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 At Mortati's feet was a golden urn; heavy with ashes。 Mortati had gathered the ashes himself and brought them here。 〃A chance for forgiveness;〃 he said to His Holiness; laying the urn inside the sarcophagus at the Pope's side。 〃No love is greater than that of a father for His son。〃 Mortati tucked the urn out of sight beneath the papal robes。 He knew this sacred grotto was reserved exclusively for the relics of Popes; but somehow Mortati sensed this was appropriate。
 〃Signore?〃 someone said; entering the grottoes。 It was Lieutenant Chartrand。 He was acpanied by three Swiss Guards。 〃They are ready for you in conclave。〃
 Mortati nodded。 〃In a moment。〃 He gazed one last time into the sarcophagus before him; and then stood up。 He turned to the guards。 〃It is time for His Holiness to have the peace he has earned。〃
 The guards came forward and with enormous effort slid the lid of the Pope's sarcophagus back into place。 It thundered shut with finality。 
 Mortati was alone as he crossed the Borgia Courtyard toward the Sistine Chapel。 A damp breeze tossed his robe。 A fellow cardinal emerged from the Apostolic Palace and strode beside him。
 〃May I have the honor of escorting you to conclave; signore?〃
 〃The honor is mine。〃
 〃Signore;〃 the cardinal said; looking troubled。 〃The college owes you an apology for last night。 We were blinded by…〃 
 〃Please;〃 Mortati replied。 〃Our minds sometimes see what our hearts wish were true。〃
 The cardinal was silent a long time。 Finally he spoke。 〃Have you been told? You are no longer our Great Elector。〃
 Mortati smiled。 〃Yes。 I thank God for small blessings。〃
 〃The college insisted you be eligible。〃
 〃It seems charity is not dead in the church。〃
 〃You are a wise man。 You would lead us well。〃
 〃I am an old man。 I would lead you briefly。〃
 They both laughed。
 As they reached the end of the Borgia Courtyard; the cardinal hesitated。 He turned to Mortati with a troubled mystification; as if the precarious awe of the night before had slipped back into his heart。
 〃Were you aware;〃 the cardinal whispered; 〃that we found no remains on the balcony?〃
 Mortati smiled。 〃Perhaps the rain washed them away。〃
 The man looked to the stormy heavens。 〃Yes; perhaps 。 。 。〃

 The midmorning sky still hung heavy with clouds as the Sistine Chapel's chimney gave up its first faint puffs of white smoke。 The pearly wisps curled upward toward the firmament and slowly dissipated。
 Far below; in St。 Peter's Square; reporter Gunther Glick watched in reflective silence。 The final chapter 。 。 。 
 Chinita Macri approached him from behind and hoisted her camera onto her shoulder。 〃It's time;〃 she said。 
 Glick nodded dolefully。 He turned toward her; smoothed his hair; and took a deep breath。 My last transmission; he thought。 A small crowd had gathered around them to watch。
 〃Live in sixty seconds;〃 Macri announced。
 Glick glanced over his shoulder at the roof of the Sistine Chapel behind him。 〃Can you get the smoke?〃 
 Macri patiently nodded。 〃I know how to frame a shot; Gunther。〃
 Glick felt dumb。 Of course she did。 Macri's performance behind the camera last night had probably won her the Pulitzer。 His performance; on the other hand 。 。 。 he didn't want to think about it。 He was sure the BBC would let him go; no doubt they would have legal troubles from numerous powerful entities 。 。 。 CERN and George Bush among them。
 〃You look good;〃 Chinita patronized; looking out from behind her camera now with a hint of concern。 〃I wonder if I might offer you 。 。 。〃 She hesitated; holding her tongue。
 〃Some advice?〃 
 Macri sighed。 〃I was only going to say that there's no need to go out with a bang。〃
 〃I know;〃 he said。 〃You want a straight wrap。〃 
 〃The straightest in history。 I'm trusting you。〃
 Glick smiled。 A straight wrap? Is she crazy? A story like last night's deserved so much more。 A twist。 A final bombshell。 An unforeseen revelation of shocking truth。 
 Fortunately; Glick had just the ticket waiting in the wings 。 。 。 
 *     *     * 
 〃You're on in 。 。 。 five 。 。 。 four 。 。 。 three 。 。 。〃
 As Chinita Macri looked through her camera; she sensed a sly glint in Glick's eye。 I was insane to let him do this; she thought。 What was I thinking? 
 But the moment for second thoughts had passed。 They were on。
 〃Live from Vatican City;〃 Glick announced on cue; 〃this is Gunther Glick reporting。〃 He gave the camera a solemn stare as the white smoke rose behind him from the Sistine Chapel。 〃Ladies and gentlemen; it is now official。 Cardinal Saverio Mortati; a seventy…nine…year…old progressive; has just been elected the next Pope of Vatican City。 Although an unlikely candidate; Mortati was chosen by an unprecedented unanimous vote by the College of Cardinals。〃 
 As Macri watched him; she began to breathe easier。 Glick seemed surprisingly professional today。 Even austere。 For the first time in his life; Glick actually looked and sounded somewhat like a newsman。
 〃And as we reported earlier;〃 Glick added; his voice intensifying perfectly; 〃the Vatican has yet to offer any statement whatsoever regarding the miraculous events of last night。〃
 Good。 Chinita's nervousness waned some more。 So far; so good。 
 Glick's expression grew sorrowful now。 〃And though last night was a night of wonder; it was also a night of tragedy。 Four cardinals perished in yesterday's conflict; along with mander Olivetti and Captain Rocher of the Swiss Guard; both in the line of duty。 Other casualties include Leonardo Vetra; the renowned CERN physicist and pioneer of antimatter technology; as well as Maximilian Kohler; the director of CERN; who apparently came to Vatican City in an effort to help but reportedly passed away in the process。 No official report has been issued yet on Mr。 Kohler's death; but conjecture is that he died due to plications brought on by a long…time illness。〃
 Macri nodded。 The report was going perfectly。 Just as they discussed。
 〃And in the wake of the explosion in the sky over the Vatican last night; CERN's antimatter technology has bee the hot topic among scientists; sparking excitement and controversy。 A statement read by Mr。 Kohler's assistant in Geneva; Sylvie Baudeloque; announced this morning that CERN's board of directors; although enthusiastic about antimatter's potential; are suspending all research and licensing until further inquiries into its safety can be examined。〃
 Excellent; Macri thought。 Home stretch。 
 〃Notably absent from our screens tonight;〃 Glick reported; 〃is the face of Robert Langdon; the Harvard professor who came to Vatican City yesterday to lend his expertise during this Illuminati crisis。 Although originally thought to have perished in the antimatter blast; we now have reports that Langdon was spotted in St。 Peter's Square after the explosion。 How he got there is still speculation; although a spokesman from Hospital Tiberina claims that Mr。 Langdon fell out of the sky into the Tiber River shortly after midnight; was treated; and released。〃 Glick arched his eyebrows at the camera。 〃And if that is true 。 。 。 it was indeed a night of miracles。〃
 Perfect ending! Macri felt herself smiling broadly。 Flawless wrap! Now s
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