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 John Quincy glanced about the room。 On the back wall hung a scroll with felicitations; the gift of some friend of the family at New Year's。 Opposite him; on another wall; was a single picture; painted on silk; representing a bird on an apple bough。 Charmed by its simplicity; he went over to examine it。 〃That's beautiful〃 he said。
 〃Quoting old Chinese saying; a picture is a voiceless poem;〃 replied the boy。
 Beneath the picture stood a square table; flanked by straight; low…backed armchairs。 On other elaborately carved teakwood stands distributed about the room were blue and white vases; porcelain wine jars; dwarfed trees。 Pale golden lanterns hung from the ceiling; a soft…toned rug lay on the floor。 John Quincy felt again the gulf between himself and Charlie Chan。
 But when the detective returned; he wore the conventional garb of Los Angeles or Detroit; and the gulf did not seem so wide。 They went out together and entering the roadster; drove to Hallet's house on Iolani Avenue。
 The captain lolled in pajamas on his lanai。 He greeted his callers with interest。
 〃You boys are out late;〃 he said。 〃Something doing?〃
 〃Certainly is;〃 replied John Quincy; taking a proffered chair。 〃There's a man named Saladine …〃
 At mention of the name; Hallet looked at him keenly。 John Quincy went on to tell what he knew of Saladine; his alleged place of residence; his business; the tragedy of the lost teeth。
 〃Some time ago we got on to the fact that every time Kaohla figured in the investigation; Saladine was interested。 He managed to be at the desk of the Reef and Palm the day Kaohla inquired for Brade。 On the night Kaohla was questioned by your men; Miss Egan saw Mr。 Saladine crouching outside the window。 So Charlie and I thought it a good scheme to send a cable of inquiry to the postmaster at Des Moines; where Saladine claimed to be in the wholesale grocery business。〃 He handed an envelope to Hallet。 〃That answer arrived to…night;〃 he added。
 An odd smile had appeared on Hallet's usually solemn face。 He took the cable and read it; then slowly tore it into bits。
 〃Forget it; boys;〃 he said calmly。
 〃Wha … what!〃 gasped John Quincy。
 〃I said forget it。 I like your enterprise; but you're on the wrong trail there。〃
 John Quincy was greatly annoyed。 〃I demand an explanation;〃 he cried。
 〃I can't give it to you;〃 Hallet answered。 〃You'll have to take my word for it。〃
 〃I've taken your word for a good many things;〃 said John Quincy hotly。 〃This begins to look rather suspicious to me。 Are you trying to shield somebody?〃
 Hallet rose and laid his hand on John Quincy's shoulder。 〃I've had a hard day;〃 he remarked; 〃and I'm not going to get angry with you。 I'm not trying to shield anybody。 I'm as anxious as you are to discover who killed Dan Winterslip。 More anxious; perhaps。〃
 〃Yet when we bring you evidence you tear it up …〃
 〃Bring me the right evidence;〃 said Hallet。 〃Bring me that wrist watch。 I can promise you action then。〃
 John Quincy was impressed by the sincerity in his tone。 But he was sadly puzzled; too。 〃All right;〃 he said; 〃that's that。 I'm sorry if we've troubled you with this trivial matter …〃
 〃Don't talk like that;〃 Hallet broke in。 〃I'm glad of your help。 But as far as Mr。 Saladine is concerned …〃 he looked at Chan … 〃let him alone。〃
 Chan bowed。 〃You are undisputable chief;〃 he replied。
 They went back to Punchbowl Hill in the roadster; both rather dejected。 As Chan alighted at his gate; John Quincy spoke: 〃Well; I'm pau。 Saladine was my last hope。〃
 Chan stared for a moment at the moonlit Pacific that lay beyond the water…front lamps。 〃Stone wall surround us;〃 he said dreamily。 〃But we circle about; seeking loophole。 Moment of discovery will e。〃
 〃I wish I thought so;〃 replied John Quincy。
 Chan smiled。 〃Patience are a very lovely virtue;〃 he remarked。 〃Seem that way to me。 But maybe that are my Oriental mind。 Your race; I perceive; regard patience with ever…swelling disfavor。〃
 It was with swelling disfavor that John Quincy regarded it as he drove back to Waikiki。 Yet he had great need of patience in the days immediately following。 For nothing happened。
 The forty…eight…hour period given him to leave Hawaii expired; but the writer of that threatening letter failed to e forward and relieve the tedium。 Thursday arrived; a calm day like the others; Thursday night; peaceful and serene。
 On Friday afternoon Agatha Parker broke the monotony by a cable sent from the Wyoming ranch。
 〃You must be quite mad。 I find the West crude and impossible。〃
 John Quincy smiled; he could picture her as she wrote it; proud; haughty; unyielding。 She must have been popular with the man who transmitted the message。 Or was he; too; an exile from the East?
 And perhaps the girl was right。 Perhaps he was mad; after all。 He sat on Dan Winterslip's lanai; trying to think things out。 Boston; the office; the art gallery; the theaters。 The mon on a winter's day; with the air bracing and full of life。 The thrill of a new issue of bonds; like the thrill of a theatrical first night … would it get over big or flop at his feet? Tennis at Longwood; long evenings on the Charles; golf with people of his own kind at Magnolia。 Tea out of exquisite cups in dim old drawing…rooms。 Wasn't he mad to think of giving up all that? But what had Miss Minerva said? 〃If your chance ever es …〃
 The problem was a big one; and big problems were annoying out here where the lotus grew。 He yawned; and went aimlessly down…town。 Drifting into the public library; he saw Charlie Chan hunched over a table that held an enormous volume。 John Quincy went closer。 The book was made up of back numbers of the Honolulu morning paper; and it was open at a time…yellowed sporting page。
 〃Hello; Chan。 What are you up to?〃
 Chan gave him a smile of greeting。 〃Hello。 Little bit of careless reading while I gallop about seeking loophole。〃
 He closed the big volume casually。 〃You seem in the best of health。〃
 〃Oh; I'm all right。〃
 〃No more fierce shots out of bushes?〃
 〃Not a trigger pulled。 I imagine that was a big bluff … nothing more。〃
 〃What do you say … bluff?〃
 〃I mean the fellow's a coward; after all。〃
 Chan shook his head solemnly。 〃Pardon humble suggestion … do not lose carefulness。 Hot heads plenty in hot climate。〃
 〃I'll look before I leap;〃 John Quincy promised。 〃But I'm afraid I interrupted you。〃
 〃Ridiculous thought;〃 protested Chan。
 〃I'll go along。 Let me know if anything breaks。〃
 〃Most certainly。 Up to present; everything are intact。〃
 John Quincy paused at the door of the reference room。 Charlie Chan had promptly opened the big book; and was again bending over it with every show of interest。
 Returning to Waikiki; John Quincy faced a dull evening。 Barbara had gone to the island of Kauai for a visit with old friends of the family。 He had not been sorry when she went; for he didn't feel quite at ease in her presence。 The estrangement between the girl and Jennison continued; the lawyer had not been at the dock to see her off。 Yes; John Quincy had parted from her gladly; but her absence cast a pall of loneliness over the house on Kalia Road。
 After dinner; he sat with his pipe on the lanai。 Down the be
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