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 〃Another room。 Another window。〃
 Bourne crept across the floor to the mutilated door; lurched through it and ran into the living room。 At the far end was a pair of French doors that led to an outside patio; he recalled seeing white wrought…iron lawn furniture on the south end of the house when he was with the guards。 He twisted the knob and slipped outside; pulling the automatic from his belt; shutting the right door; and crouching; making his way to the shrubbery at the edge of the grass。 He had to move quickly。 Not only was there a third life in the balance; a third unrelated; unwarranted death; but a killer who could be his shortcut to the crimes of the new Medusa; and those crimes were his bait for the Jackal! A diversion; a magnet; a trap 。。。 the flares…part of the equipment he had brought with him to Manassas。 The two emergency 〃candles〃 were in his left rear pocket; each six inches long and bright enough to be seen for miles; ignited together yet spaced apart they would light up Swayne's property like two searchlights。 One in the south drive; the other by the kennels; possibly waking the drugged dogs; bewildering them; infuriating them…Do it! Hurry。
 Jason scrambled across the lawn; his eyes darting everywhere; wondering where the stalking killer was and how the innocent quarry that Cactus had enlisted was evading him。 One was experienced; the other not; and Bourne could not permit the latter's life to be wasted。
 It happened! He had been spotted! Two cracks on either side of him; bullets from a silenced pistol slicing the air。 He reached the south leg of the paved drive and; racing across it; dived into the foliage。 Ripping a flare from his pocket; he put down the weapon; snapped up the flame of his lighter; ignited the fuse and threw the sizzling candle to his right。 It landed on the road; in seconds it would spew out the blinding fire。 He ran to his left beneath the pine trees toward the rear of the estate; his lighter and the second flare in one hand; the automatic in the other。 He was parallel to the kennels; the flare in the road exploded into bluish…white flames。 He ignited the second and threw it end over end; arcing it forty yards away to the front of the kennels。 He waited。
 The second flare burst into sputtering fire; two balls of blinding white light eerily illuminating the house and grounds of the estate's south side。 Three of the dogs began to wail; then made feeble attempts to howl; soon their confused anger would be heard。 A shadow。 Against the west wall of the white house…it moved; caught in the light between the flare by the kennels and the house。 The figure darted for the protection of the shrubbery; it crouched; an immobile but intrusive part of the silhouetted foliage。 Was it the killer or the killer's target; the last 〃brother〃 recruited by Cactus? 。。。 There was one way to find out; and if it was the former and he was a decent marksman; it was not the best tactic; but still it was the quickest。
 Bourne leaped up from the underbrush; yelling in full view as he lunged to his right; at the last half second plunging his foot into the soft dirt and pivoting; lowering his body and diving to his left。 〃Head for the cabin!〃 he roared。 And he got his answer。 Two more spits; two more cracks in the air; the bullets digging up the earth to his right。 The killer was good; perhaps not an expert but good enough。 A 。357 held six shells; five had been fired; but there had been sufficient time to reload the emptied cylinder。 Another strategy…quickly!
 Suddenly another figure appeared; a man running up the road toward the rear of Flannagan's cabin。 He was in the open…he could be killed!
 〃Over here; you bastard!〃 screamed Jason; jumping up and firing his automatic blindly into the shrubbery by the house。 And then he got another answer; a wele one。 There was a single spit; a single crack in the air and then no more。 The killer had not reloaded! Perhaps he had no more shells…whatever; the primary target was now on the high ground。 Bourne raced out of the bushes and across the lawn through the opposing light of the flares; the dogs were now really aroused; the yelps and throated growls of attack being louder。 The killer ran out of the shrubbery and into the road; racing through shadows toward the front gates。 Jason had the bastard; he knew it。 The gates were closed; the Medusan was cornered。 Bourne roared: 〃There's no way out; Snake Lady! Make it easy on yourself…〃
 A spit; a crack。 The man had reloaded while running! Jason fired; the man fell in the road。 And as he did so; the intermittent silence of the night was ripped open by the sound of a powerful; racing engine; the vehicle in question speeding up the outside road; its flashing red and blue lights signifying the police。 The police! The alarm must have been wired into the Manassas headquarters; a fact that had never occurred to Bourne; he had assumed that such a measure was impossible where Medusa was concerned。 It wasn't logical; the security was internal; no external force could be permitted for Snake Lady。 There was too much to learn; too much that had to be kept secret…a cemetery!
 The killer writhed in the road; rolling over and over toward the bordering pine trees。 There was something clutched in his hand。 Jason approached him as two police officers got out of the patrol car beyond the gate。 He lashed his foot out; kicking the man's body; releasing whatever it was in his grip and reaching down to pick it up。 It was a leather…bound book; one of a set; like a volume of Dickens or Thackeray; the embossed letters in gold; more for display than for reading。 It was crazy! Then he flipped open a page and understood it was not crazy at all。 There was no print inside; only the scrawl of handwritten notes on blank pages。 It was a diary; a ledger!
 There could be no police! Especially not now。 He could not allow them to be aware of his and Conklin's penetration into Medusa。 The leather…bound book in his hand could not see the official light of day! The Jackal was everything。 He had to get rid of them!
 〃We got a call; mister;〃 intoned a middle…aged patrolman walking toward the grilled gate; a younger associate joining him。 〃HQ said he was uptight as hell。 We're responding; but like I told dispatch; there've been some pretty wild parties out here; no criticism intended; sir。 We all like a good time now and then; right?〃
 〃Absolutely right; Officer;〃 replied Jason; trying his utmost to control the painful heaving in his chest; his eyes straying to the wounded killer…he had disappeared! 〃There was a momentary shortage in electricity that somehow interfered with the telephone lines。〃
 〃Happens a lot;〃 confirmed the younger patrolman。 〃Sudden showers and summer heat lightnin'。 Someday they'll put all them cables underground。 My folks got a place…〃
 〃The point is;〃 interrupted Bourne; 〃everything's getting back to normal。 As you can see; some of the lights in the house are back on。〃
 〃I can't see nothin' through them flares;〃 said the young police officer。
 〃The general always takes the ultimate precautions;〃 explained Jason。 〃I guess he feels he has to;〃 added Bourne; somewhat lamely。 〃Regardless; everything's…as I said…getting back to normal。 
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