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at she saw now。 They would be a bit shocked; perhaps; for this was too lurid to be quite respectable。 A scarlet background … and a fitting one; no doubt; for Cousin Dan。
 They reached the door at the side of the house that led directly into the living…room。 Glancing to her right; Miss Minerva caught through the lush foliage glimpses of the iron fence and tall gates that fronted on Kalia Road。 Dan opened the door for her; and she stepped inside。 Like most apartments of its sort in the Islands; the living…room was walled on but three sides; the fourth was a vast expanse of wire screening。 They crossed the polished floor and entered the big hall beyond。 Near the front door a Hawaiian woman of uncertain age rose slowly from her chair。 She was a huge; high…breasted; dignified specimen of that vanishing race。
 〃Well; Kamaikui; I'm back;〃 Miss Minerva smiled。
 〃I make you wele;〃 the woman said。 She was only a servant; but she spoke with the gracious manner of a hostess。
 〃Same room you had when you first came over; Minerva;〃 Dan Winterslip announced。 〃Your luggage is there … and a bit of mail that came in on the boat this morning。 I didn't trouble to send it up to Amos's。 We dine when you're ready。〃
 〃I'll not keep you long;〃 she answered; and hurried up the stairs。
 Dan Winterslip strolled back to his living…room。 He sat down in a rattan chair that had been made especially for him in Hong…Kong; and glanced placently about at the many evidences of his prosperity。 His butler entered; bearing a tray with cocktails。
 〃Two; Haku?〃 smiled Winterslip。 〃The lady is from Boston。〃
 〃Yes…s;〃 hissed Haku; and retired soundlessly。
 In a moment Miss Minerva came again into the room。 She carried a letter in her hand; and she was laughing。
 〃Dan; this is too absurd;〃 she said。
 〃What is?〃
 〃I may have told you that they are getting worried about me at home。 Because I haven't been able to tear myself away from Honolulu; I mean。 Well; they're sending a policeman for me。〃
 〃A policeman?〃 He lifted his bushy eyebrows。
 〃Yes; it amounts to that。 It's not being done openly; of course。 Grace writes that John Quincy has six weeks' vacation from the banking house; and has decided to make the trip out here。 'It will give you some one to e home with; my dear;' says Grace。 Isn't she subtle?〃
 〃John Quincy Winterslip? That would be Grace's son。〃
 Miss Minerva nodded。 〃You never met him; did you; Dan? Well; you will; shortly。 And he certainly won't approve of you。〃
 〃Why not?〃 Dan Winterslip bristled。
 〃Because he's proper。 He's a dear boy; but oh; so proper。 This journey is going to be a great cross for him。 He'll start disapproving as he passes Albany; and think of the long weary miles of disapproval he'll have to endure after that。〃
 〃Oh; I don't know。 He's a Winterslip; isn't he?〃
 〃He is。 But the gypsy strain missed him pletely。 He's a Puritan。〃
 〃Poor boy。〃 Dan Winterslip moved toward the tray on which stood the amber…colored drinks。 〃I suppose he'll stop with Roger in San Francisco。 Write him there and tell him I want him to make this house his home while he's in Honolulu。〃
 〃That's kind of you; Dan。〃
 〃Not at all。 I like youth around me … even the Puritan brand。 Now that you're going to be apprehended and taken back to civilization; you'd better have one of these cocktails。〃
 〃Well;〃 said his guest; 〃I'm about to exhibit what my brother used to call true Harvard indifference。〃
 〃What do you mean?〃 asked Winterslip。
 〃I don't mind if I do;〃 twinkled Miss Minerva; lifting a cocktail glass。
 Dan Winterslip beamed upon her。 〃You're a good sport; Minerva;〃 he remarked; as he escorted her across the hall。
 〃When in Rome;〃 she answered; 〃I make it a point not to do as the Bostonians do。 I fear it would prove a rather thorny path to popularity。〃
 〃Besides; I shall be back in Boston soon。 Tramping about to art exhibits and Lowell Lectures; and gradually congealing into senility。〃
 But she was not in Boston now; she reflected; as she sat down at the gleaming table in the dining…room。 Before her; properly iced; was a generous slice of papaia; golden yellow and inviting。 Somewhere beyond the foliage outside the screens; the ocean murmured restlessly。 The dinner would be perfect; she knew; the Island beef dry and stringy; perhaps; but the fruits and the salad more than atoning。
 〃Do you expect Barbara soon?〃 she inquired presently。
 Dan Winterslip's face lighted like the beach at sunrise。 〃Yes; Barbara has graduated。 She'll be along any day now。 Nice if she and your perfect nephew should hit on the same boat。〃
 〃Nice for John Quincy; at any rate;〃 Miss Minerva replied。 〃We thought Barbara a lively; charming girl when she visited us in the East。〃
 〃She's all of that;〃 he agreed proudly。 His daughter was his dearest possession。 〃I tell you; I've missed her。 I've been mighty lonesome。〃
 Miss Minerva gave him a shrewd look。 〃Yes; I've heard rumors;〃 she remarked; 〃about how lonesome you've been。〃
 He flushed under his tan。 〃Amos; I suppose?〃
 〃Oh; not only Amos。 A great deal of talk; Dan。 Really; at your age …〃
 〃What do you mean; my age? I told you we're all young out here。〃 He ate in silence for a moment。 〃You're a good sport … I said it and I meant it。 You must understand that here in the Islands a man may behave a … a bit differently than he would in the Back Bay。〃
 〃At that;〃 she smiled; 〃all men in the Back Bay are not to be trusted。 I'm not presuming to rebuke you; Dan。 But … for Barbara's sake … why not select as the object of your devotion a woman you could marry?〃
 〃I could marry this one … if we're talking about the same woman。〃
 〃The one I refer to;〃 Miss Minerva replied; 〃is known; rather widely; as the Widow of Waikiki。〃
 〃This place is a hotbed of gossip。 Arlene pton is perfectly respectable。〃
 〃A former chorus girl I believe。〃
 〃Not precisely。 An actress … small parts … before she married Lieutenant pton。〃
 〃And a self…made widow。〃
 〃Just what do you mean by that?〃 he flared。 His gray eyes glittered。
 〃I understand that when her husband's aeroplane crashed on Diamond Head; it was because he preferred it that way。 She had driven him to it。〃
 〃Lies; all lies!〃 Dan Winterslip cried。 〃Pardon me; Minerva; but you mustn't believe all you hear on the beach。〃 He was silent for a moment。 〃What would you say if I told you I proposed to marry this woman?〃
 〃I'm afraid I'd bee rather bromidic;〃 she answered gently; 〃and remind you that there's no fool like an old fool。〃 He did not speak。 〃Forgive me; Dan。 I'm your first cousin; but a distant relative for all that。 It's really none of my business。 I wouldn't care … but I like you。 And I'm thinking of Barbara …〃
 He bowed his head。 〃I know;〃 he said; 〃Barbara。 Well; there's no need to get excited。 I haven't said anything to Arlene about marriage。 Not yet。〃
 Miss Minerva smiled。 〃You know; as I get on in years;〃 she remarked; 〃so many wise old saws begin to strike me as utter nonsense。 Particularly that one I just quoted。〃 He looked at her; his eyes friendly again。 〃This is the best avocado I ever tasted;〃 she added。 〃But tell me; Dan; are you sure the mango is a food? Seems more like a spring tonic to me。〃
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