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 〃England!〃 He had to get into 〃England〃 and then ultimately into 〃America;〃 where all his instincts told him the end would e…one way or another。 He had to find the truck that was being driven by the Jackal and destroy both。 He could do it…he could do it! Carlos thought he was dead and that was the key; for the Jackal would do what he had to do; what he; Jason Bourne; would do if he were Carlos。 When the holocaust he had ignited was at its zenith; the Jackal would abandon the truck and put into play his means of escape…his escape to Paris; the real Paris; where his army of old men would spread the word of their monseigneur's triumph over the ubiquitous; disbelieving Soviets。 It would be somewhere near the tunnel; that was a given。
 The race through 〃London;〃 〃Coventry〃 and 〃Portsmouth〃 could only be likened to the newsreel footage from World War II depicting the carnage hurled down on Great Britain by the Luftwaffe; pounded by first the screaming and then the silent terror of the V…2 and V…5 rockets。 But the residents of Novgorod were not British…forbearance gave way to mass hysteria; concern for all became survival for self alone。 As the impressive reproductions of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament crashed down in flames and the aircraft factories of 〃Coventry〃 were reduced to raging fires; the streets swelled with screaming; horrified crowds racing through the roads that led to the Volkhov River and the shipyards of 〃Portsmouth。〃 There; from the scaled…down piers and slips; scores threw themselves into rushing waters only to be caught in the magnesium grids where sharp; jagged bolts of electricity blazingly zigzagged through the air; leaving limp bodies floating toward the next metal traps above and below the angry surface。 In paralyzed fragments; the crowds watched and turned in panic; fighting their way back into the miniaturized city of 〃Portsea〃; the guards had abandoned their posts and chaos ruled the night。
 Snapping on the jeep's searchlight; Bourne drove in sudden spurts down alleyways and the less crowded narrow streets…south; always south。 He grabbed a flare from the army vehicle's floor; pulled the release string; and proceeded to thrust the spitting; hissing; blinding burst of fire into the hands and faces of the hysterical racing stragglers who tried to climb on board。 The sight of the constantly pulsating flame so close to their eyes was enough; each screamed and recoiled in terror; no doubt thinking yet another explosive had detonated in his or her immediate vicinity。
 A graveled road! The gates to the American pound were less than a hundred yards away。 。。。 The graveled road? Soaked with fuel! The plastic charges had not gone off…but they would in a matter of moments; creating a wall of fire; enveloping the jeep and its driver! With the accelerator pressed to the floor; Jason raced to the gate。 It was deserted…and the iron barrier was down! He slammed on the brakes; skidding to a stop; hoping beyond reasonable hope that no sparks would fly out and ignite the gravel。 Placing the spewing flare on the metal floor; he swiftly removed two grenades from his pockets…grenades he was loath to part with…pulled the pins; and hurled both toward the gate。 The massive explosions blew the barricade away and instantly set the graveled road on fire; the leaping flames immediate…enveloping him! He had no choice; he threw the hot flare away and sped through the tunnel of fire into Novgorod's final largest pound。 As he did so the concrete guardhouse at the 〃English〃 border exploded; glass; stone and shards of metal shot out and up everywhere。
 He had been so filled with anxiety on their way to the crossing into 〃Spain〃 that he barely recalled the diminutive replicas of the 〃American〃 cities and towns; much less the fastest routes that led to the tunnel。 He had merely followed young Benjamin's harsh shouted mands; but he did remember that the California…bred trainer kept referring to the 〃coast road…like Route One; man; up to Carmel!〃 It was; of course; those streets closest to the Volkhov; which in turn became; in no order of geographical sequence; a shoreline in 〃Maine;〃 the Potomac River of 〃Washington;〃 and the northern waters of Long Island Sound that housed the naval base at 〃New London。〃
 The madness had reached 〃America。〃 Police cars; their sirens wailing; sped through the streets; men shouting into radios as people in various stages of dress and undress ran out of buildings and stores; screaming about the terrible earthquake that had hit this leg of the Volkhov; one even more severe than the catastrophe in Armenia。 Even with the surest knowledge of devastating infiltration; the leaders of Novgorod could not reveal the truth。 It was as if the seismic geologists of the world were forgotten; their discoveries unfounded。 The giant forces beneath the earth did not collide and erupt in terrible swift immediacy; instead; they worked in relays; sending a series of crippling body blows from north to south。 Who questions authority in the panic of survival? Everyone in 〃America〃 was being prepared; primed for what they knew not。
 They found out roughly ten minutes after the destruction of a large part of the diminutive 〃Great Britain。〃 Bourne reached the pressed; miniaturized outlines of 〃Washington; D。C。〃 when the conflagration began。 The first to plunge into flames; the sound of its detonation delayed only by milliseconds; was the wooden duplicate of the Capitol dome; it blew into the yellowed sky like the thin; hollow replica it was。 Moments later…only moments…the Washington Monument; centered in its patch of grassy park; crumpled with a distant boom as if its false base had been shoveled away by a thunderous ground…moving machine。 In seconds the artificial set piece that was the White House collapsed in flames; the explosions dulled both audibly and visibly; for 〃Pennsylvania Avenue〃 was awash in fire。
 Bourne knew where he was now。 The tunnel was between 〃Washington〃 and 〃New London; Connecticut〃! It was no more than five minutes away! He drove the jeep down to the street paralleling the river; and again there were frightened; hysterical crowds。 The police were shouting through loudspeakers; first in English and then in Russian; explaining the terrible consequences if anyone tried to swim across the water; the searchlights swinging back and forth; picking up the floating bodies of those who had tried in the northern pounds。
 〃The tunnel; the tunnel! Open the tunnel!〃
 The screams from the excited crowds became a chant that could not physically be denied; the underground pipeline was about to be assaulted。 Jason leaped out of the surrounded jeep; pocketing the remaining three flares; and propelled his way; arms and shoulders working furiously; often fruitlessly; through the crushing; crashing bodies。 There was nothing else for it; he pulled out a flare and ripped the release from its recess。 The spewing flame had its effect; heat and fire were catalysts。 He ran through the crowd; pummeling everyone in front of him; shoving the blinding; spitting flare into terrified faces; until he reached the front and faced a cordon of guards in the uniforms of the United States Army。 It was crazy; insane! The world had gone 
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