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 added。 〃But tell me; Dan; are you sure the mango is a food? Seems more like a spring tonic to me。〃
 By the time they finished dinner the topic of Arlene pton was forgotten and Dan had pletely regained his good nature。 They had coffee on his veranda … or; in Island parlance; lanai … which opened off one end of the living…room。 This was of generous size; screened on three sides and stretching far down on to the white beach。 Outside the brief tropic dusk dimmed the bright colors of Waikiki。
 〃No breeze stirring;〃 said Miss Minerva。
 〃The trades have died;〃 Dan answered。 He referred to the beneficent winds which … save at rare; unfortable intervals … blow across the Islands out of the cool northeast。 〃I'm afraid we're in for a stretch of Kona weather。〃
 〃I hope not;〃 Miss Minerva said。
 〃It saps the life right out of me nowadays;〃 he told her; and sank into a chair。 〃That about being young; Minerva … it's a little bluff I'm fond of。〃
 She smiled gently。 〃Even youth finds the Kona hard to endure;〃 she forted。 〃I remember when I was here before … in the 'eighties。 I was only nineteen; but the memory of the sick wind lingers still。〃
 〃I missed you then; Minerva。〃
 〃Yes。 You were off somewhere in the South Seas。〃
 〃But I heard about you when I came back。 That you were tall and blonde and lovely; and nowhere near so prim as they feared you were going to be。 A wonderful figure; they said … but you've got that yet。〃
 She flushed; but smiled still。 〃Hush; Dan。 We don't talk that way where I e from。〃
 〃The 'eighties;〃 he sighed。 〃Hawaii was Hawaii then。 Unspoiled; a land of opera bouffe; with old Kalakaua sitting on his golden throne。〃
 〃I remember him;〃 Miss Minerva said。 〃Grand parties at the palace。 And the afternoons when he sat with his disreputable friends on the royal lanai; and the Royal Hawaiian Band played at his feet; and he haughtily tossed them royal pennies。 It was such a colorful; naive spot then; Dan。〃
 〃It's been ruined;〃 he plained sadly。 〃Too much aping of the mainland。 Too much of your damned mechanical civilization … automobiles; phonographs; radios … bah! And yet … and yet; Minerva … away down underneath there are deep dark waters flowing still。〃
 She nodded; and they sat for a moment busy with their memories。 Presently Dan Winterslip snapped on a small reading light at his side。 〃I'll just glance at the evening paper; if you don't mind。〃
 〃Oh; do;〃 urged Miss Minerva。
 She was glad of a moment without talk。 For this; after all; was the time she loved Waikiki best。 So brief; this tropic dusk; so quick the ing of the soft alluring night。 The carpet of the waters; apple…green by day; crimson and gold at sunset; was a deep purple now。 On top of that extinct volcano called Diamond Head a yellow eye was winking; as though to hint there might still be fire beneath。 Three miles down; the harbor lights began to twinkle; and out toward the reef the lanterns of Japanese sampans glowed intermittently。 Beyond; in the roadstead; loomed the battered hulk of an old brig slowly moving toward the channel entrance。 Always; out there; a ship or two; in from the East with a cargo of spice or tea or ivory; or eastward bound with a load of tractor salesmen。 Ships of all sorts; the spic and span liner and the rakish tramp; ships from Melbourne and Seattle; New York and Yokohama; Tahiti and Rio; any port on the seven seas。 For this was Honolulu; the Crossroads of the Pacific … the glamorous crossroads where; they said; in time all paths crossed again。 Miss Minerva sighed。
 She was conscious of a quick movement on Dan's part。 She turned and looked at him。 He had laid the paper on his knee; and was staring straight ahead。 That bluff about being young … no good now。 For his face was old; old。
 〃Why; Dan …〃 she said。
 〃I … I'm wondering; Minerva;〃 he began slowly。 〃Tell me again about that nephew of yours。〃
 She was surprised; but hid it。 〃John Quincy?〃 she said。 〃He's just the usual thing; for Boston。 Conventional。 His whole life has been planned for him; from the cradle to the grave。 So far he's walked the line。 The inevitable preparatory school; Harvard; the proper clubs; the family banking house … even gone and got himself engaged to the very girl his mother would have picked for him。 There have been times when I hoped he might kick over … the war … but no; he came back and got meekly into the old rut。〃
 〃Then he's reliable … steady?〃
 Miss Minerva smiled。 〃Dan; pared with that boy; Gibraltar wobbles occasionally。〃
 〃Discreet; I take it?〃
 〃He invented discretion。 That's what I'm telling you。 I love him … but a little bit of recklessness now and then … However; I'm afraid it's too late now。 John Quincy is nearly thirty。〃
 Dan Winterslip was on his feet; his manner that of a man who had made an important decision。 Beyond the bamboo curtain that hung in the door leading to the living…room a light appeared。 〃Haku!〃 Winterslip called。 The Japanese servant came swiftly。
 〃Haku; tell the chauffeur … quick … the big car! I must get to the dock before the President Tyler sails for San Francisco。 Wikiwiki!〃
 The servant disappeared into the living…room; and Winterslip followed。 Somewhat puzzled; Miss Minerva sat for a moment; then rose and pushed aside the curtain。 〃Are you sailing; Dan?〃 she asked。
 He was seated at his desk; writing hurriedly。 〃No; no … just a note … I must get it off on that boat …〃
 There was an air of suppressed excitement about him。 Miss Minerva stepped over the threshold into the living…room。 In another moment Haku appeared with an announcement that was unnecessary; for the engine of an automobile was humming in the drive。 Dan Winterslip took his hat from Haku。 〃Make yourself at home; Minerva … I'll be back shortly;〃 he cried; and rushed out。
 Some business matter; no doubt。 Miss Minerva strolled aimlessly about the big airy room; pausing finally before the portrait of Jedediah Winterslip; the father of Dan and Amos; and her uncle。 Dan had had it painted from a photograph after the old man's death; it was the work of an artist whose forte was reputed to be landscapes … oh it must assuredly have been landscapes; Miss Minerva thought。 But even so there was no mistaking the power and personality of this New Englander who had set up in Honolulu as a whaler。 The only time she had seen him; in the 'eighties; he had been broken and old; mourning his lost fortune; which had gone with his ships in an Arctic disaster a short time before。
 Well; Dan had brought the family back; Miss Minerva reflected。 Won again that lost fortune and much more。 There were queer rumors about his methods … but so there were about the methods of Bostonians who had never strayed from home。 A charming fellow; whatever his past。 Miss Minerva sat down at the grand piano and played a few old familiar bars … The Beautiful Blue Danube。 Her thoughts went back to the 'eighties。
 Dan Winterslip was thinking of the 'eighties too as his car sped townward along Kalakaua Avenue。 But it was the present that concerned him when they reached the dock and he ran; panting a little; through a dim pier…shed toward the gangplank of the President Tyler。 He had no time to spare; the ship was on the point of sailing。 Since 
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