 Langdon knew full well who he was。 〃How 。 。 。 how did you find us?〃
 〃I saw you leave the square last night。 I followed you。 I'm relieved you're still here。〃
 Langdon felt a sudden anxiety; wondering if the cardinals had sent Chartrand to escort Langdon and Vittoria back to Vatican City。 After all; the two of them were the only two people beyond the College of Cardinals who knew the truth。 They were a liability。
 〃His Holiness asked me to give this to you;〃 Chartrand said; handing over an envelope sealed with the Vatican signet。 Langdon opened the envelope and read the handwritten note。
 Mr。 Langdon and Ms。 Vetra; 
 Although it is my profound desire to request your discretion in the matters of the past 24 hours; I cannot possibly presume to ask more of you than you have already given。 I therefore humbly retreat hoping only that you let your hearts guide you in this matter。 The world seems a better place today 。 。 。 maybe the questions are more powerful than the answers。 
 My door is always open; 
 His Holiness; Saverio Mortati 
 Langdon read the message twice。 The College of Cardinals had obviously chose
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