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 〃I'm sorry;〃 said John Quincy。 〃Some other time。〃
 Bowker's panion took his arm in a firmer grasp。 〃You can't buy anything here;〃 he said。 〃This is a restaurant。 You e with me … I know a place …〃
 〃Awright;〃 agreed Bowker。 〃Now you're talking。 Quincy; o' man; you e along …〃
 〃Some other time;〃 John Quincy repeated。
 Bowker assumed a look of offended dignity。 〃Jush as you say;〃 he replied。 〃Some other time。 In Boston; hey? At Tim's place。 Only Tim's place is gone。〃 A great grief assailed him。 〃Tim's gone … dropped out … as though the earth swallowed him up …〃
 〃Yes; yes;〃 said the young man soothingly。 〃That's too bad。 But you e with me。〃
 Submitting at last; Bowker permitted his panion to pilot him to the street。 John Quincy looked across at Chan。
 〃My steward on the President Tyler;〃 he explained。 〃The worse for wear; isn't he?〃
 The waiter set a fresh piece of pie before the Chinaman。
 〃Ah;〃 remarked Chan; 〃this has a more perfect appearance。〃 He tasted it。 〃Appearance;〃 he added with a grimace; 〃are a hellish liar。 If you are quite ready to depart …〃
 In the street Chan halted。 〃Excuse abrupt departure;〃 he said。 〃Most honored to work with you。 The results will be fascinating; I am sure。 For now; good evening。〃
 John Quincy was alone again in that strange town。 A sudden homesickness engulfed him。 Walking along; he came to a news…cart that was as well supplied with literature as his club reading room。 A brisk young man in a cap was in charge。
 〃Have you the latest Atlantic?〃 inquired John Quincy。
 The young man put a dark brown periodical into his hand。 〃No;〃 said John Quincy。 〃This is the June issue。 I've seen it。〃
 〃July ain't in。 I'll save you one; if you say so。〃
 〃I wish you would;〃 John Quincy replied。 〃The name is Winterslip。〃
 He went on to the corner; regretting that July wasn't in。 A copy of the Atlantic would have been a sort of link with home; a reminder that Boston still stood。 And he felt the need of a link; a reminder。
 A trolley…car marked 〃Waikiki〃 was approaching。 John Quincy hailed it and hopped aboard。 Three giggling Japanese girls in bright kimonos drew in their tiny sandaled feet and he slipped past them to a seat。
 The Tree Of Jewels
 TWO HOURS later; John Quincy rose from the table where he and his aunt had dined together。
 〃Just to show you how quick I am to learn a new language;〃 he remarked; 〃I'm quite pau。 Now I'm going makai to sit on the lanai; there to forget the pilikia of the day。〃
 Miss Minerva smiled and rose too。 〃I expect Amos shortly;〃 she said as they crossed the hall。 〃A family conference seemed advisable; so I've asked him to e over。〃
 〃Strange you had to send for him;〃 said John Quincy; lighting a cigarette。
 〃Not at all;〃 she answered。 She explained about the long feud between the brothers。
 〃Didn't think old Amos had that much fire in him;〃 mented John Quincy; as they found chairs on the lanai。 〃A rather anemic specimen; judging by the look I had at him this morning。 But then; the Winterslips always were good haters。〃
 For a moment they sat in silence。 Outside the darkness was deepening rapidly; the tropic darkness that had brought tragedy the night before。 John Quincy pointed to a small lizard on the screen。
 〃Pleasant little beast;〃 he said。
 〃Oh; they're quite harmless;〃 Miss Minerva told him。 〃And they eat the mosquitos。〃
 〃They do; eh?〃 The boy slapped his ankle savagely。 〃Well; there's no accounting for tastes。〃
 Amos arrived presently; looking unusually pale in the half…light。 〃You asked me to e over; Minerva;〃 he said; as he sat down gingerly on one of Dan Winterslip's Hong…Kong chairs。
 〃I did。 Smoke if you like。〃 Amos lighted a cigarette; which seemed oddly out of place between his thin lips。 〃I'm sure;〃 Miss Minerva continued; 〃that we are all determined to bring to justice the person who did this ghastly thing。〃
 〃Naturally;〃 said Amos。
 〃The only drawback;〃 she went on; 〃is that in the course of the investigation some rather unpleasant facts about Dan's past are likely to be revealed。〃
 〃They're bound to be;〃 remarked Amos coldly。
 〃For Barbara's sake;〃 Miss Minerva said; 〃I'm intent on seeing that nothing is revealed that is not absolutely essential to the discovery of the murderer。 For that reason; I haven't taken the police pletely into my confidence。〃
 〃What!〃 cried Amos。
 John Quincy stood up。 〃Now look here; Aunt Minerva …〃
 〃Sit down;〃 snapped his aunt。 〃Amos; to go back to a talk we had at your house when I was there; Dan was somewhat involved with this woman down the beach。 Arlene pton; I believe she calls herself。〃
 Amos nodded。 〃Yes; and a worthless lot she is。 But Dan wouldn't see it; though I understand his friends pointed it out to him。 He talked of marrying her。〃
 〃You knew a good deal about Dan; even if you never spoke to him;〃 Miss Minerva went on。 〃Just what was his status with this woman at the time of his murder … only last night; but it seems ages ago。〃
 〃I can't quite tell you that;〃 Amos replied。 〃I do know that for the past month a malihini named Leatherbee … the black sheep of a good family in Philadelphia; they tell me … has been hanging around the pton woman; and that Dan resented his presence。〃
 〃Humph。〃 Miss Minerva handed to Amos an odd old brooch; a tree of jewels against an onyx background。 〃Ever see that before; Amos?〃
 He took it; and nodded。 〃It's part of a little collection of jewelry Dan brought back from the South Seas in the 'eighties。 There were ear…rings and a bracelet; too。 He acted rather queerly about those trinkets … never let Barbara's mother or any one else wear them。 But he must have got over that idea recently。 For I saw this only a few weeks ago。〃
 〃Where?〃 asked Miss Minerva。
 〃Our office has the renting of the cottage down the beach occupied at present by the pton woman。 She came in not long ago to pay her rent; and she was wearing this brooch。〃 He looked suddenly at Miss Minerva。 〃Where did you get it?〃 he demanded。
 〃Kamaikui gave it to me early this morning;〃 Miss Minerva explained。 〃She picked it up from the floor of the lanai before the police came。〃
 John Quincy leaped to his feet。 〃You're all wrong; Aunt Minerva;〃 he cried。 〃You can't do this sort of thing。 You ask the help of the police; and you aren't on the level with them。 I'm ashamed of you …〃
 〃Please wait a moment;〃 said his aunt。
 〃Wait nothing!〃 he answered。 〃Give me that brooch。 I'm going to turn it over to Chan at once。 I couldn't look him in the eye if I didn't。〃
 〃We'll turn it over to Chan;〃 said Miss Minerva calmly; 〃if it seems important。 But there is no reason in the world why we should not investigate a bit ourselves before we do so。 The woman may have a perfectly logical explanation …〃
 〃Rot!〃 interrupted John Quincy。 〃The trouble with you is; you think you're Sherlock Holmes。〃
 〃What is your opinion; Amos?〃 inquired Miss Minerva。
 〃I'm inclined to agree with John Quincy;〃 Amos said。 〃You are hardly fair to Captain Hallet。 And as for keeping anything dark on account of Barbara … or on anybody's account … that won't be possible; I'm afraid。 No getting round it; Minerva; Dan's indiscretions are going to be dragged into th
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