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 〃Ms。 Vetra is a woman of tremendous personal strength;〃 Kohler said; seeming to sense Langdon's captivation。 〃She spends months at a time working in dangerous ecological systems。 She is a strict vegetarian and CERN's resident guru of Hatha yoga。〃
 Hatha yoga? Langdon mused。 The ancient Buddhist art of meditative stretching seemed an odd proficiency for the physicist daughter of a Catholic priest。
 Langdon watched Vittoria approach。 She had obviously been crying; her deep sable eyes filled with emotions Langdon could not place。 Still; she moved toward them with fire and mand。 Her limbs were strong and toned; radiating the healthy luminescence of Mediterranean flesh that had enjoyed long hours in the sun。 
 〃Vittoria;〃 Kohler said as she approached。 〃My deepest condolences。 It's a terrible loss for science 。 。 。 for all of us here at CERN。〃
 Vittoria nodded gratefully。 When she spoke; her voice was smooth…a throaty; accented English。 〃Do you know who is responsible yet?〃
 〃We're still working on it。〃
 She turned to Langdon; holding out a slender hand。 〃My name is Vittoria Vetra。 You're from Interpol; I assume?〃
 Langdon took her hand; momentarily spellbound by the depth of her watery gaze。 〃Robert Langdon。〃 He was unsure what else to say。
 〃Mr。 Langdon is not with the authorities;〃 Kohler explained。 〃He is a specialist from the U。S。 He's here to help us locate who is responsible for this situation。〃 
 Vittoria looked uncertain。 〃And the police?〃
 Kohler exhaled but said nothing。
 〃Where is his body?〃 she demanded。
 〃Being attended to。〃
 The white lie surprised Langdon。 
 〃I want to see him;〃 Vittoria said。
 〃Vittoria;〃 Kohler urged; 〃your father was brutally murdered。 You would be better to remember him as he was。〃
 Vittoria began to speak but was interrupted。
 〃Hey; Vittoria!〃 voices called from the distance。 〃Wele home!〃 
 She turned。 A group of scientists passing near the helipad waved happily。
 〃Disprove any more of Einstein's theories?〃 one shouted。
 Another added; 〃Your dad must be proud!〃
 Vittoria gave the men an awkward wave as they passed。 Then she turned to Kohler; her face now clouded with confusion。 〃Nobody knows yet?〃
 〃I decided discretion was paramount。〃
 〃You haven't told the staff my father was murdered? 〃 Her mystified tone was now laced with anger。 
 Kohler's tone hardened instantly。 〃Perhaps you forget; Ms。 Vetra; as soon as I report your father's murder; there will be an investigation of CERN。 Including a thorough examination of his lab。 I have always tried to respect your father's privacy。 Your father has told me only two things about your current project。 One; that it has the potential to bring CERN millions of francs in licensing contracts in the next decade。 And two; that it is not ready for public disclosure because it is still hazardous technology。 Considering these two facts; I would prefer strangers not poke around inside his lab and either steal his work or kill themselves in the process and hold CERN liable。 Do I make myself clear?〃
 Vittoria stared; saying nothing。 Langdon sensed in her a reluctant respect and acceptance of Kohler's logic。
 〃Before we report anything to the authorities;〃 Kohler said; 〃I need to know what you two were working on。 I need you to take us to your lab。〃
 〃The lab is irrelevant;〃 Vittoria said。 〃Nobody knew what my father and I were doing。 The experiment could not possibly have anything to do with my father's murder。〃
 Kohler exhaled a raspy; ailing breath。 〃Evidence suggests otherwise。〃 
 〃Evidence? What evidence?〃
 Langdon was wondering the same thing。
 Kohler was dabbing his mouth again。 〃You'll just have to trust me。〃
 It was clear; from Vittoria's smoldering gaze; that she did not。

 Langdon strode silently behind Vittoria and Kohler as they moved back into the main atrium where Langdon's bizarre visit had begun。 Vittoria's legs drove in fluid efficiency…like an Olympic diver…a potency; Langdon figured; no doubt born from the flexibility and control of yoga。 He could hear her breathing slowly and deliberately; as if somehow trying to filter her grief。 
 Langdon wanted to say something to her; offer his sympathy。 He too had once felt the abrupt hollowness of unexpectedly losing a parent。 He remembered the funeral mostly; rainy and gray。 Two days after his twelfth birthday。 The house was filled with gray…suited men from the office; men who squeezed his hand too hard when they shook it。 They were all mumbling words like cardiac and stress。 His mother joked through teary eyes that she'd always been able to follow the stock market simply by holding her husband's hand 。 。 。 his pulse her own private ticker tape。 
 Once; when his father was alive; Langdon had heard his mom begging his father to 〃stop and smell the roses。〃 That year; Langdon bought his father a tiny blown…glass rose for Christmas。 It was the most beautiful thing Langdon had ever seen 。 。 。 the way the sun caught it; throwing a rainbow of colors on the wall。 〃It's lovely;〃 his father had said when he opened it; kissing Robert on the forehead。 〃Let's find a safe spot for it。〃 Then his father had carefully placed the rose on a high dusty shelf in the darkest corner of the living room。 A few days later; Langdon got a stool; retrieved the rose; and took it back to the store。 His father never noticed it was gone。 
 The ping of an elevator pulled Langdon back to the present。 Vittoria and Kohler were in front of him; boarding the lift。 Langdon hesitated outside the open doors。
 〃Is something wrong?〃 Kohler asked; sounding more impatient than concerned。
 〃Not at all;〃 Langdon said; forcing himself toward the cramped carriage。 He only used elevators when absolutely necessary。 He preferred the more open spaces of stairwells。 
 〃Dr。 Vetra's lab is subterranean;〃 Kohler said。
 Wonderful; Langdon thought as he stepped across the cleft; feeling an icy wind churn up from the depths of the shaft。 The doors closed; and the car began to descend。 
 〃Six stories;〃 Kohler said blankly; like an analytical engine。
 Langdon pictured the darkness of the empty shaft below them。 He tried to block it out by staring at the numbered display of changing floors。 Oddly; the elevator showed only two stops。 GROUND LEVEL and LHC。 
 〃What's LHC stand for?〃 Langdon asked; trying not to sound nervous。
 〃Large Hadron Collider;〃 Kohler said。 〃A particle accelerator。〃
 Particle accelerator? Langdon was vaguely familiar with the term。 He had first heard it over dinner with some colleagues at Dunster House in Cambridge。 A physicist friend of theirs; Bob Brownell; had arrived for dinner one night in a rage。
 〃The bastards canceled it!〃 Brownell cursed。
 〃Canceled what?〃 they all asked。
 〃The SSC!〃
 〃The what?〃
 〃The Superconducting Super Collider!〃
 Someone shrugged。 〃I didn't know Harvard was building one。〃
 〃Not Harvard!〃 he exclaimed。 〃The U。S。! It was going to be the world's most powerful particle accelerator! One of the most important scientific projects of the century! Two billion dollars into it and the Senate sacks the project! Damn Bible…Belt lobbyists!〃 
 When Brownell finally calmed down; he explained that a particle accelerato
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