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nd false…into his pockets and left the Pont…Royal。 Before doing so; however; he stuffed the bed with pillows; and hung his traveling clothes in clear view over the chair。 He walked casually past the ornate front desk; and once outside on Montalembert ran to the nearest telephone kiosk。 He inserted a coin and dialed Bernardine's home。
 〃It's Simon;〃 he said。
 〃I thought so;〃 replied the Frenchman。 〃I was hoping so。 I've just heard from Alex and told him not to tell me where you were; one cannot reveal what one does not know。 Still; if I were you; I'd go to another place; at least for the night。 You may have been spotted at the airport。〃
 〃What about you?〃
 〃I intend to be a canard。〃
 〃A duck?〃
 〃The sitting variety。 The Deuxième has my flat under watch。 Perhaps I'll have a visitor; it would be convenient; n'est…ce pas?〃
 〃You didn't tell your office about…〃
 〃About you?〃 interrupted Bernardine。 〃How could I; monsieur; when I don't know you? My protective Bureau believes I had a threatening call from an old adversary known to be a psychopath。 Actually I removed him in the Maritimes years ago but I never closed the file…〃
 〃Should you be telling me this on your telephone?〃
 〃I thought I mentioned that it was a unique instrument。〃
 〃You did。〃
 〃Suffice it to say it cannot be tapped and still function。 。。。 You need rest; monsieur。 You are no good to anyone; least of all yourself; without it。 Find a bed; I cannot help you there。〃
 〃 'Rest is a weapon;' 〃 said Jason; repeating a phrase he had e to believe was a vital truth; vital for survival in a world he loathed。
 〃I beg your pardon?〃
 〃Nothing。 I'll find a bed and call you in the morning。〃
 〃Tomorrow then。 Bonne chance; mon ami。 For both of us。〃
 He found a room at the Avenir; an inexpensive hotel on the rue Gay…Lussac。 Registering under a false name; promptly forgotten; he climbed the stairs to his room; removed his clothes; and fell into the bed。 〃Rest is a weapon;〃 he said to himself; staring at the ceiling; at the flickering lights of the Paris streets as they traveled across the plaster。 Whether rest came in a mountain cave or a rice paddy in the Mekong Delta; it did not matter; it was a weapon frequently more powerful than firepower。 That was the lesson drummed into his head by d'Anjou; the man who had given his life in a Beijing forest so that Jason Bourne might live。 Rest is a weapon; he considered; touching the bandage around his neck yet not really feeling it; its constricting presence fading as sleep came。
 He woke up slowly; cautiously; the noise of the traffic in the streets below pounding up to his window; the metallic horns like the erratic cawing of angry crows amid the irregular bursts of angry engines; full bore one moment; abrupt quiet the next。 It was a normal morning in the narrow streets of Paris。 Holding his neck rigid; Jason swung his legs to the floor from the inadequate bed and looked at his watch; startled at what he saw; wondering for an instant whether he had adjusted the watch for Paris time。 Of course he had。 It was 10:07 in the morning…Paris time。 He had slept nearly eleven hours; a fact confirmed by the rumbling in his stomach。 Exhaustion was now replaced by acute hunger。
 Food; however; would have to wait; there were things to take care of; and first on the list was to reach Bernardine; and then to learn the security status of the Pont…Royal hotel。 He got to his feet; stiffly; unsteadily; numbness momentarily invading his legs and arms。 He needed a hot shower; which was not to be had at the Avenir; then mild exercise to limber up his body; therapies unnecessary only a few years ago。 He removed his wallet from his trousers; pulled out Bernardine's card and returned to the bed to use the telephone beside it; he dialed。
 〃Le canard had no visitors; I'm afraid;〃 said the Deuxième veteran。 〃Not even the hint of a hunter; which I presume is favorable news。〃
 〃It's not until we find Panov…if we find him。 The bastards!〃
 〃Yes; that must be faced。 It's the ugliest part of our work。〃
 〃Goddamn it; I can't dismiss a man like Mo with 'That must be faced'!〃
 〃I'm not asking you to。 I'm only remarking upon the reality。 Your feelings are meaningful to you; but they don't change reality。 I did not mean to offend you。〃
 〃And I didn't mean to mouth off。 Sorry。 It's just that he's a very special person。〃
 〃I understand。 。。。 What are your plans? What do you need?〃
 〃I don't know yet;〃 answered Bourne。 〃I'll pick up the car in the Capucines and an hour or so later I'll know more。 Will you be home or at the Deuxième Bureau?〃
 〃Until I hear from you I will stay in my flat and near my very unique telephone。 Under the circumstances I prefer that you do not call me at the office。〃
 〃That's an astonishing statement。〃
 〃I don't know everyone these days at the Deuxième; and at my age; caution is not merely the better part of valor; it's frequently a substitute。 Besides; to call off my protection so swiftly might generate rumors of senility。 。。。 Speak to you later; mon ami。〃
 Jason replaced the phone; tempted to pick it up again and reach the Pont…Royal; but this was Paris; the city of discretion; where hotel clerks were loath to give information over the telephone; and would refuse to do so with guests they did not know。 He dressed quickly; went down to pay his bill; and walked out onto the rue Gay…Lussac。 There was a taxi stand at the corner; eight minutes later he walked into the lobby of the Pont…Royal and up to the concierge。 〃Je m'appelle Monsieur Simon;〃 he said to the man; giving his room number。 〃I ran into a friend last night;〃 he continued in flawless French; 〃and I stayed at her place。 Would you know if anyone came around looking for me; perhaps asking for me。〃 Bourne removed several large franc notes; his eyes telling the man he would pay generously for confidentiality。 〃Or even describing someone like me;〃 he added softly。
 〃Merci bien; monsieur。 。。。 I understand。 I will check further with the night concierge; but I'm sure he would have left a note for my personal attention if someone had e here seeking you。〃
 〃Why are you so sure?〃
 〃Because he did leave such a note for me to speak with you。 I've been calling your room since seven o'clock this morning when I came on duty。〃
 〃What did the note say?〃 asked Jason; his breathing on hold。
 〃It's what I'm to say to you。 'Reach his friend across the Atlantic。 The man has been phoning all night。' I can attest to the accuracy of that; monsieur。 The switchboard tells me that last call was less than thirty minutes ago。〃
 〃Thirty minutes ago?〃 said Jason; looking hard at the concierge and then at his watch。 〃It's five A。M。 over there 。。。 all night?〃
 The hotel man nodded as Bourne started for the elevator。
 〃Alex; for Christ's sake; what is it? They told me you've been calling all…〃
 〃Are you at the hotel?〃 interrupted Conklin quickly。
 〃Yes; I am。〃
 〃Get to a public phone in the street and call me back。 Hurry。〃
 Again the slow; cumbersome elevator; the faded ornate lobby now half filled with Parisians talking manically; many heading for the bar and their prenoon apéritifs; and again the hot bright summer street outside and the maddening 
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