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 〃All right。 We'll see about that。 What have you got in that package?〃 The boy's eyes went to the table; but he made no answer。
 Chan took out a pocket knife。 〃Simple matter to discover;〃 he said。 He cut the rough twine; unwound several layers of newspapers。 John Quincy pressed close; he felt that something important was about to be divulged。
 The last layer of paper came off。 〃Hot dog!〃 cried Chan。 He turned quickly to John Quincy。 〃Oh; I am so sorry … I pick up atrocious phrase like that from my cousin Mr。 Willie Chan; Captain of All Chinese baseball team …〃
 But John Quincy did not hear; his eyes were glued to the object that lay on the table。 An ohia wood box; bound with copper … the initials T。M。B。
 〃We will unlatch it;〃 said Chan。 He made an examination。 〃No; locked most strongly。 We will crash into it at police station; where you and I and this silent Hawaiian will now hasten。 Mr。 Spencer; you will remain on spot here。 Should Brade appear; you know your duty。〃
 〃I do;〃 said Spencer。
 〃Mr。 Kaohla; do me the honor to acpany;〃 continued Chan。 〃At police headquarters much talk will be extracted out of you。〃
 They turned toward the door。 As they did so; Carlota Egan came up。 〃May I speak to you a moment?〃 she said to John Quincy。
 〃Surely。〃 He walked with her to the desk。
 〃I went to the lanai just now;〃 she whispered breathlessly。 〃Some one was crouching outside the window near where you were talking。 I went closer and it was … Mr。 Saladine!〃
 〃Aha;〃 said John Quincy。 〃Mr。 Saladine had better drop that sort of thing; or he'll get himself in trouble。〃
 〃Should we tell Chan?〃
 〃Not yet。 You and I will do a little investigating ourselves first。 Chan has other things to think about。 And we don't want any of our guests to leave unless it's absolutely necessary。〃
 〃We certainly don't;〃 she smiled。 〃I'm glad you've got the interests of the house at heart。〃
 〃That's just where I've got them …〃 John Quincy began; but Chan cut in。
 〃Humbly begging pardon;〃 he said; 〃we must speed。 Captain Hallet will have high delight to encounter this Kaohla; to say nothing of ohia wood box。〃
 In the doorway; Kaohla crowded close to John Quincy; and the latter was startled by the look of hate he saw in the boy's stormy eyes。 〃You did this;〃 muttered the Hawaiian。 〃I don't forget。〃
 The Man From India
 THEY clattered along Kalakaua Avenue in Chan's car。 John Quincy sat alone on the rear seat; at the detective's request he held the ohia wood box on his knees。
 He rested his hands upon it。 Once it had eluded him; but he had it now。 His mind went back to that night in the attic two thousand miles away; the shadow against the moonlit window; the sting of a jewel cutting across his cheek。 Roger's heartfelt cry of 〃Poor old Dan!〃 Did they hold at last; in this ohia wood box; the answer to the mystery of Dan's death?
 Hallet was waiting in his room。 With him was a keen…eyed; efficient looking man evidently in his late thirties。
 〃Hello; boys;〃 said the captain。 〃Mr。 Winterslip; meet Mr。 Greene; our district court prosecutor。〃
 Greene shook hands cordially。 〃I've been wanting to meet you; sir;〃 he said。 〃I know your city rather well。 Spent three years at your Harvard Law School。〃
 〃Really?〃 replied John Quincy with enthusiasm。
 〃Yes。 I went there after I got through at New Haven。 I'm a Yale man; you know。〃
 〃Oh;〃 remarked John Quincy; without any enthusiasm at all。 But Greene seemed a pleasant fellow; despite his choice of college。
 Chan had set the box on the table before Hallet; and was explaining how they had e upon it。 The captain's thin face had brightened perceptibly。 He inspected the treasure。 〃Locked; eh?〃 he remarked。 〃You got the key; Kaohla?〃
 The Hawaiian shook his head sullenly。 〃No。〃
 〃Watch your step; boy;〃 warned Hallet。 〃Go over him; Charlie。〃
 Chan went over him; rapidly and thoroughly。 He found a key ring; but none of the keys fitted the lock on the box。 He also brought to light a fat roll of bills。
 〃Where'd you get all that money; Dick?〃 Hallet inquired。
 〃I got it;〃 glowered the boy。
 But Hallet was more interested in the box。 He tapped it lovingly。 〃This is important; Mr。 Greene。 We may find the solution of our puzzle in here。〃 He took a small chisel from his desk; and after a brief struggle; pried open the lid。
 John Quincy; Chan and the prosecutor pressed close; their eyes staring eagerly as the captain lifted the lid。 The box was empty。
 〃Filled with nothing;〃 murmured Chan。 〃Another dream go smash against stone wall。〃
 The disappointment angered Hallet。 He turned on Kaohla。 〃Now; my lad;〃 he said。 〃I want to hear from you。 You've been in touch with Brade; you talked with him last Sunday night; you've heard he's returning to…night。 You've got some deal on with him。 e across and be quick about it。〃
 〃Nothing to tell;〃 said the Hawaiian stubbornly。
 Hallet leaped to his feet。 〃Oh; yes you have。 And by heaven; you're going to tell it。 I'm not any too patient tonight and I warn you if you don't talk and talk quick I'm likely to get rough。〃 He stopped suddenly and turned to Chan。 〃Charlie; that Inter…Island boat is due from Maui about now。 Get down to the dock and watch for Brade。 You've got his description?〃
 〃Sure;〃 answered Chan。 〃Thin pale face; one shoulder descended below other; gray mustaches that droop in saddened mood。〃
 〃That's right。 Keep a sharp lookout。 And leave this lad to us。 He won't have any secrets when we get through with him; eh; Mr。 Greene?〃
 The prosecutor; more discreet; merely smiled。
 〃Mr。 Winterslip;〃 said Chan。 〃The night is delicious。 A little stroll to moonly dock …〃
 〃I'm with you;〃 John Quincy replied。 He looked back over his shoulder as he went; and reflected that he wouldn't care to be in Kaohla's shoes。
 The pier…shed was dimly lighted and a small but diversified group awaited the ining boat。 Chan and John Quincy walked to the far end and there; seated on a packing…case; they found the water…front reporter of the evening paper。
 〃Hello; Charlie;〃 cried Mr。 Mayberry。 〃What you doing here?〃
 〃Maybe friend arrive on boat;〃 grinned Chan。
 〃Is that so?〃 responded Mayberry。 〃You boys over at the station have certainly bee pretty mysterious all of a sudden。 What's doing; Charlie?〃
 〃All pronouncements e from captain;〃 advised Chan。
 〃Yeah; we've heard his pronouncements;〃 sneered Mayberry。 〃The police have unearthed clues and are working on them。 Nothing to report at present。 It's sickening。 Well; sit down; Charlie。 Oh … Mr。 Winterslip … good evening。 I didn't recognize you at first。〃
 〃How are you;〃 said John Quincy。 He and Chan also found packing…cases。 There was a penetrating odor of sugar in the air。 Through a wide opening in the pier…shed they gazed along the water…front and out upon the moonlit harbor。 A rather exotic and intriguing scene; John Quincy reflected; and he said as much。
 〃Think so?〃 answered Mayberry。 〃Well; I don't。 To me it's just like Seattle or Galveston or any of those stereotyped ports。 But you see … I knew it when …〃
 〃I think you mentioned that before;〃 John Quincy smiled。
 〃I'm likely to mention it at any moment。 As far as I'm concerned; the harbor of 
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