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 〃I know of no such person; monseigneur。〃
 〃He is there; nevertheless。 Our hero rightfully plains of his presence; and a call to his home in the city of Boston confirms that it is he。〃
 〃His presence here is not desirable; then?〃
 〃His presence there is abominable to me。 He pretends to be in my debt…an enormous debt; an event that could destroy him…yet his actions tell me that he's ungrateful; that he intends to cancel his debt by betraying me; and by betraying me he betrays you。〃
 〃He's dead。〃
 〃Exactly。 In the past he's been valuable to me; but the past is over。 Find him; kill him。 Make his death appear to be a tragic accident。 。。。 Finally; since we will not speak until you are back on Martinique; are preparations plete for your last act on my behalf?〃
 〃They are; monseigneur。 The two syringes were prepared by the surgeon at the hospital in Fort…de…France。 He sends you his devotion。〃
 〃He should。 He's alive; as opposed to several dozen of his patients。〃
 〃They know nothing of his other life in Martinique。〃
 〃I'm aware of that。 。。。 Administer the doses in forty…eight hours; when the chaos has begun to subside。 Knowing that the hero was my invention…which I'll make sure they know…will put a chameleon to shame。〃
 〃All will be done。 You'll be here soon?〃
 〃In time for the shock waves。 I'm leaving within the hour and will reach Antigua before it's noon in Montserrat tomorrow。 All things being on schedule; I'll arrive in time to observe the exquisite anguish of Jason Bourne before I leave my signature; a bullet in his throat。 The Americans will then know who has won。 Adieu。〃
 The nurse; like an ecstatic suppliant; arched her neck in front of the mirror remembering the mystical words of her omniscient lord。 It was nearly time; she thought; opening the dresser drawer and picking out a diamond…clustered wire garrote from among her necklaces; a gift from her mentor。 It would be so simple。 She had easily learned who the judge was and where he was staying…the old; painfully thin man three villas away。 Everything now was precision; the 〃tragic accident〃 merely a prelude to the horror that would take place at Villa Twenty in less than an hour。 For all of Tranquility's villas had kerosene lamps in the event of electricity loss and generator malfunction。 A panicked old man with loose bowels; or in plain fear; living through such a storm as they were experiencing; might well attempt to light a lamp for additional fort。 How tragic that his upper body would fall into the flowing spilled kerosene; his neck scorched into black tissue; the neck that had been garroted: Do it; insisted the echoing voices of her imagination。 You must obey。 Without Carlos you would have been a headless corpse in Algeria。
 She would do it…she would do it now。
 The harsh downpour of the rain on the roof and the windows; and the whistling; roaring wind outside were interrupted by a blinding streak of lightning followed by a deafening crack of thunder。
 〃Jean Pierre Fontaine〃 wept silently as he knelt beside the bed; his face inches from his woman's; his tears falling on the cold flesh of her arm。 She was dead; and the note by her white rigid hand said it all: Maintenant nous deux sommes libres; mon amour。
 They were both free。 She from the terrible pain; he from the price demanded by the monseigneur; a price he had not described to her; but one she knew was too horrible to pay。 He had known for months that his woman had ready access to pills that would end her life quickly if her living became unendurable; he had frequently; at times frantically; searched for them but he had never found them。 Now he knew why as he stared at the small tin of her favorite pastilles; the harmless droplets of licorice she had popped laughingly into her mouth for years。
 〃Be thankful; mon cher; they might be caviar or those expensive drugs the rich indulge in!〃 They were not caviar but they were drugs; lethal drugs。
 Footsteps。 The nurse! She had e out of her room; but she could not see his woman! Fontaine pushed himself up from the bed; wiped his eyes as best he could; and hurried to the door。 He opened it; stunned by the sight of the woman; she stood directly in front of him; her arm raised; the knuckles of her hand arcing forward to knock。
 〃Monsieur! 。。。 You startled me。〃
 〃I believe we startled each other。〃 Jean Pierre slipped out; rapidly closing the door behind him。 〃Regine is finally asleep;〃 he whispered; bringing his forefinger to his lips。 〃This terrible storm has kept her up most of the night。〃
 〃But it is sent from heaven for us…for you…isn't it? There are times when I think the monseigneur can order such things。〃
 〃Then I doubt they e from heaven。 It's not the source of his influence。〃
 〃To business;〃 interrupted the nurse; not amused and walking away from the door。 〃Are you prepared?〃
 〃I will be in a matter of minutes;〃 replied Fontaine; heading for the table where his killing equipment lay in the locked drawer。 He reached into his pocket and took out the key。 〃Do you want to go over the procedure?〃 he asked; turning。 〃For my benefit; of course。 At this age; details are often blurred。〃
 〃Yes; I do; because there is a slight change。〃
 〃Oh?〃 The old Frenchman arched his brows。 〃Also at my age sudden changes are not wele。〃
 〃It's only a question of timing; no more than a quarter of an hour; perhaps much less。〃
 〃An eternity in this business;〃 said Fontaine as yet another streak of lightning; separated only milliseconds from its crash of thunder; interrupted the pounding rain on the windows and the roof。 〃It's dangerous enough to be outside; that bolt was too near for safety。〃
 〃If you believe that; think how the guards feel。〃
 〃The 'slight change;' please? Also an explanation。〃
 〃I'll give you no explanation except to say that it is an order from Argenteuil and you were responsible。〃
 〃The judge?〃
 〃Draw your own conclusions。〃
 〃Then he was not sent to…〃
 〃I'll say no more。 The change is as follows。 Rather than running up the path from here to the guards at Villa Twenty and demanding emergency assistance for your ill wife; I will say I was returning from the front desk where I was plaining about the telephone and saw a fire in Villa Fourteen; three away from ours。 There'll no doubt be a great deal of confusion; what with the storm and everyone yelling and calling for help。 That will be your signal。 Use the confusion; get through and take out whoever remains at the woman's villa…make sure your silencer is secure。 Then go inside and do the work you have sworn to do。〃
 〃So I wait for the fire; for the guards and for you to return to Number Eleven。〃
 〃Exactly。 Stay on the porch with the door closed; of course。〃
 〃Of course。〃
 〃It may take me five minutes or perhaps even twenty; but stay there。〃
 〃Naturally。 。。。 May I ask; madame…or perhaps mademoiselle; although I see no evidence…〃
 〃What is it?〃
 〃It will take you five or twenty minutes to do what?〃
 〃You're a fool; old man。 What must be done。〃
 〃Of course。〃
 The nurse pulled her raincoat around her; looped the belt and walked to the front door of the villa。 〃Get your equipment together and be out here in three minutes;〃 she manded。
 〃Of course
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