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ed in the floor。
 Langdon watched in horror; now realizing where the camerlegno was headed。 Good God; no! He dashed down the stairs after him。 〃Father! Don't!〃
 As Langdon opened the glass doors and ran toward the camerlegno; he saw the camerlegno heave on the grate。 The hinged; iron bulkhead fell open with a deafening crash; revealing a narrow shaft and a steep stairway that dropped into nothingness。 As the camerlegno moved toward the hole; Langdon grabbed his bare shoulders and pulled him back。 The man's skin was slippery with sweat; but Langdon held on。
 The camerlegno wheeled; obviously startled。 〃What are you doing!〃 
 Langdon was surprised when their eyes met。 The camerlegno no longer had the glazed look of a man in a trance。 His eyes were keen; glistening with a lucid determination。 The brand on his chest looked excruciating。
 〃Father;〃 Langdon urged; as calmly as possible; 〃you can't go down there。 We need to evacuate。〃 
 〃My son;〃 the camerlegno said; his voice eerily sane。 〃I have just had a message。 I know…〃
 〃Camerlegno!〃 It was Chartrand and the others。 They came dashing down the stairs into the room; lit by Macri's camera。 
 When Chartrand saw the open grate in the floor; his eyes filled with dread。 He crossed himself and shot Langdon a thankful look for having stopped the camerlegno。 Langdon understood; had read enough about Vatican architecture to know what lay beneath that grate。 It was the most sacred place in all of Christendom。 Terra Santa。 Holy Ground。 Some called it the Necropolis。 Some called it the Catabs。 According to accounts from the select few clergy who had descended over the years; the Necropolis was a dark maze of subterranean crypts that could swallow a visitor whole if he lost his way。 It was not the kind of place through which they wanted to be chasing the camerlegno。 
 〃Signore;〃 Chartrand pleaded。 〃You're in shock。 We need to leave this place。 You cannot go down there。 It's suicide。〃
 The camerlegno seemed suddenly stoic。 He reached out and put a quiet hand on Chartrand's shoulder。 〃Thank you for your concern and service。 I cannot tell you how。 I cannot tell you I understand。 But I have had a revelation。 I know where the antimatter is。〃
 Everyone stared。
 The camerlegno turned to the group。 〃Upon this rock I will build my church。 That was the message。 The meaning is clear。〃
 Langdon was still unable to prehend the camerlegno's conviction that he had spoken to God; much less that he had deciphered the message。 Upon this rock I will build my church? They were the words spoken by Jesus when he chose Peter as his first apostle。 What did they have to do with anything?
 Macri moved in for a closer shot。 Glick was mute; as if shell…shocked。 
 The camerlegno spoke quickly now。 〃The Illuminati have placed their tool of destruction on the very cornerstone of this church。 At the foundation。〃 He motioned down the stairs。 〃On the very rock upon which this church was built。 And I know where that rock is。〃
 Langdon was certain the time had e to overpower the camerlegno and carry him off。 As lucid as he seemed; the priest was talking nonsense。 A rock? The cornerstone in the foundation? The stairway before them didn't lead to the foundation; it led to the necropolis! 〃The quote is a metaphor; Father! There is no actual rock!〃 
 The camerlegno looked strangely sad。 〃There is a rock; my son。〃 He pointed into the hole。 〃Pietro и la pietra。〃 
 Langdon froze。 In an instant it all came clear。
 The austere simplicity of it gave him chills。 As Langdon stood there with the others; staring down the long staircase; he realized that there was indeed a rock buried in the darkness beneath this church。 
 Pietro и la pietra。 Peter is the rock。 
 Peter's faith in God was so steadfast that Jesus called Peter 〃the rock〃…the unwavering disciple on whose shoulders Jesus would build his church。 On this very location; Langdon realized…Vatican Hill…Peter had been crucified and buried。 The early Christians built a small shrine over his tomb。 As Christianity spread; the shrine got bigger; layer upon layer; culminating in this colossal basilica。 The entire Catholic faith had been built; quite literally; upon St。 Peter。 The rock。
 〃The antimatter is on St。 Peter's tomb;〃 the camerlegno said; his voice crystalline。 
 Despite the seemingly supernatural origin of the information; Langdon sensed a stark logic in it。 Placing the antimatter on St。 Peter's tomb seemed painfully obvious now。 The Illuminati; in an act of symbolic defiance; had located the antimatter at the core of Christendom; both literally and figuratively。 The ultimate infiltration。 
 〃And if you all need worldly proof;〃 the camerlegno said; sounding impatient now; 〃I just found that grate unlocked。〃 He pointed to the open bulkhead in the floor。 〃It is never unlocked。 Someone has been down there 。 。 。 recently。〃 
 Everyone stared into the hole。
 An instant later; with deceptive agility; the camerlegno spun; grabbed an oil lamp; and headed for the opening。

 The stone steps declined steeply into the earth。 
 I'm going to die down here; Vittoria thought; gripping the heavy rope banister as she bounded down the cramped passageway behind the others。 Although Langdon had made a move to stop the camerlegno from entering the shaft; Chartrand had intervened; grabbing Langdon and holding on。 Apparently; the young guard was now convinced the camerlegno knew what he was doing。 
 After a brief scuffle; Langdon had freed himself and pursued the camerlegno with Chartrand close on his heels。 Instinctively; Vittoria had dashed after them。
 Now she was racing headlong down a precipitous grade where any misplaced step could mean a deadly fall。 Far below; she could see the golden glow of the camerlegno's oil lamp。 Behind her; Vittoria could hear the BBC reporters hurrying to keep up。 The camera spotlight threw gnarled shadows beyond her down the shaft; illuminating Chartrand and Langdon。 Vittoria could scarcely believe the world was bearing witness to this insanity。 Turn off the damn camera! Then again; she knew the light was the only reason any of them could see where they were going。
 As the bizarre chase continued; Vittoria's thoughts whipped like a tempest。 What could the camerlegno possibly do down here? Even if he found the antimatter? There was no time!
 Vittoria was surprised to find her intuition now telling her the camerlegno was probably right。 Placing the antimatter three stories beneath the earth seemed an almost noble and merciful choice。 Deep underground…much as in Z…lab…an antimatter annihilation would be partially contained。 There would be no heat blast; no flying shrapnel to injure onlookers; just a biblical opening of the earth and a towering basilica crumbling into a crater。 
 Was this Kohler's one act of decency? Sparing lives? Vittoria still could not fathom the director's involvement。 She could accept his hatred of religion 。 。 。 but this awesome conspiracy seemed beyond him。 Was Kohler's loathing really this profound? Destruction of the Vatican? Hiring an assassin? The murders of her father; the Pope; and four cardinals? It seemed unthinkable。 And how had Kohler managed all this treachery withi
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